
PLEASE READ:How to survive the multiverse by dying every day! Instead.

please read How to survive the multiverse by dying every day!(Re:zero/Multiverse) instead, This story is on indefinite Hiatus

InterPlanarGod · アニメ·コミックス
54 Chs

Chapter 26: candidate acquired.

june 15th, 2PM

I move towards the elevator and quickly reach our floor, it takes me even less time to reach the door, slide the electric key and enter.

Miu doesn't miss the absolutely baffled look on my face. As I handed her the letter I got from the local Majima, Miu seemed to just give up halfway through reading it.

"This is fine. Absolutely fine. The weirdest shit ever. But totally fine."

I blinked.

We agreed to pretend that nothing was extremely fucked-weird about this.

We approach the elevator together and reach the ground floor, where Himichi Wanzo: successful edition, waits for us.

I nod at him and he leads us towards a Limo. 

We enter and it moves in the direction of the local Tojo property.

About 10 minutes later, we arrived at Majima's office, the strangely respectful glances the clan was giving us was absolutely baffling.

The door opens and we see, Indeed, Majima with his familiar eye-patch looking pristine and exactly like we never moved universes to an entire multiversal neighborhood a multiversal continental equivalent away.

That is if we can use a rocket-ship and everyone else uses a horse and buggy.

Stowing my confusion, I look Majima straight in the eye.

"How the fuck are you even here?" I ask, no nonsense, just straight to the point.

He smirks, "You see, my young friend, Pan-Multiversal Hive-Mind made of myself."

He nods, and then looks at me expecting that to be enough.

"Care to elaborate?" Miu asks beside me with an utterly baffled tone.

"I'm glad you asked, young lady, In fact. NO." His smirk rises to unnerving levels.

Silence rules the room for a moment before Majima speaks again.

"Zack, my friends, soon those dullards are going to start tracking the money by how it was printed, so, I have an offer for you. I'll launder that stuff for you for 10% off the top of any laundry that needs doing."

I stare at him.

"4%" I say.

Majima smirks,

"8% cus I like you." he happily grins.

"4%" I repeat.

His smile begins to slip off his face.

"7%? I mean, that's about what I'd exp-"

"3.9%" I say, my smirk widening.

A tick-mark appears upon his head, and he says. 

"5%, but I'm not going lower, If you don't take this you can just deal with the heat." He scowls

I grin and shake his hand.

An utterly baffled expression appears on his face for a moment. 

Miu looks impressed and I give her a high-five.

"How did you?-" Majima mutters.

He sighs, shakes his head and visibly reacquires himself.

"Alright, so I think you need some training on cursed energy. Seeing as we're now business partners, I want you to survive." For a moment he pauses. "Also because you're extremely entertaining."

Nodding to himself, he says, "I'll train you in some basic stuff, and then you can run along."

I smile, "Sure."

With a neutral expression, Miu nods, "Mhm, I'd like to learn how to use this cursed energy too."

"Awesome! You're gonna love my nuts!" he says, and before we can ask what the fuck he just said, two Majima clones burst from his shadow coalescing into two Majima's with the head of a peanut with it's shell intact.

One of them had a fedora and an eyepatch above their fancy suit.

One was wearing a fancy dress and a bow attached to its head. Also an eyepatch.

It had manly legs. With hair.

We followed them to the elevator. 

"This is still weird as shit right?" Miu asks, looking to me for a response.

I nod, not daring to say a word.

6:30 PM same day.


"That training was pretty good," I said, looking at zack "Do you think that-"

That was when I saw it. 

A bullet wrapped in condensed cursed energy hurtling towards zack. In an infinitesimal moment I felt absolute despair as everything I love and cherish was about to be taken away.

I wouldn't make it to push him out-

Without my input Zack twisted in a way that could be described as unnervingly graceful.

The moment the bullet was close enough for him to perceive he rapidly twisted his body to the side. 

He must have put extra points into reflex in his body mod. 

My moment of relief turned to absolute rage.

I turned my wide manic gaze to the man leaning forward, hands in his pockets like trying to murder the one I love isn't a capital crime punishable by an agonizing death


This bug.


This thing.


This rotten piece of refuse.


This object needs to be crushed in a way that not even atoms remain.


I would fucking make it happen.


I would destroy it right now.

As my left hand rose into a strange fist gesture with my thumb pointing up and my pinky finger out, clutched against my chest, my other hand rose to the side of my body arm extended, middle finger and ring finger pointing down with my pointer finger only half extended, My rage filled expression turned strange, as if a sick joy infected it.

"Domain Expansion: Shrine Dedicated to the Asura Subduing the Buddha."​

Came from my mouth as instinct took over. 

The surroundings changed as my truest self overwrote reality around us. An unnerving forest of cherry blossoms rose up as they fell from the trees around us.

At the center of this unnerving forest was a statue of an asura, standing over the corpse-like statue of a buddha split in twain, with cracks covering it.

The sky turned an ominous shade of purple

Spiked Chains sprouted from every direction and charged forth to painfully grasp as the thing in front of me, he could only backpedal for a few steps before being wrapped by more and more chains- he broke them.

He charged backwards in a panic, pulling out cursed tools, to strike the chains that kept following him.

The ability of my Domain Expansion echoed out as the buddha statue began to heal.

An echo of force waved out and stole an amount of cursed energy matching the amount of sins the enemy has committed.

The thing staggered as 25%, the maximum amount, was sucked from him.

The Buddha statue heals by half and begins to move.

The thing looked terrified, good.

I stared into his eyes as he charged towards me, thinking that my domain had ME as the weakness.

I smirked, the Asura statue merged with me, creating armor that could be broken by the good of heart instantly, but was harder to break or bypass the more evil you were.

This thing had no chance, the clang rang out, his cursed energy sword being shattered by the backlash.

In the distance, the Buddha statue had finished repairing itself.

An explosion of force rippled out, affecting only the creature in front of me he coughed out a ton of blood as his eyes and ears bled.

Beneath my suit of asura-armor, I could only stare in contempt. "You took too long, what a sorry assassin." I said.

The bug writhed as the buddha clapped. He began to be erased from foot upwards. 

For 10 more seconds the screams of the damned rang out so sweetly.

6:32 PM

The domain evaporated revealing an absolutely terrified looking girl with straight brown hair that reached right below her ears, she had a slightly sharp nose and a cute face. 

She was wearing a white knit sweater and jeans that clung to her body.

She held a mundane hammer wrapped in cursed energy towards me with floating nails similarly clad in cursed energy pointed straight to me.

She had a really nice ass from what I could see.

Zack seemed to agree too, as his eyes darted away from her ass as well as I appeared.

I smirked,

Candidate acquired.​