
The truth

Walking toward the shower I saw Delium getting out of the shower with a towel around her. B-"You don't mind if I go take a shower do you?" D-"Not at all" I walked by her and got in the shower and started rinsing off. She had plenty of pretty smelling soaps. While washing my hair I started thinking about last night and I figured fuck it, time to rub one out. Picturing her ankles by her head I started rubbing one out in the shower. I figured I would ruin her loofah, instead of aiming for the drain. Well after getting a good wrist workout I got out and dried off. I left the bathroom in a tower and realized that I didn't have any clothes that were available to change into. I had a few in my space but would look odd if suddenly, I had fresh clothes on that she hadn't seen on me again. Note to self, get a backpack. Walking out of the shower I walked out with a towel around my waste. I heard noise coming from living room and walked in there and saw Professor Oak giving Delium his "oak" as she was bent over the couch with no clothes on. B-"What the hell is going on here?"

All I could see is how she betrayed me and I pulled my dagger out of my space and ran over and shoved it into Professor oaks neck. I pushed him over as he was dyeing as he bled out. Delium was screaming her lungs out. D-"I'm so sorry Bash I …. " She had stopped speaking due to the knife I had just shoved in her throat as well. Got damn whore…. I need to get out of here.

















So do you like the new twist???? HAHA just kidding .. work has been busy and will hopefully post the real chapter later

Hope you enjoyed the new plot. Lmao

NewManagementcreators' thoughts