
Pleasure lovin' you Mr. Ruin

"You call my name casually as if we're familiar…. People have died for just speaking my name without my permission." He said with a half crazed smile as if what he'd said didn't sound threatening. "As if I'm afraid of you." She muttered under her breath, still trying to get him off her. "You're not? How can an Abomination not be scary?" His bow shaped lips tilted up and his head bent cutely to the side. "Bet I can make you afraid though." "Great all-seeing-eyes!" Ruen scowled. "How can a mad man be attractive?!" She blurted out. "That too is an innate gift," she blushed at the reply. "Tell you what I'll help you get rid of big an' ugly and you'll tell me if you're afraid, yeah?" YES, WANT TO SEE LITTLE PUPPY EYES GO ROUN', a raspy voice exclaimed in his head. "What are you-?" Her voice died in her throat and her eyes went round as prophesied by the voice in Ruen's head. "If I scare you, be warned, that'll force you to wiggle that body for me, little one." He proclaimed hoarsely before turning to the vampire chasing Poppy. Her fingers bunched on her shirt and her full lips separated for a long soft breath to enter while her doe green eyes followed the trail of the brown thick fleshy spider limp with little brown hair on it that burst out of Ruen's back and dug into the chest of the man chasing after Poppy. Poppy's eyes stayed glued to Ruen's strange limp watching thick crimson liquid from the chest of the vampire, staining Ruen's spider limp and falling onto the ground. °°° Ruen Monroe is a man of many names; Mr. Error, Child of Ruins, Master of Abominations, and the degenerate one. Since he was a child one thing had been certain, which was that he was a mistake child, an Abomination, a monster that undermined the powers of the true deities, so he always followed that one rule for his safety– Survival at all costs everyone else be damned. Poppy Fletcher is a sweetheart baby, the entire depiction of a universe child, a classic protagonist if it were a book. Born with looks that may not be the prettiest but managed to captivate even the cruelest beasts, and loved by everyone…. But there is an error with this universe sweetheart, she had a deadly problem that has plagued her since childhood. As a sweetheart baby who had never seen true horror, Poppy immediately became allured by Ruen; she believed she had fallen in love with him at first sight and set out to begin to unravel the mysterious Mr. Error. Will Poppy who is the universe's sweetheart manage to show the Error who is an Abomination to the universe that it is not forbidden to love him but simply a Pleasure to love Mr. Ruin? *This story is based on an alternate world, so their technology, their histories, and their beliefs are entirely different from the real world.

Merci_Blaine03 · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 11: Wiggle that body and whine for me.

Author's note: Play Bounce by Ruger.

The brown skinned man touched her pasty white hand with tenderness and another one gripped her chin softly. "Mhm," she moaned quietly as a warm electric shock speared through her body at the contact. Vanilla and Strawberry mix attacked her senses, lowering all sense of fear and further turning her logical side into putty.

"Puppy?" The man said, his voice hoarse giving off the feeling of the crispness from a delicious meal.

Her dog-like canines descended and furry ears sprouted from her head when she said. "Ruen."


Ruen was bewitched. Obviously the alcohol in his blood had bewitched him because he couldn't possibly be thinking the short little one in front of him was so…. Attractive.

Tsk, tsk, he echoed in his mind, looking from the crown of her bone-straight hair descending down to her stomach like the night flowing, down to her short plump legs behind her long flay skirt with a slit on the side. RUEN MONROE, a condescending thunderous voice spoke in his mind and one of the ugly spirits that was in the depths of his soul stretched its limbs out to caress the bones of Ruen's hands.

Ruen's eyes flickered abruptly from tragic maroon to faded white before just as spontaneously flicking back to its original color. His grip on her chin hardened making the petite brunette groan meekly, "ungh." Ruen could tell what was happening within him. The monsters that resided in him were reacting to this girl, or at least one of those monsters were.

He parted his lips slowly, observing the girl without a hint of uniqueness. PRETTY PUPPY, another voice spoke in his mind this one wasn't thunderous but instead filled with traces of madness. "Pretty puppy?" Ruen repeated without thinking.

The supposedly pretty puppy's eyes widened at the words. "Pretty Poppy?" She parroted meekly, her skin turning crimson like a hot saucer.

I'm I hammered? Ruen questioned himself as he realized the usually quiet monsters were slowly awakening. Perhaps it is the environment? The thought on whether it was the environment that was causing the strengthening of these dangerous creatures that existed in his body crossed his mind.

SHE KNOWS US, this time it was two similar voices that spoke, HE HE HE, they added a rather bone-chilling giggle to it. SHE CALLED OUR NAME, a rather lazy voice quipped. "You know my name?" Ruen said out loud, listening to the voices in his head.

The girl blinked, keeping up with the stupefied look on her face that confused Ruen. Is this girl naturally dumb? Ruen thought, eyeing her suspiciously. She finally said, "We've met before."

YES WE REMEMBER, this voice filled with reverence and had traces of sanity that the others didn't. We remember? Ruen frowned, where had he met this average looking midget before? He couldn't blame himself that he couldn't remember as her structure was very insignificant-like.

NOT INSIGNIFICANT! another monstrous voice echoed and then a vision flashed in his head.

The man's eyes squinted a little and one of his big hands came up onto Poppy's head and caught one of the furry ears in between his fingers. "Puppy?" Repeated as if still in a daze.

Her hands fell from her face when she asked. "Puppy puppy or me Poppy- ouch!" Her question became a sound of pain when the man pinched one of her sensitive brown furry ears.

He dropped his hand. "You possess some kind of Puppy inner beast?" He asked, his lips curling into a lopsided sardonic grin. "How useless." Was what he said before freeing the fingers holding onto her and letting her fall to the ground.

"Fuck," Ruen winced outwardly from the pain of the long forgotten memory being suddenly remembered. Creases lined in between his eyebrows when he saw how the girl's chest swelled and her breath hitched as he cursed. What's wrong with her? He couldn't help but think.

His hand dropped from her chin but then fell on her hips like the other hand. His eyes couldn't help but trace on her figure that was filled with flesh. How soft, he thought, thumbs slowly massaging her waist. "So you're the littlest one I met at the Shuttleport," he smirked. "The one with the pet for an Inner Beast?"

It was her turn to frown. Her plump cheeks puffed and her eyebrows furrowed. "Pet? I don't have a pet for an Inner Beast! Charlie is canine okay?" She rambled, quick to defend herself.

One of his eyebrows rose comically. "Charlie? You named your Inner Beast? What kind of idle weirdo names their Inner Beast?"

"Your mum," she muttered under her breath.

"Didn't catch that, what?" The blue haired young man asked.

"Nothing." She replied blankly before trying to squirm her way away from his touch. "I have to go." She murmured looking back from over her shoulders.

Ruen's hands weren't budging and perhaps the young man could blame it on one too many alcohol or the unexpected awakening of his monsters because of the lewd environment but Ruen suddenly became curious. Yet another one of his classic sardonic grins grew on his face. "Why are you in such a hurry? You seem a bit frightened."

She stopped squirming and looked up at his brown eyes. Damn you senseless organ! She lamented inwardly when her heart tugged. This was the first time her body was feeling this way and it was making her confused. She quickly cast her eyes down to his broad chest as looking at his eyes would bring her a step closer to "death by heart attack".

She noticed the underlying look on his face and if he somewhat enjoyed the idea of her being frightened. It made her nervous how this man seemed to be able to convey dual expression at the same time as if another intelligent being was living inside him, controlling his every dos and don't. She let out an awkward huff. "Don't get so excited I'm not frightened because of you, OKAY?" Even added a bit of French at the end (Okay was the French she added).

Both of Ruen's eyebrows arched. "Is that so? I'll try not to get excited but do tell…. Who're you frightened of? Promise, cross my heart that I'm scarier." He even drew a cross on his heart.

She rolled her doe eyes before looking over her shoulder and noticing that one of Mr Angelo's men was gaining on her. She subconsciously squirmed again.

"Ah, is it big an' ugly there that you're scared of? He doesn't seem much scarier than me though."

She squirmed harder realizing his lulling maroon eyes had descended on her. "You're insane," she said in a breathy voice.

His naturally evil grin broadened. "It's a gift." He whispered dramatically. A larger part of him realized it was beyond insane exhausting time on this insignificant girl but the insane part had been let loose and for some realize he wanted to play with the tiny brunette.

"Let me go, Ruen." She squirmed even harder, pushing his chest lightly.

"You call my name casually as if we're familiar…. People have died for just speaking my name without my permission." He said with a half crazed smile as if what he'd said didn't sound threatening.

"As if I'm afraid of you." She muttered under her breath, still trying to get him off.

"You're not? How can an Abomination not be scary?" His bow shaped lips tilted up and his head bent cutely to the side. "Bet I can make you afraid though."

"Great all-seeing-eyes!" Ruen scowled. "How can a mad man be attractive?!" She blurted at.

"That too is an innate gift," she blushed at the reply. "Tell you what I'll help you get rid of big an' ugly and you'll tell me if you're afraid yeah?"

YES, WHAT TO SEE LITTLE PUPPY EYES GO ROUN', a raspy voice exclaimed in his head.

"What are you-?" Her voice died in her throat and her eyes went round as prophesied by the voice in Ruen's head.

"If I scare you be warned that'll force you to wiggle that body and whine for me little one." He proclaimed hoarsely before turning to the vampire chasing Poppy.

Her fingers bunched on her shirt and her full lips demarcated for a long soft breath to enter while her doe green eyes followed the trail of the brown thick fleshy spider limp with little brown hair on it that burst out of Ruen's back and dug into the chest of the man chasing after Poppy.

Poppy's eyes stayed glued to Ruen's strange limp watching thick crimson liquid from from the chest of the vampire, staining Ruen's spider limp and falling onto the ground.

The air seemed to have grown cold and all other voices muted leaving only three Poppy around, the vampire, Ruen, and then Poppy. The limp left the vampire's chest with a beating heart attached to it and Ruen's maroon eyes opening and closing synonymously like a spider's fell back on her. He asked gingerly, "scared ya didn't I?"