
please reset the booktitle SmutyMcSmut 20231218092329 20

This is a Star Wars smut fan fic. It follows a young padawan during the clone wars era. What will happen when he discovers an ancient dark force power that lets him control others. Important male characters will be gender bent and there will be some original characters. Also, expect inconsistency with some details, I'm not the best with Star Wars lore, expect a smut book first, Star Wars fan fic second.

SmutyMcSmut · その他
5 Chs

Return Home

Will was flying the ship when his master stepped out of her room and sat in the seat next to him. She had her cleavage visible and her nipples were poking through her robe, "So, Will, I think that maybe something that shouldn't have happened, happened."

"I think it was meant happen, that the force dictated it." Will responded. His master sighed, "Well, uhm, alright look. If you want to continue with this, then we can, but no one can know." Will nods, "Of course master. How about now?"

"What do you mean?" Will quickly whips out his dick, "Suck it while I fly." Wie starts to try and stammer out a response, before sighing and bending over. Will smiles, he had been using the force to make her more susceptible to this kind of thing. Increasing her submission.

She was going hallway down on his dick, so he puts his hand on her head and starts thrusting his hips upwards into her mouth. She starts gagging and moaning into his cock. She slaps his thigh and he lets her go.

She starts panting heavily, "Alright, I have a better idea, one that will spare my throat." She gets down on her knees in front of him and shrugs her robes off of her top half, exposing her large tits. She wraps her tits around his member and squeezes them tight, "There, I read about this in a book I found."

Will smirked, "So you read smut?" Wie blushes, "Uhm, well, only one book, it was a gift from someone I saved." Will laughs, "It's okay, smut is one of the greatest forms of entertainment. In fact I recommend everyone to consume as much of it as possible."

Wie nods, confused, before she starts moving her breasts up and down. Will continued to fly the ship towards coruscant as his master gave him a titjob. She obviously didn't fully know what she was doing, but it still felt good to have his dick sandwiched between her tits.

She was awkwardly squishing her breasts into his sick while moving up and down. Will can feel himself approaching his release, "If you don't feel like getting glazed, I recommend you wrap your lips around my tip."

Wie does as he says just as starts unloading. She tries to swallow all his seed but some of it spills out into her tits. She stands up and sighs, "Well, I have to go get cleaned up now. Remember that no one can know about this."

She walks away and Will continues flying to Coruscant. It doesn't take long for them to reach the planet and soon Will is sitting in his room meditating. 'You have a very good grip on your power, but you are still rather weak with it, You are fortunate your master is rather weak with the force for a Jedi.'

'I recommend we find someone with a tough mental strength and a powerful connection to the force, but with a lack of experience. A padawan with much dormant potential, can you think of anyone who could fit this description?'

Will thinks for a second, "Perhaps, can you sense if someone is a prime candidate?" 'Yes, I should be able to, who do you have in mind?' Will smirks, "A padawan I trained with when I was sill a youngling. She grew to be very attractive." 'Are all of your decisions motivated by lust?'

Will laughs lightly as he steps out of his room and begins looking for his target. He wanders the halls until he finds who he is looking for, "Will she do?" 'Yes, she is rather strong with the force, but I can sense her naivete and inexperience. She will be perfect for your training my apprentice.'

"Hey Ahsoka, how have you been?" The Togruta girl turned, "Oh, hey Will. I've been doing well, how have you been? I heard you went to the outer rim on a special mission." Will nods, "Yes, but it turned out to be nothing, I misjudged what the force wanted from me."

"Well, maybe you'll figure it out. Can I help?" Will hums to himself, "Perhaps, I can feel something. Like the force is trying to help me, to teach me some kind of power. I think it is meant to support others, like some kind of ability to help out other Jedi, but I need to test something. I hate to ask this, but could you possibly let me test it on you?"

"I don't know, I guess I could, on account of us being friends, and if it could help the Jedi and the Republic. Alright, I'll help you." Will nods, "Thank you, I will not forget this." Ahsoka nods, "Great, should we start now?"

"Yes, follow me to my room." Ahsoka nods and the two walk to Wills room. They enter and Will takes a deep breath, "Okay, please have a seat and try to relax your mind, I don't know how this will feel, I am letting the force guide me on this one."

"If I remember correctly, that was never your strong suit." She kneels down and takes a deep breath, "Alright, I'm putting my trust I'm you Willie." Will sighs, "Perfect, now, this may feel a little intrusive." Will reaches out with the force and starts manipulating her affection.

Will makes it so she regards him as a close friend as well as trusts him. He also manipulates her so that she is more susceptible to sexual suggestions. 'Of course that would be a priority for you.'

He withdraws from her mind, "How do you feel?" She groans lightly, "Well, that defiantly felt intrusive. But I don't feel any different." Will nods, "Yeah, I think we'll have to try this more." Ahsoka nods, "Alright, if you believe that's for the best."

"One more thing, before you go. Could you jerk me off?" Ahsoka shrugs, "Sure, come here." Will smiles as he pulls out his dick. His suggestion had worked. She reaches out and wraps her hand around his member. She starts moving her hand along his dick.

Will hums to himself, "Speed up." Ahsoka rolls her eyes and speeds up, "So bossy. I hope your ready to repay me later." Will smirks, "Of course." She sighs and speeds up again. She is going from tip to base at a rapid pace.

Will could feel his release cumming, "Gonna cum." As he begins firing off at Ahsoka she raises her hand to block it from hitting her face. She lets go of his dick and looks at her hand, "Glad you enjoyed it." She uses the force to lift his nut and throws it out the window.

"Hope that doesn't land on anyone." Will smirks. Ahsoka rolls her eyes, "Well, I'll be going, let me know when you wanna try again." Will nods, "Course."