
Its Friday

After a long night of debauchery and tongue punching of different orifices our favorite MC woke up covered by two sexy ladies. It was a refreshing feeling being sandwiched between four large breast and two beautiful faces.

Storm was sleeping by the wall in the bedroom. I figured he had a good run last night in the research facility. I was wanting to check on the goods he acquired but I figured I would wait for the ladies to wake up.

They started moving around about 30 minutes after I woke up. I was greeted with a kiss on each cheek from each of the ladies. Jasmine and Delia both had a small amount of blush going on after realizing what they were doing last night. Lets just say that all barriers where broken between the two of them and I almost felt like a third wheel at some points.

The ladies left to rinse off and I hopped inside the space. I was shocked to say the least. I saw all sorts of equipment all over the place. Tables, benches, glass cabinets filled with pokeballs of different colors, computers and wall lockers. I looked at Storm who had entered the space a little after me and before I said anything. S-[I brought everything in this space that wasn't apart of the foundation or in the walls. I figured since you were pissed with how they treated Jasmine, a little revenge would be fun.] I couldn't help but laugh. I hope the solar generators I have will be enough to run all this equipment. I will need to get ahold of Brittany and see if she wants a job with the best benefits around.

I left the space and waited for the ladies to get out of the space. I wanted to see about leaving today to get started but with all the equipment now sitting in the space, I send Brittany a message asking if she wanted to get together for lunch today. When the girls got out of the shower, Jasmine came in the kitchen and started cooking. We talked about the space and I told them I would show them after breakfast. Also chatted about getting Brittany to join us and leaving town to go see about getting more pokemon.

After breakfast we left and went into the space. Jasmine was shocked at all of the equipment. She recognized most of the equipment, but some of it she never saw before. I told her that Storm had found a basement under the building with a lot of equipment as well. He got some of the equipment from there as well as most of the pokeballs that where in cases. B-"You can set them up how ever you like. The pokemon can move them for you were ever you like. I'm sure you are going to be very busy for a while. I hope I will be able to get the two of you some more help." D-"I am looking forward to getting all of this set up." J-"What will happen if I open the pokeballs in this space?" B-"You can let the pokemon out and go free. This way we can also see what they had stashed in the basement. I am going to leave you girls in here. Message me if you girls want out. It seems our phones can reach each other while separated by this space. Not sure if it's the signal or if its just because my phone is on me and you guys are in the space. Kind of like 2 cans and a string. I will be going for now."

I left the space after saying goodbyes. I left Jasmine's house after I called for a ride. The car dropped me off at the cities north gate. I wanted to hit up the mountains north of the city and see if we could get some more pokemon. They had a few outposts north of the city. On the far side of the mountains was the ocean.

Making the way into the woods I headed North west of the town. After a few minutes in the woods I called out my crew of pokemon to start the hunt. The pokemon that were new to us we would capture and the ones that didn't want to surrender would die. I wanted to get more pokemon in my space and build my own little army. Brittany responded a while after I was in the woods saying she had already left the town and was at an outpost again. I wished her best of luck and if I ran into her again, we could catch up. (little did I know it wouldn't be that far in the future).

We made our way through the woods, not running into many pokemon. There were more trainers in these woods since it was next to a large town. We kept heading to the mountains. We traveled for till the sun set and at the request of Storm and the other pokemon, they wanted to stay out and run around. I made sure they stayed together incase they ran into trouble. I left for the space.

When I got inside, I noticed all the equipment from the research facility was lined up and all connected. Delia and Jasmine were talking and standing a desk with a few computers. I walked over to the 2 of them and snuck up and grabbed the two of them from behind making them scream and jump. B-"Why are you guys so jumpy? Hahaha" D-"That wasn't funny. I almost pissed myself." J-"Bahahaha that's too funny, Oh do we have great news for you Bash." Jasmine looked at Delia and smiled. D-"What do we get for about to deliver such amazing news babe?" B-"Well… How about I make a promise that neither of you will be able to walk tomorrow without pain?" J-"Sounds good to me!!! So first off they had a lot of pokemon in those pokeballs. We already released them into the space, and they are playing with the others now. The next is that they have some pokeballs here that are more advanced than what is being sold, so we got lucky there. The best part is that those idiots didn't update any of the passwords after they fired me a year ago and all the admin logon credentials, I used a year ago still works and I have full access to all the information on these computers and servers Storm stole for us. We just started going through all the information. It is going to take us a while to go through all this information. We are going to be busy for the next few weeks at least. They had everything backed up on these servers." B-"That is awesome. I guess you two will be getting all the rewards you can handle tonight. Who is hungry? We might as well eat dinner before the fun begins and what pokemon did we get from them?" D-"We will talk about it over dinner as I'm starving so Jasmine you need to get to it. Hahaha" J-"Fine… I'll get started"

While we were waiting on food, Delia told me all the Pokemon we got from our little raid.




2 Abra



2 Poliwag

2 Machoke

2 Pikachu

3 Sandshrew

2 Psyduck

5 Ponyta

I needed to get another pokemon trainer on board with us. Both Delia and Jasmine were scientist and could help a little but they wanted to focus on researching. Delia brought it to my attention that Ashley was obsessed with pokemon training, but she doesn't have one yet. We came to an agreement that we would head over to her college and see if she wanted to join us. After all the food was put away, we sat around playing with each other on the couch. Once all the clothes were shed, I fulfilled my promise of rewarding them. I reminded them half way through that tomorrow they weren't allowed to be mad at me since this is what they wanted.

Sorry about only getting this one out so far. Hoping to get a quick 2nd one out today. I write while at work so on busy weeks like this one I wasn't able to get much goof off time.

NewManagementcreators' thoughts