
please reset the booktitle Ugoka_Kelvin_6468 20231218092329 83

Ugoka_Kelvin_6468 · アクション
1 Chs


_bang!! bang!! bang!!..._


when the clash ended, four figures separated, one of the figures spat out blood and was bleeding all over.

" fire emperor just give up, you can't stand a chance against all three of us " one of the figures said.

" you betrayers of heaven you disgust me" he said provocatively as blood leaked out from the corner of his mouth.

" it is quite obvious that I can't beat you in a close combat that why I made a deal with the water emperor and the demon emperor " the wind emperor said laughingly.

" now shut up and die " wind emperor said to the fire emperor.

" hahahahahah... even if you kill me today, you can't wipe my soul from the multiverse, and do not forget I AM SUPREME." fire emperor said as his soul slowly drifted off from his body.

the fire emperor soul immediately shot out from his body and decended towards the lower realm in a exaggerating speed.

" Nooooo..... do not let his soul escape, the Heavenly realm viden array " the wind emperor shouted In a vicious tone.

the fire emperor soul shot towards the lower realm and with a screeching sound it tore through the viden array and decended in a fast surprising speed towards the lower realm, the three remaining emperor stood at the bound array watching the red blurry flame decend into the lower realm.


_ morning. just as the sky lit up, while the whole sky country was still hidden in the darkness before Dawn.

inside the ERLIN main hall sat a middle aged man who was around his forties with a short brown hair, muscularly built body, bulge eyes and fair skin, he wore a sea blue robe, this man was the leader of the ERLIN clan ' Teries ERLIN '. he quietly sat there in a sad mood as he murmured quietly to himself.

" but the training field used for the competition was heavily guarded on the day of the competition between the ERLIN clan and the other clans, how could Leo be poisoned? Teries quietly thought to him self.

immediately a middle aged man, putting on a heavy blue armour and carrying a heavy sword slowly walked into the room where Teries was sitting.

" good morning clan lord " the middle aged man greeted Teries in a gently tone.

" Morning Arden" Teries quickly gave out a reply.

Arden was a man with long blonde hair, with blue eyes, muscular body, three feet tall and fair skin. Arden was also the leader of the royal guards of the ERLIN clan.

" Arden get me a name of the poison used on Leo " Teries said in a low tune.

" yes clan lord, I will send out men to the royal medicine pavilion for the poison " Arden immediately said respectfully.

immediately Arden ran out of the main hall, outside the hall stood a fine stallion with jade armours on it skin, Arden immediately leaped on it and headed towards the ERLIN war garrison.

in front of the Garrison stood twenty elite soldiers, not too far away the soldiers watched as a black stallion with a muscularly built man on it gallop towards the garrison, the soldiers immediately noticed Arden and greeted him politely.

" good morning lord Arden!!!!!!!" all the soldiers said repeatedly.

Arden quietly nodded in acceptance to the greetings, he then quietly galloped into the Garrison, in the ERLIN clan the garrison was one of their sacred grounds, only soldiers in the martial path was allowed into the garrison, other soldiers were sent to the war barracks.

in the garrison soldiers were ranked according to their level in their cultivation, soldiers at the first rank of element foundation were ranked as the lowest rank, while those at the third to fifth rank in element foundation where considered average in the Garrison.

Arden immediately jumped down from his stallion and walked straight with two soldiers behind him into a two story building with that stood in the middle of the garrison, it was the head room of the Garrison ' THE CAPTAINS OFFICE '.

" Wis take twenty elite soldiers with you from the eagle armour squad and ride to the royal medicine pavilion at black turtle market, the medicine pavilion head doctor will hand over a bottle to you return it to me before sundown, go now the clan lord is in need of it and also take this dart " Arden then said to Wis.

Wis was a man in his thirties, with muscular body and long red hair that looks like flames, he was the leader of the eagle armour squad.

Wis immediately arranged twenty elites and headed towards black turtle market. Wis and the twenty elites immediately arrived in black turtle market after five hours ride from the war garrison of the ERLIN clan.

The black turtle market was a market located at the western region of sky country within the ERLIN clan territory.

Wis and the elites slowly rode towards the medicine pavilion, as the squad moved the crowd at black turtle market slowly made way for them to smoothly pass just seeing the signs on their flags, they immediately knew they were high ranked officials in the ERLIN clan.

finally they arrived at a medicine pavilion at the middle of black turtle market on the top of the store stood a board with a writting on it ' ERLIN MEDICINE PAVILION '.the elites slowly jumped down from their stallions and stood outside the pavilion, Wis being the leader of the group then slowly walked into the store.

" elite from the ERLIN clan what can I get for you sir? the store keeper said while running towards Wis.

" where is the head doctor of this pavilion? Wis retorted.

" this way sir " the store keeper said while pointing towards at room.

Wis slowly followed the store keeper towards the room, immediately the store keeper opened the door.

the room was the largest room in the pavilion, inside the room a slim man who was around his fifties sat crossed legs meditating, the moment they entered the room he opened his eyes and sighted them at the edge of the door.

" come in elite and welcome to medicine pavilion branch in black turtle market " the man said in a polite manner.

" stop messing around old man and give me the bottle " Wis barked angrily.

" you can't call me old man, am Potter the medical head of this medicine pavilion and firstly I must see the weapon used " Potter said to Wis.

Wis then slowly brought out a small dart from a small bag and handed it over to Potter. Potter then carefully inspected the dart and handed it back to Wis, he then slowly walked to the small wooden bench near a window in the room and sat down.

" The poison used on the young clan lord is called " soul Ash poison ". it is a colorless and odourless poison, it can neither be smelt or seen.it is a poison that damage and kills the soul with four days " Potter said in a sympathizing way.

the word from Potter sank deep into Wis conciousness, Wis stood there motionlessly as he stared at Potter. he was thinking of a way to report the news to Arden.

" your young master is probably dead right now" Potter said in a low tune.

Wis immediately ran out of the medicine pavilion, he immediately leaped on his horse and toke off in a flash the elites immediately followed.

Wis rode non-stop till he got to ERLIN war garrison his stallion rode straight into the Garrison in an instant the soldiers on gaurd watched him in a ride in full speed ahead into the Garrison they immediately noticed danger.

Wis then jumped down from his stallion and headed straight into the captain office. when he entered the office he saw Arden seated on a bench near a small window in the office, the look on the face of Wis drew the attention of Arden who was busy with his blooming root tea.