
please reset the booktitle Nndubuisi_Rosemary 20231218092329 23

Anna,a carefree girl who was oblivious of the fact that she had powers was enrolled in a magical school by her dad to undergo training , on her first day of school she met a boy called Alex who she thought was a total jerk due to his behavior . Alex is an narcissistic guy who feels that his charms can smitten everyone easily until he met Anna who isn't smitten by his charms and character ,Alex feels angry by the fact that she thinks he isn't charming and plans to make her fall for him and then dump her.alex finds out that her life is in danger and he is the only person who can help her. what will he do when he falls for her in the process of helping her " Hey jerk, come here we are not done with the training" she said to him I glared at her and asked "did you just call your trainer a jerk "ooh, I forgot you are my trainer, sir are we done for today" she said to me smiling " Do I look old to you , don't call me sir okay" I said to her "And if I do what are you gonna do about it" she said to me with a challenging look "well , am going to use my charms on you"I replied grinning "Do I have to tell you over and over again that doesn't work on me sorry" she said to me while packing her bags "it does you, you Know that to because your heart beats faster when am close to you" I said to her "what, so you can listen to my heartbeat ,can you also read my mind "she said to me with a shock expression "I can't but I will find away to"I replied "you will never I promise you"she said and ran out "I wonder how I became a teacher to this kind of person who can't even fall for my charms "I said to myself and also left the hall

Nndubuisi_Rosemary · 若者
12 Chs

chapter 9

A while back

Alex pov

I came inside the canteen and looked around to see that girl's face when I saw her I was satisfied because she had probably seen my friends I smirked and left to meet my friends. I walked up to my friends table and sat down

"why did that old man call us" my friend Max asked

"hey stop calling him old man he is our principal okay" Rhea said with a chuckle

"really, you also wanna call him that" I said as I looked at her with disbelief.

" Alex can you please tell us why he called us back" Louis said tired of the fact that we couldn't go straight point

" hey who brought this fun killer back" I said as I looked at everyone

"hey Alex he still part of us okay" Tia said with a smile

"Alex he doesn't want to be a spoilt brat like you Louis is our good boy"Jake Said still crunching on his meal

"disgusting, jake when next you want to say something finish up the food in your mouth"I said to him

"Alex can you speak" Tia said to me with an annoyed look

"okay fine I will speak, There was a fire outbreak in the cafeteria yesterday and we think something is fishy maybe they are back"I said to then looking around to be sure we weren't being heard

"Really are they back argggh I came back for fun not for this"Jake said to us with an annoyed look

"look at that line where people wait to be served that girl over there was the one who got affected"I said as I pointed at Anna so they could see who I was referring to

"what do you mean she got affected by the fire outbreak she doesn't have any injuries"Louis said as he observed her

" yeah,she passed out after foolishly behaving brave"

" what do you mean by she behaved foolishly"Rhea asked me

" she went to the cafeteria and helped someone who couldn't get out of the cafeteria and ended up passing out because she wants to be a hero that she isn't"I said with an annoyed look

"I kinda like her already she looks and acts cool" Rhea said as she looked Anna and at us again

" huh don't think of that she's annoying she thinks she is the best, can you believe her first day at school she had a fight, who the hell does that".

"you of course"my friends chorused

"you are the only who thinks making trouble at your first day at school is cool"Tia said to me as she shared her head in disbelief

"you see, reasons why I find her cool" Rhea said with a smile

"cool my foot more like foolish" I said as I looked at Anna

"let me go make a new friend see you " Rhea stood up hanged her bag on her shoulder and left to meet Anna

Anna's pov

I and Dawn took our foods and found a good spot to sit .we walked up to the seat and sat

"hi, am Rhea you're a new student right cause i have never seen you around before"The girl who was with the Greek gods and obviously one of them walked up to me and said with a smile. "I wonder what she is doing here "I said to myself as I looked back at her before I could reply I got interrupted by her.

"Can I sit with you guys" she looked at me and then at dawn

I nodded my head and she sat down with I and Dawn.

"Hi Dawn it's been long since we last saw" she looked at dawn and said with a smile.

"yeah, Rhea how was your stay over there" Dawn asked her

"it was cool thank you"she looked at dawn then at me

"What's your name new girl"she looked at with a smile plastered on her face

"I'm An...oo I mean my name is Anna" I replied her surprised by the fact she wasn't mean even with her beauty

"okay what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl"she said to me with a smile

"emm I'm sure you probably know does lines are are for guys am good with you are beautiful after all I love to hear how beautiful I look from people"I said to her smiling

"Really Anna"Dawn said to me shaking her head as she smiled

"I also love it too, whenever am told how beautiful I look I'm always happy, just wanted to say something to start up a topic"Rhea said to me smiling

" okay anyways I also haven't seen you before where were you all this while"I asked with curiosity

" I and my friends went for a short vacation" Rhea replied me

"you call that a short vacation I wonder how a long on will be"Dawn said as she looked at Rhea with disbelief in her eyes

"Hey that was a short vacation and why are you acting like Louis"Rhea said to Dawn with a smile

"I think I just heard my name" I heard a cold masculine voice say I turned to look at who the voice belonged to . I turned and saw the Greek gods behind us except for that jerk I smiled as I didn't see him among the other Greek gods

"yeah you heard right Dawn is acting like you" Rhea said with a pout.

I looked around to check if I could see that jerk "I wonder he didn't come with them" I murmured

" looking for me" I heard someone whisper in my ear I turned to see who it was and saw the annoying face I have been looking for inches away from my face. I was taken aback for a moment and then I realized how close we were I pushed him and looked at the others to see their expression but instead I saw them chatting and laughing

"you were missing me right, I knew it I was wondering why a normal person wouldn't fall for a guy like me"Alex said and looked at me satisfied

I was about to reply when that dolled up girl came closer to our seat and looked at me with an annoyed look she looked back at Alex

"Hey boyfriend what are you doing with her"she asked Alex

"who the hell is your boyfriend can't you see am with my girlfriend"Alex said and looked at her with an annoyed look

"who is your girlfriend huh what does she have that I don't"she looked at Alex as tears welled up her eyes

"awwwn the queen wants to cry " I said to myself and was about to laugh when Alex dragged me closer to himself and held my shoulder

" Anna is my girlfriend" he said and looked at me with a smirk

A/N: kindly leave your reviews.