
Chapter Five

Connie stood outside her den listening to her pups settle down. Once she started to hear snoring come from the den she walked quietly in to the woods. She walked with ease threw the woods that not even her feet made a sound as she walked. She smelled a mouse a head of her. She then quickly dropped down in to a hunting stance and creeped forward toward the smell of the mouse. She saw it just on the other side of the bush and before the mouse had a chance to react, she pounced on it killing it in one quick move.

She knew this wasn't gonna be enough for her pups so she quickly ate it and kept looking. She wanted to catch something like a squirrel or a rabbit for the pups knowing it be big enough for all three of them to share. Last night hunt she had encountered a squirrel and just as she was about to pounce on it the wind had shifted and her sent went straight to the squirrel and it ran off before she could get near it. She suddenly got excited because on the wind she could smell rabbit ahead of her, and quickened her pace. She knew if she did this hunt right she wouldn't have to chase after the rabbit. As the smell of the rabbit got closer she slowed down and dropped in to a hunting stance. She slowly creep forward, it was sitting in the field eating grass. Springing forward with all her might she jumped on it grabbing it with her strong jaws and ending its life quickly. She thanked the gods for this rabbit that will feed her pups and help them grow.

Walking back threw the forest she held her head up high proud of her catch. "This rabbit is big enough to feed all four of us! She proudly thought. It took her almost an hour to get back to her den. She gently sat down for a minute to rest listening to her pups sleep, knowing once she walked in they would wake up and get to enjoy the taste of meat! She picked up the rabbit and walked in, sat the rabbit down. "Wake up pups I got a rabbit for us to share" she said full of pride and gently nudge each pup awake.

Jasper, Holly and Luna where awake and bouncing around their mother full of excitement. Luna stood there and watched as her mother ripped pieces of rabbit off and set them in front of of them. Holly was the first one to take a bite she slowly chew. She let out a yell "this is so delicious!" Then started to devour the piece in front of her. Luna and Jasper then each took a bite and soon the rabbit was gone. They all had full belly's and settled down with there mother to take a nap before there mother let them go out and play again.