
Pokémon - Savage World

What happens when you go to the Pokémon universe and you realize that the adorable creatures aren’t as cute as you thought and they will just as likely kill you. Pokémon battles have casualties, strolls through the woods end up with missing family members. Join our MC as he becomes the greatest Pokémon master ever and slays women faster than he earns badges First time writing. Will do 1 chapter a week at least. ————————— I don’t own any rights to Pokémon or anything affiliated with it. ————————— Also looking for someone to create a good cover for me.

NewManagement · アニメ·コミックス
43 Chs

Again I believe it’s a chapter

I turned around and a buss boy was giving me an evil look. I say buss boy, but this guy looked to be in his 40s and looked like he hadn't showered in a few days. His hair looked greasy and honestly gave me the impression that he was still living in his mother's basement. I turned around ignoring him and he walked over and tried to talk to Jasmine interrupting my conversation with her parents.

J-"Don't be rude Dave, Bash is talking to my parents. Interrupting them is very rude. Go clean some bother someone else." Dave-"sorry" He turned around and left toward the back of the restaurant. Jasmine's parents left to go cook what I ordered which was just about everything. J-"Sorry about Dave, he is an annoying pest. I asked my parents to fire him so many times already, but they feel bad for him as he seems a bit slow." B-"Don't worry about it. It seems he has the hots for you. Between the look he gave me and the way he was fawning over you." J-"Yeah, he is a creep and I have caught him trying to follow me many times." B-"It doesn't bother me, I have no issue breaking his legs." J-"That's so sweat of you to do that for me." I thought, [its not for you, its for that asshole wanting to do something to me. If we were anywhere else Storm would already be sinking his teeth in that fat bastards' skull.] B-"He just gives me the creeps. Anyways let's enjoy our meal."

We spent the next hour feasting and laughing as Jasmines parents joined us and we had a great time. David walked by from time to time asking if we needed anything, but everything was be taken cared of by Jasmine's parents. He kept giving me glares, which was kind of creepy since I was a teenager and he was in his 40s. We left after I paid for the meal. They tried to refuse payment, but I knew they would take a big hit if I didn't. The bill was nearly 400 pokedollars going off the menu prices. I had a few to go boxes but I promised them I would return. J-"where to next?" B-"Who would be the people to respond to an attack by the pokemon?" J-"That is the PRD, Pokemon Response Division. They are mostly paid Pokemon trainers with strong pokemon and a few volunteers that help." B-"yeah can we head there, I wanted to find out if they found the survivors from the outpost that was overran." J-"Yeah, its right across town.

As we were driving across town Jasmine's hand ended up on my thigh. Her car was a stick shift and at first, her hand would be closer to my knee. But as the drive continued it was almost on my junk. B-"Did you want to stop by your place and food some of this food in the fridge so it doesn't go bad?" J-"That's a great idea. I would hate for all of this food to go bad as we made our way around town." She made some quick turns on some side road and after a few minutes of listening to her breathing heavy the car came to a stop. J-"follow me" We got out of the car and I grabbed the bag of leftovers out of the back seat. She was living in a nice little house. She got to the door and was fumbling with the keys and ended up dropping them. B-"are you okay Jasmine?" J-"Y-yeah I'm fine." When she bent over I noticed her blue jeans were wet at her crotch. I really think Delia was right about women being around me. That or Jasmine pissed herself.

We got inside her house and she asked me to put the food in the fridge as she walked off toward the back of the house. I put the food away and sat on the couch in the living room. About 20 minutes passed and I asked out loud "Are you okay Jasmine?" J-"Y-yeah I I'm fine. I'll b-be out in a minuuuute." I could hear what she was doing. Being bound with so many pokemon already I had excellent hearing and I could hear the sloshing sound coming from her bedroom. I couldn't believe she was doing that while I was out here waiting. She was trying to muffle her moans but I could easily hear them. Jasmine was a beautiful lady. She had the biggest breast I had seen yet, well not yet anyways. I got up and walked toward the room she was in and opened the door a little. Peaking in I couldn't see anything but once I stuck my head in the room, I saw the corner of her bed and moving my head in further I saw her on the bed mostly naked. Her pants and underwear were around her ankles and feet. She had her shrit pulled up and bra off to the side. She was on her knees with her face in a pillow and her ass in the air. She had 2 fingers in her pussy giving me the rock-n-roll hand sign. She had a nice little ass, but her best feature was definitely her huge chest. Her other hand was playing with her giant tits. I snuck up behind her and I got close and took a sniff as quietly as I could. The STD had freaked me out a little bit. She didn't smell like rotten fish, so I might as well help her relieve herself.

B-"Do you need any help Jasmine." J-"God please" I was honestly surprised at her response, I thought she would jump or scream. I leaned over and licked her pussy. J-"OMG!!!! WHAT ARE DOING!!" B-"I'm helping you as you just heard me say." J-"OMG I thought it was my imagination." This whole time she was trying to get her pants up but was fumbling and ended up falling off the other side of the bed. B-"I said do you want me to give you hand with what you're doing. I'm sure I would make it a lot better than just by yourself." J-"Are you sure?" B-"well its up to you, I can leave and let you finish. Ill be waiting in the living room." As I headed toward the bedroom door, J-"Stop, don't go" B-"What is it?" I turned around and started walking toward her, she was still sitting on the floor on the far side of the bed hiding. J-"Help me" B-"okay" I walked around the bed and saw her sitting on the floor with her pants still around her ankles and her shirt pulled down. B-"You won't be needing these." I pulled her pants and underwear off her ankles. I reached for her shirt and she stopped me. J-"Leave my shirt on please." B-"Jasmine, if you want my help, I will need to take your shirt off." She looked away and took her hands off her shirt. I grabbed her shirt and lifted it over her head.

MFVO- Good news I should be able to release 2 more chaps today. The next one is obvious but the one after will be more related to the story as opposed to the MC who has an animal magnetism that drives all of the women wild. If only it existed in this world.. Not for everyone.. just me

Thx for reviews

NewManagementcreators' thoughts