
Chapter Three: Dreams

Disclaimer: I own nothing here and you don't want to sell me death sticks. You want to go home and rethink your life.



Rey woke with a start to the sound of the chamber's door sliding open harshly. She found herself sprawled over the workbench with the pieces of her lightsaber laid out around her and she realized bashfully that she must have fallen asleep working on it.

She looked up to see Kylo standing near the door, having deduced her predicament in the same amount of time. He had a strained look on his face, but she couldn't decipher anything else from him. Although he did exude a sense of unease in the Force, something she was sure hadn't been there earlier.

Rey stared at him, desperately wishing she could know his thoughts, but concluding to herself that she probably never would. Neither of them voiced a greeting but Kylo moved to inspect her project curiously.

"Interesting design," he commented, slightly intrigued as he headed for the refresher, a suggestion rolling off his tongue in passing. "Except you may want to rethink where you're placing those field energizers."

The fresher door closed after him and Rey turned to regard her fragmented lightsaber with a frown. After a closer look, she realized he was right and she could clearly see the mistake she'd made. She sighed tiredly and rubbed her eyes. Fixing the problem was going to create an avalanche of other problems though, requiring a number of tweaks and adjustments, forcing her to rework the entire design all over again.

She opted to come back to it after a night of some proper sleep. Pushing up from her seat at the bench, she yawned and crossed the chamber to her room. She frowned as she walked, unable to shake the perplexed feeling about her calm, neutral interactions with Kylo.

They each represented two warring forces, after all. By all rights, they should have been at each others throats bickering. Instead, it was as if they had agreed on a ceasefire, much like when they shared a Force connection months back.

And although he held her friends captive, she could feel no real danger from him. As if his ploy was a farce or a bluff. She could still sense animosity inside him though, and she imagined it as a vicious, snarling, writhing creature that he had managed to muzzle and tether down to a certain extent.

He still clearly hated the Resistance, despite its remaining numbers being nearly inconsequential. Which meant he still hated her friends, specifically Finn for being a traitor and Poe for being the biggest annoyance in an X-Wing the First Order ever had to deal with. Rose was just another rebel face to him if Rey had to guess.

Once inside her small room she shut the door behind her and settled onto the bed to sleep. She tried not to think about him but instead found her mind drifting back to the dream Kylo had so unceremoniously woken her from. If she could even call it a dream anymore.

Strangely enough it had started as the vision she received after touching her new crystal nearly a month ago. Then, in subsequent sessions she would dream that same vision over and over again, each time adding more details or expanding the length of it.

Her frustration with the dream-vision was that the Force was obviously trying to tell her something, but she just couldn't seem to understand much about it. She could only recognize Luke out of the five figures and the image of fifth person was always shrouded and hazy.

The only thing she really took away from their conversation was that they were talking about two people, and she guessed that those two people were probably herself and Kylo, what with the way Luke spoke with regret about .

As her mind began to succumb to sleep, she idly wondered what sort of the second figure meant, and just what sort of the fourth had mentioned.

Rey had so many questions. She desperately wished Luke was still around to answer them.

"Do tell



