
Poisoned Truth

A girl pampered like a doll living in a beautiful and classic doll house along with her pampering parents and her trusted companion. A perfect family, don't you think ? But what if she is given the most bitter drink by her parents, would she drink it or spit it out? Horror and Darkness can't be washed away completely but maybe there is an alternative solution to it. Would the girl find the truth of it all or would remain just a lost cause? What is Truth ; Poison or Bitter? If curious, then you are welcome to the read the story to find out.

Nandita_Sahu_7583 · 若者
58 Chs

Chapter- 41

Divit acts close to Hrida as if they are inseparable friends and Hrida even allows this behavior, which annoys both the boys, then Hrida herself narrates the story of how he met Aaban, and then Divit, all of them are tired of standing for a long, so Navya brought chairs for them to sit upon.

When they heard about Divit, they were a little mad and also felt sad after hearing Divit's background history but then Divit announced with a genuine tone, " Hrida is my special friend and I really like her hugs a lot, her hugs are warm and cozy. I feel finally I belong somewhere." This statement irked certain two boys who were annoyed by his presence.

Hrida's gaze then shifted from Divit to Navya, then to Shashi's mom and Soma's mom, she greeted them all with her contagious toothy smile causing them to smile. Her gaze stopped at Lakshman bhaiya, she flashed him an apologetic smile and then apologized to him for her impulsive attack on him, which piqued curiosity in everyone's mind and seeing their confused faces. Lakshman clarified their confusion with a summary.

Some of them giggled and the rest of them chuckled at Hrida and Lakshman's story, Shashi then commented with a teasing tone," Lakshman bhaiya, she has been like this since childhood, she attacks if you try to surprise from behind. She is good at attacking even in video games, she most of the time beats me in this matter. You would be a good policewoman, don't you think, Mom?" Shashi's mom just chuckled and nodded her head while Hrida was softly glaring at him.

Soma's mom utters with a mischievous tone," Soma, wouldn't you like that, Hrida being a policewoman? Tell !"

Soma controls his blush, then Shashi's mom points out," Kimaya ji, We will be proud of Hrida in whatever profession she chooses to be in the future. I think she would be an amazing storyteller or whatever she wants to be.

Hrida, you remember, when you were a kid, you used to say that you wanted to help people. You used to say, you want to become a helper for people who need help. And, Shashi used to say that he would be an assistant in helping her with whatever she wanted to do. Do you remember, Hrida, Shashi..?"

Hrida and Shashi answered at the same time with a fond tone, " I do." 

Hrida's eyes stopped at Dhansi ji and Kritak, she politely greeted them with respect, and Kritak joked," So, you are that girl, whom everyone has been looking for." Hrida grins and comments with a hint of flattery, " What can I say, Kritak bhaiya, my personality is like that, no one can overlook me. Duh…"

Kritak comments back while looking at Lakshman sir, " Sir, congrats! we found a female version of you. Sir, here is your new daughter/ sister, it's up to what you want, daughter/sister." Lakshman playfully hits Kritak's head, he dramatically winces, and everyone laughs at their antics.

Then her gaze darted towards Soma, her expression changed, she playfully glared at him and then cutely waved at him. A playful smirk set on her lips, she mouthed out, " You can't replace me." Soma just smiled at her.

In front of Hrida's face, someone snaps fingers, she playfully rolls her eyes because she knows whose hand it is, she comments looking straight into his eyes, " Did you forget, I told you, I would never talk to you, Shashi? How dare you betray me with Lakshman bhaiya. You replaced me with Lakshman bhaiya, I didn't expect that from you."

Suddenly, the room's mood filled with awkward silence, everyone stared at these two especially Shashi's mom who was worriedly glancing from Shashi to Hrida from time to time. Shashi's mind went blank, his face fell with a heavy feeling of guilt clenching his heart and his smile completely vanished from his face.

Shashi's mom was concerned that their deep friendship was in danger and she couldn't help but feel heartache for her son and Hrida as well. Shashi's eyes drooped low, his head down, and suddenly beads of tears fell on his pants, Hrida didn't expect him to react like that. Hrida felt guilty for hurting his sentiment even though she was just joking with him.

Hrida extends her arms wide open and calls out," Shashiii.... I didn't want to make you cry... You are really an idiot. And you are worst at picking out names...I meant nicknames, seriously...You named me Colliding Girl, Scarf Girl, and Silly Girl. Seriously, Shashi..hmm..but you still are the best in everything in my eyes, Shashi. 

I was just joking with you and you couldn't even understand my joke. So, I would forgive you if you gave me a long hug, I really need it. I really missed you, you know how much I love you….my best friend. Hehehe! " She ends her statement on an awkward note.

Shashi's heartbeat fastened when she said she missed him and she loved him although they had said that many times before but this time it felt different. Shashi didn't think anymore and tackled her with a powerful hug, both of them were smiling as if they won the world. Soma felt something burning inside him, however, he was glad that both of his friends were safe and sound.

Meanwhile, Shashi's mom joined her hands together and prayed with a child-like tone, " Hope, they always stay like this even when they grow up as adults."

Hrida whispers in his ears, " I am happy that I get to hug you finally. When I was away from you and wasn't talking to you, I felt like I lost my heart somewhere and Tapish also missed you like a lot."

Soma just stared at them, Tapish crawled to Soma and rubbed his head against his thigh, Soma rejoiced to see Tapish being friendly even when they were meeting for the first time. Hrida saw them bonding, she smiled at them.

She gestured for Shashi through her eyes to look there, he also witnessed the cute bonding between Soma and Tapish, Hrida cleared her throat drawing Soma's attention and Soma stared at her with curiousness.

Hrida sweetly asks him, " Soma, you are my friend, so can I hug you as well, if you don't mind." Soma excitedly nods and gently hugs her, she hugs him back, Soma's mom is delighted at the scene, then Shashi hugs them both, and Tapish swoops in their hug. Navya instantly clicks a picture of this sweet moment on her phone.

After their long heart-to-heart conversations, they let Hrida rest while Shashi's mom, Soma's mom , and Navya feed her sweets, fruits, and proper meals, she felt overwhelmed by their affectionate love. 

On the other side, in that solitary confined building, Kali's eyes twitch in unresolved frustration, he hisses and growls when he loses his almost victory over Hrida (The chosen bearer of his). His Shawmys stood smiling with madness bubbling in their eyes, one of the powerful Shawmys assured him with a sadistic tone, " The pretty doll will soon be our master, your bearer. And, we won't let her go. She will soon be in your grasp."

Kali's smile widens with a predatory gaze and hungry essence waiting for the moment to swallow Hrida and mold her into a figure of darkest light in the world. Kali orders the special Shawmys to contact his wild card inhumanely special Shawmys for Hrida.

In the evening hour, Lakshman asked for Hrida to Navya, she told him that she just woke up from a nap, so he could go and talk to her. Lakshman asked Navya to bring Hrida to the hall room, Navya brought Hrida to the hallroom, where everyone was still present.

Lakshman sat next to her on the sofa and questions with a gentle tone," Hrida, I know, I pushing your limit but since the matter is serious and urgent, I have some questions that I want to ask you. So, please cooperate with beta and talk slowly, no rush. You just have to answer my questions and nothing else."

Hrida approves in a polite tone," Bhaiya. It's okay, I am better now, and I am ready to answer whatever questions you have. Shoot away, Bhaiya!"

Lakshman asks her with a curious tone, " Do you know someone named Kali, and how and what do you know about this being? "

Hrida fiddles her fingers, she takes a deep breath, " Bhaiya, Kali is the essence of the current era. And how I know because he has been following my trail or should I say he has been leading me to his trail. I met him in my dream and saw his full form, he wants me to be his chosen bearer. He-"

Shashi intervenes with a concerned tone, " Hrida, I have also sensed him so close, he even attacked me and my Mom but he couldn't overpower us because the video of you singing refrained him from harming us. And I also heard him whisper that he wants you and he said that you will be his darkest light."

Hrida started rubbing her palms together, which is a peculiar habit that only dear ones knew, sweat forming on her forehead, Shashi sat next to her other side and comforted her by holding her hand.

Hrida felt warmth shutting the noisy howling of fears roaming in her mind, her face flushed for an unknown reason, she couldn't concentrate on anything but stare at their hands and she was confused about why suddenly these small activities were making her react weirdly like this.

She dismissed this matter for later and now she focused on Shashi's words, who spoke with a goofy tone, " Hrida, stop rubbing your palms, otherwise flames may catch your hands. You know, you told me about this Kali, he may be powerful but he is not bigger than your heart. I know, you can defeat the most hideous characters in video games, so in reality.

I believe you. Now, answer, bhaiya, and don't worry about that 'shadow essence', he can't come near to you as long I am there, your game partner and also Soma is there, he is a genius, I am certain, he can help us with his guaranteed calculated plan. So, Hrida, take a chill pill but not literally."

Hrida giggles and hugs him for the second time, she whispers aloud with a warm tone, " You are the best, you know. What I would have done without you, I can't even imagine. And, now I also have another genius and awesome friend, Soma."

Shashi became stiff for a few seconds, his heartbeat went crazy, he could feel her warmth, his face flushed completely red, and he had a smitten smile on his lips that didn't go unnoticed by the audience present. Shashi hugged her back and relaxed onto her and when she praised him, he felt warmth inside as if he would melt away.

Hrida withdrew from him and answered with a normal tone," Bhaiya and all of you, I think if I narrate my story from my last birthday till now, then all your doubts and questions will be clarified. So, listen, ladies and gentlemen, the story of mine."

Hrida narrated the story, starting from her birthday, then about how she finds out the poison truth about her parents, then meeting Lakshman bhaiya, how she witnessed the horrible criminals and crimes through her own eyes and everything that happened till they found her unconscious in the mall.

Her throat dries due to talking non-stop without taking a single pause in between the story narration, Soma offered her glass of water, she thanked him with sweet smile, he felt his heart melt in puddles.

All of them felt like they were on a rollercoaster ride as they were amazed for a second, worried for the next second, then guilty, surprised, shocked, and disbelief at each second as they realized that Hrida had to go through the passages of unknown darkest nights alongside Tapish, who is her courage, hope, and warmth of her life.

Shashi's mom then realized that Shashi hid the truth from her and even about that video, when she almost caught him, she felt guilty that she couldn't help Shashi and Hrida in the chaos and turmoil circulating in their brains at that time. 

Kritak comments with admiration, " Hrida, you are the living example of courage and hope, I am really touched by your courage for searching for your truth on your own. " Hrida praised him back with an honest tone, " Kritak Bhaiya, I heard about your striking handsome computer genius skills, I also admire and respect you, Bhaiya.

I heard it from Shashi and he knew through Lakshman bhaiya. That's how I know about your impressive technical skills." Kritak feels flattered and proud within, he just grins.

Hrida then remembers and handovers the book of the " Yuga: The Circle of Eras " to Lakshman, which he accepts and borrows to read at his home. After that, all of them departed from Navya's apartment slowly one by one but Soma, Divit, and Shashi stayed back as Navya promised she would safely ride them back to their respective houses.

Hrida is left alone with Tapish, Shashi, Soma, and Divit, who converse with her, entertain her, and make her laugh and giggle and in return, Hrida tells them about short beautiful moments that she experienced during the nightmarish journey. Before it gets too late, Navya rode them back to their respective house and before they retired from her, she thanked them sincerely for their visit.

Meanwhile, inside Lakshman's house, Soma's mom and Lakshman were discussing the possibilities and unpredictable risks that might surface because of the criminal mastermind 'Kali' and they also calculated and analyzed the weak and strength points in this upcoming unavoidable fight between them and Kali.

The book did help them gain some insights about his manipulative techniques and also made them alert about his powerful influence on human beings. They decided to convince and explain this whole thing to their police station department and other police station branches as well with the utmost convincing evidence at their table because they need all the support from each police station branch to handle this matter with precision otherwise the civilians' lives will be at stake especially Hrida's life.

The next day, before going to the police station, Lakshman, Kritak, Dhansi ji and Kimaya in their police uniforms revisited Officer Vidyut's House but the officer's condition remained the same as the first day, he looked pale and still as before and his legs were turning ash grey which struck strange to their mind.

Kritak being blunt, directly asked Vidyut sir's wife about his legs turning ash grey and in response, Vidyut sir's wife just burst into tears, Kritak felt glares from behind, he immediately apologized and then Vidyut sir's wife declared with a painful tone that there hasn't been any progress in Vidyut's condition and the ash grey hue indicates that chances of him waking up is also diminishing slowly.

 Dhansi ji was blaming himself for unreasonable reasons, Kritak became stiff and lost in his thoughts, and Kimaya tried to help them cope with the news but Lakshman was the worst affected, he suddenly fell on his knees as he again felt his shoulders weighing heavy that he couldn't stand anymore, Kimaya immediately called for the doctor who was currently checking upon Vidyut.