Aussie dropped into the Pokémon world without so much as a ‘how do you do’ into the body of some orphan kid. Let’s see how Gideon tries to pull a life together in a world with more danger and less friendly people than the anime ever showcased. I don’t own Pokémon or the cover picture
Meowth watched slowpoke for another few minutes before slowly making his way back to his food bowl not taking his eyes off the lazy looking thing..
And after about another 10 minutes of both me and meowth eating in a tense atmosphere watching for any signs of aggression or anything that could be seen as a threat from the lump of pink, we finally settled down..
I know everyone said slowpoke are harmless, lazy and idiotic pokemon that were a threat to no one but themselves, but I wasn't taking a chance on that by letting my guard down quickly…
But I'm fairly sure he fell asleep while fishing with his tail…not even registering us as a threat, not because we couldn't beat him.. because I would put my money on meowth in a fight, but I'd say he was watching us while we trained and seen we weren't here for him…
Whatever it was it didn't matter….I liked this spot and I know I said I wouldn't get into territory disputes with any Pokémon yet, but I wasn't going to just bail because there was a slowpoke here..
So I told meowth to keep an eye on him and continue to train…and if a battle broke out for whatever reason, he could use his sharp claws to cut the rope on his tail to stop the rock from slowing him down…
We went back to training, me doing a few suicide drills while meowth power lifted a stone with his tail all while keeping an eye on the slowpoke who hadn't even opened his eyes yet…
And so it went for another hour and a half, eventually me and meowth got used to his presence and I was almost certain he wasn't a threat at this point….
But all of a sudden there was a sudden harsh and violent splashing, I turn to see what's going on as I hear alarmed cries from slowpoke..
Meowth was by my side pretty much instantly having already cut the rope holding the stone to his tail, looking ready for a fight, claws digging into the earth, low grumbling and scowling in direction of the sudden outburst..
All I can see is slowpoke with his head turned to face behind him, his feet planted firmly on the ground and somehow being slowly dragged toward the water and large splashes of water being thrown around where his tail was connected to the water…
He's caught something….or somethings caught him?
Between his panicked cries I see shimmers of pinkish energy sizzling off him like diesel fumes in sunlight and making their way toward the splashing where I can now see a pretty big shadow wiggling and snarling…
And slowpokes attacker suddenly comes to light as he is trying to stop himself from being dragged into the stream..
It's a biiiig fish…that's coloured dark blue on top of its head with a blood red jaw with two massive and very clearly dangerous teeth extending out of that jaw, that has a patch of yellow on it, like some sort of fishy soul patch, and finally two sharp spikes yellow fins on top of its head and one on each side of its body….pokemon are a lot scarier in real life and this this looks absolutely terrifying..
I'm almost certain that's a Carvanha..
It's doing it's darnedest to drag that slowpoke into the water for what I can assume is an easy meal, and slowpoke not liking that idea is using what looks like pink….I'm guessing psychic energy to try and get him off, but that energy is just washing over him doing nothing at all….Carvanha is water AND dark type..
Slowpoke is slowly but surely loosing this life or death game of tug o war, and with his psychic powers nigh ineffective on the ravenous giant piranha, he's lost his usual "nothing bothers me" look we were getting used to as it falls to absolute panic…
And in his desperation he turns to me and meowth who are watching on as spectators and calls out *SLOOOOOWWWWW!!* clearly looking for some help…
I'm torn on actually wanting to jump in on this fight, on one hand I want to keep training here, I like this area and having something like a Carvanha nearby would not a safe training environment make….not to mention I like slowpoke as a Pokémon and I don't really want to see one ripped apart in front of me…
And on the other hand, while it's not my responsibility to jump in and save this guy…what if I did have meowth jump in and we still lose….this isn't a game, there are no numbers to tell me how strong that Carvanha is…what if it's too strong and beats both slowpoke and meowth…I can see it's struggling to drag in that slowpoke but the "what if" is weighing me down…what if we help slowpoke get free and that Carvanha focuses on meowth and slowpoke just leaves us to fight alone…
Losing can mean death for meowth, this isn't some arena with judges to call a winner, this is the wild…you lose you become dinner for the winner…
With meowth looking at me for an answer, I was stuck in indecision before I just decided I might as well take a gamble and hope it works out for the best…no better way to train a Pokémon to fight than fighting right?
"Meowth! Work up and then payday!, aim for its eyes!"
Meowth instantly starts yowling in aggression as white energy focuses around him as his stringy frame expands a size..
And the moment he was finished the coin on his forehead shined gold before blasting a condensed laser-ish beam that heads straight for the aggressive fish trying to eat slowpokes tail
The shot goes a bit off centre and hits it in the middle of the head just shy of its eye, which causes a minor scuff mark to blemish its scales…
His eyes dart towards meowth and growls aggressively but doesn't let go of slowpoke but instead doubled his efforts to drag his would be prey to his watery dinner table..
Meowth blasts again but this time hitting true and landing an attack directly on the eye of the dark water type which causes the fish to released its jaws..
Slowpoke taking the chance to run forward as fast as his chonky body would carry him moved away from the water, but instead of fleeing, turns around with what looks like anger on his fury face as his forehead shines with a dull light before braining his assailant right between the eyes….headbutt if I had to make a guess..
The fish reels from that hit and I take advantage as well.
"Meowth close in and hit him with fury swipes! But the second he looks to want to grab onto you bail out!"
Meowth springs forward with sharp claws glowing and unleashes a barrage of claw swipes onto the face of the still reeling fish, as it still had its eyes closed and was getting battered left right and centre..
Slowpoke also added another headbutt which seemed to rob the fish of its consciousness as it slumped over to its side, still floating close to shore…
And meowth being just as much as an opportunist as myself, reaches over and imbeds it's claws into the side of the downed Pokémon and drags it onto shore, with three legged heaves it eventually pulls it far enough away from the water that it would have trouble getting back to it quickly..
I didn't want to approach it incase it was playing dead for whatever reason, even though pokeverse humans are sturdier than humans I knew of, I wasn't going to put it to the test to see what if that jaw could chew through me…
Meowth just looked to me as if asking for permission, I was about to ask what it wanted but then it hit me….he wants to eat it….
Well, the first Pokémon kill had to come eventually I guess…so, better luck next time big fella..but I thought I would verbally confirm it before I got a little too far ahead of myself first
" you want to eat it yeah?"
A quick and happy nod is given
" alright mate, you do you…do I need to like…cook it?, or will you eat it raw?"
A quick chomp to its throat answered that question, and before it was fully dead meowth was already feasting on it…getting blood all over him….i guess we are gonna shower when we get home..
And then I see slowpoke meandering over with his tail bloodied and looking a little tired, he made his way over to us…I was a little weary about him being mad we didn't help him right away but it turned out to be needless as he walks right up to meowth and speaks..
Looks like he's asking for a bit of the Carvanha, which would be fair because he probably did more damage to it then we did…but we did kind of save his life….he wouldn't be able to get any kind of attack on it if Carvanha had hold of his tail the whole time..
Meowth just looks to me….I shrug and told him it was up to him….to which meowth agreed without much thought…
But just as slowpoke was about to start eating he winced at his his tail was dragged over a stone…
He just looks back to see how bad a shape his tail is in, but still with that bored look on his face that returned after the battle he lets out a little grunt and a pinkish light surrounded his tail…
His tails wounds and flesh chunks missing from his tail all stitch back together neatly in mere moments…he lets out a satisfied huff before standing on the opposite side of the fish corpse and started to dig in…
Was that…..HEAL PULSE!?