
Pleasure System.

C_MEN7 · ファンタジー
9 Chs


'huff, huff'. 

A bronze skinned boy could be seen panting in a dark secluded alley. His skin a testament to the sun's remarkable make up skill. One might think the young lad was being chased by a dragon breathing fire, but no he wasn't. 

He was chased by his seniors in school. The boys in the senior classes like to chase the Juniors for the fun of it, and mostly to brag. 

Just because they had gone to get their attribute and hence were able to grow stronger, no boy 17 and under would be able to rest. The torment every under aged boy in college has been through was really too much.

The only thing that gave Justin hope in this trying times was that in a week's time, he would turn 18 becoming an adult, which would in turn qualify him to be able to receive his awakening.

Awakening is the ceremony, which is mostly carried out privately, in which a newly turned adults hidden powers were unlocked. During this ceremony, not would their powers be awakened, but they would also receive a basic stats system panel from the government. No one knew how this actually works, except the people responsible in the government. 

Normally, the ones being tormented would have ran to receive solace in the arms of their parents, but Justin had none, and no one to run to. He was but an homeless orphan who had decided to become educated, unlike most people of his circumstances, so that he can at least be able to read his stats panel, when he gets one during his awakening.

Justin checked his surrounding and saw no one. " Sigh" 

Sighing, he dusts his rumpled and over used clothes. " Seems like I managed to escape those trouble makers", he said aloud. But, how could an unawakened teenager manage to escape the awakened men, it was impossible.

As though his pursuers had bee waiting for him to make this very comment, they revealed themselve with laughter, that sounded almost eerie.

Justin began panicking, albeit internally. He would be lying if he said he was not afraid of the hang of five boys, but he would not let it show. No matter what, he was going to stand strong, even if they decide to cast a fireball spell. He would not quake in his boots like a scared mouse before these bullies as this would give them nothing but joy. This was a battle of pride. 

To distract himself from looking at the ugly faces of these five boys... I mean men, he was trying to think of how his story would be written. .....

# A young unawakened teenager face-off against five MEN without fear.#

... That was until one of the men decided to remind him of his current situation. " Stop acting tough because you know we can't kill you in the city.", The leader of the gang, Kelvin said with disgust evident in his tone, " although we won't be able to kill you, we can very much help you dust your clothes." Kelvin continued with a snicker, showing he meant something entirely different from what he said.

" What did I do to you that makes you torment me every fucking day, don't you see other underaged boys for you to stick your manly dick in their faces." Justin asked as he continued to keep up his tough front.

" Spare me the drama, boy, you know exactly what you did wrong." Kelvin replied, with subtle anger.

" Hey, I really don't know. Please remind me.", Justin replied with a cheeky smile, causing Kelvin and the members of his gang to grit their teeth in anger. 

" How dare you eye the boss' woman.", Steve, one of Kelvin's dog, barked back. 

"What?? That was like three years ago.", Justin was stumped, these block heads had been holding a grudge against him just because he had told his first crush, Charlotte, that he liked  her. 

With Justin's comment, the five men suddenly lost the little patience they had mustered. Today, they had come to teach Justin a brutal lesson, they had to humble his before he awakened his powers, to show him who were the bosses. And that they did.

An hour later, Justin could be seen walking limply to the door of his weathered apartment, all batered and bruised. He had managed to survive today's only because killing was prohibited in the city, and the gang was afraid of the penalty for murder. 

Justin opened the door to his One room self-contain apartment. He released a very loud and relieved sigh as he dropped his body on his semi hard bed. He had survived today's ordeal. 

He just had to endure for the rest of the week to be free, free to enact his revenge. 

Yes, that's right, he was going to pay them back in the most painful way possible, he just had to get awakened first. 

Rolling to the edge of his mattress, Justin dipped his had in the space between the mattress and the wooden frame, and brought out his saving. 

A sum of $500. This was the money he had managed to come up with in the last year. This was his fee for his awakening. 

Unlike most would think, to awaken was not free. Awakening cost $500. The only way you would be able to awaken without paying the fees was if you signed a soul contract, promising to work for the government. 

Justin had no intention to bind his soul to the government, thereby becoming a puppet to the fortunate individuals in power. That was why he had saved this sum from the job he did part-time, even though it meant that he had to stay hungry for a few days. It was little sacrifices like these that determined what one would become in the future.

Like the popular saying goes, no pain no gain. He had already closed from work and had nothing left to do that to have his dinner.

After eating the little he had for dinner, he dressed his bed, laid on it and hoped for a good night's rest as he closed his eyes. 

His mind slipping into the unknown.