
Pleasure lovin' you Mr. Ruin

"You call my name casually as if we're familiar…. People have died for just speaking my name without my permission." He said with a half crazed smile as if what he'd said didn't sound threatening. "As if I'm afraid of you." She muttered under her breath, still trying to get him off her. "You're not? How can an Abomination not be scary?" His bow shaped lips tilted up and his head bent cutely to the side. "Bet I can make you afraid though." "Great all-seeing-eyes!" Ruen scowled. "How can a mad man be attractive?!" She blurted out. "That too is an innate gift," she blushed at the reply. "Tell you what I'll help you get rid of big an' ugly and you'll tell me if you're afraid, yeah?" YES, WANT TO SEE LITTLE PUPPY EYES GO ROUN', a raspy voice exclaimed in his head. "What are you-?" Her voice died in her throat and her eyes went round as prophesied by the voice in Ruen's head. "If I scare you, be warned, that'll force you to wiggle that body for me, little one." He proclaimed hoarsely before turning to the vampire chasing Poppy. Her fingers bunched on her shirt and her full lips separated for a long soft breath to enter while her doe green eyes followed the trail of the brown thick fleshy spider limp with little brown hair on it that burst out of Ruen's back and dug into the chest of the man chasing after Poppy. Poppy's eyes stayed glued to Ruen's strange limp watching thick crimson liquid from the chest of the vampire, staining Ruen's spider limp and falling onto the ground. °°° Ruen Monroe is a man of many names; Mr. Error, Child of Ruins, Master of Abominations, and the degenerate one. Since he was a child one thing had been certain, which was that he was a mistake child, an Abomination, a monster that undermined the powers of the true deities, so he always followed that one rule for his safety– Survival at all costs everyone else be damned. Poppy Fletcher is a sweetheart baby, the entire depiction of a universe child, a classic protagonist if it were a book. Born with looks that may not be the prettiest but managed to captivate even the cruelest beasts, and loved by everyone…. But there is an error with this universe sweetheart, she had a deadly problem that has plagued her since childhood. As a sweetheart baby who had never seen true horror, Poppy immediately became allured by Ruen; she believed she had fallen in love with him at first sight and set out to begin to unravel the mysterious Mr. Error. Will Poppy who is the universe's sweetheart manage to show the Error who is an Abomination to the universe that it is not forbidden to love him but simply a Pleasure to love Mr. Ruin? *This story is based on an alternate world, so their technology, their histories, and their beliefs are entirely different from the real world.

Merci_Blaine03 · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 6: The Magistrate.

"Jageun junior?" A frighteningly sweet voice tore through the darkness which only had a dull mix of carnival colors dancing in it.

Jageun Junior or more like Cell a minor divinity (deity) that existed in the wilderness as a protector to a community of bandits called- Nomads. These community worth of bandits traveled all over the world under the protection of their deity.

Cell was the deity of minor criminals. His power came from the sins of anyone who was worth imprisoning. One had to know that Cell's power was mighty as his powers existed in a world where most of its inhabitants were mindless sinners but under the gaze of an Almighty Existence Cell seemed like nothing.

Cell's father was an Entity of the same bloodline as him. The Entity was known as Jageun, an Entity who fed off the sins of deities. The bigger the sins of minor divinities the stronger he became. Jageun was spawned by an Existence known as Westside, Westside was an unknown Existence, the might of his power were unknown, Westside wasn't recorded on any book or Shrine as Westside had no followers.

It is said that Westside needed no followers as his powers came from all Sins even the simplest of Sins as a little white lie.

"His title is Cell, Magistrate," A humble voice said, while the owner of the voice prostrated for the unknown mystery lying beyond the darkness.

This person was a mere Apostle- a being born for a very purpose of serving a divine being. This Apostle was an incredibly slender man, and his face a simple oblong shape, his slender body fitted into a perfectly permed black suit with a silver pocket watch placed in its pocket. The apostle had icy white hair which he braided down to the curve of his back. Little wrinkles appeared at the corner of his eyes along with a vibrant mark- a hawk whose wings and feet were clapped in chains- on his neck which was called the slave mark all Apostles carried.

The Apostle had thick eyebrows and tiny colorful wing-like feathers attached to his eye lids for eyelashes. The Apostle stood next to a metal golden scale that floated in the air mindlessly.

"Magistrate, Cell the deity who is of the Sinnerman bloodline is charged with instigating the destruction of an entire junction." The Apostle spoke in an orderly fashion, his Victorian accent rich in his every word.

"Sinnerman" was the name of the bloodline belonging to Cell and his predecessors. Every divine being had a bloodline which was very much coveted. Any man or woman who could collect the blood of a divine being and somehow consume it without dying could inherit the bloodline of that divine being and could ultimately ascend.

If one could obtain the Sinnerman blood and consume it they would inherit the Sinnerman bloodline and to ascend to become a Deity they would have to first murder Cell, to become an Entity they would have to murder Jageun and assume the title "Jageun", then move on to murder the Existence Westside and takeover the title "Westside". Many divine beings used imagery/statues over symbols because if another being were to murder them and takeover their status the being would be forced into seclusion as their form wouldn't match the imagery of the former divine being.

Of course takeovers were near impossible as no man or woman could consume divine blood without dying instantly, nor would they be strong enough to kill their predecessor and take over their position.

"Cell of the Sinnerman bloodline have broken the rules of Legislature which states "god shall never directly involve themselves in the matters of mere mortals" and also act 330055 of section 5001 D of the rules of the legislature which states that "god shall never allow his wrath descend on godless mortals who have not sinned against him" what shall the 'o' mighty Magistrate deem worthy for his punishment?" The Apostle drawled in an almost sing-song voice.

Cell nearly went into convulsion as his heart raced and the golden blood that ran through his godly veins went cold at the Apostle's speech. Any god, mortal, godly beast, or the air itself feared the Apostle of the Magistrate let alone the Magistrate itself.

Cell knew he was truly guilty of all those things but in an era of chaos who cares for the rules? Cell never imagined destroying an entire Junction would result in invoking the attention of the Heavenly Magistrate.

"Hmm," a rumble passed through the spacious environment. The whole area was built as a roofed arena with ancient pillars and godly statues placed in between pillars.

A wide large diamond carved throne existed after a flight of many stairs. A mighty shadow sat on top the throne gallantly and Cell bowed below the fight of Stairs while the Apostle stood in front of a statue near the throne and the floating scale on the flight of stairs. Below the stairs were other beings. They were shadows shaped like humanoids who scribbled away on their concrete made large books with every word said.

"I see," The mighty figure known as the Magistrate said. "Cell." The Magistrate suddenly called out.

Cell suddenly rose his crimson red eyes towards the shadowy figure on a diamond made throne. "Yes, Magistrate," he answered, bowing as he did.

"Do you know why these rules exist?" The Magistrate asked, the shadow made humanoid continued scribbling on their concrete books.

The Magistrate continued. "There are many beings that exist in this tiny universe spanning in different territories each with their lives to live, each with their own destinies and I am ordained to watch them all."

Suddenly a black background enveloped the area below the stairs with millions of tiny white humanoids in it- each living different lives, each with different shapes and sizes.

"I see them from the moment they are born. I see them grow, I see them expire," suddenly thousands of light from different areas disappeared. "It is not easy to be only a spectator when you watch different lights bloom only to watch them fade like they never existed but it is the duty of the Magistrate to watch and only enforce when the rules are broken."

In the black background a few lights suddenly bloomed.

"The day before today I had watched four thousand lights go out in one locale all because a brat was given 'powers'," a chuckle emanated from the shadows. "Tell me Cell, were you excited as you slayed them knowing they were all too weak to fight for themselves?"

Cell shook his head. "No your honor! No!"

"I ought to strike you dead."

"Your honor please!" Cell yelled and instantly sky scraping enormous figures wearing golden Knight armor wielding golden spears appeared from the walls of the arena and pointed their spears at Cell each yelling synonymously, "order in the court!"

A thud resounded from nowhere and the golden knights disappeared as well as the black background.

"The Magistrate has made a decision!" the Apostle announced, his eyes glowing silver.

The sound of shuffling on the throne echoed through the arena and suddenly a figure stood up from the throne. The figure stood up from the throne stepping out of the shadows.

An average sized female stepped out of the shadows. The female had crimson red hair as if real blood was flowing through it with bright tiny stars existing on it. Her face was round and her skin was fair and bright like a star. She was wearing a turtleneck orange-brown robe descending to the tip of her toe with a belt tight enough to squeeze out her innards.

Her facial features were sharp with high cheekbones and piercing scarlet eyes. A white round halo was fixed behind her hair which was perfectly knotted with orange-brown silk lace. As she stepped out of the shadows with her hands behind her back, Cell unconsciously gasped.

"The Magistrate proclaims that the deity Cell is found guilty of various crimes resulting in the deaths of four thousand godless mortals and is hereby-" the Magistrate paused, sharply looking in a different direction. "Abomination." She spat looking onto the brown skinned figure.