
PLEASE READ:How to survive the multiverse by dying every day! Instead.

please read How to survive the multiverse by dying every day!(Re:zero/Multiverse) instead, This story is on indefinite Hiatus

InterPlanarGod · アニメ·コミックス
54 Chs

11, the falling of heaven

Okay this was too many.

'Okay you know what. I don't care about any skills that aren't related to strength. All these mundane skills like lying and social skills AND FUCKING TABLE CLEANING, fucking never tell me about them. I also don't care about reputations as numbers because I'm not socially inept. I don't need to know exactly how much someone likes or hates me, just that they like or hate me and how much. Don't show organization reputations unless they actually might react at all to knowing about me or my deeds. So make categories and only update them once they reach a threshold. Also, in regards to skills, show me the result, not the play-by-play. All these quests don't fucking need commentary just give me the the results and requirements.'

The notifications shrunk by an extremely noticeable margin and I started reading.

Oh my Admin, why the fuck are you so boring?


Flirting is level 22

Kissing is level 3

Detect menacing aura-is level 40

Uncanny dodge is level 50

extremely uncanny dodge is level 50

absolute uncanny dodge is level 43

Martial parry is level 50

Footwork is level 50

Advanced footwork is level 50

Artful footwork is level 43

Instinctual Positioning is level 50

instinct(Very small) is level 42

Advanced Martial parry is level 50

Great Martial Parry is level 50

Uncanny martial parry is level 50

Extremely uncanny martial parry is level 33

Counter is level 50

Advanced counter is level 50

Great counter is level 50

Uncanny counter is level 21

Jujitsu is level 50

Advanced Jujitsu is level 50

Black belt Jujitsu is level 50

Jujitsu(Disciple rank) is level 21

Blunt damage resistance is level 49

Friction damage resistance is level 30

Rug Burn damage resistance is level 50

Stone burn damage resistance is level 32

Bruising resistance is level 30

Absolute undying and unyielding rage at this audacious piece of shit resistance has reached max level and has been rolled into gamers mind.

The list paused its scrolling and then stuttered.

'Umm.' system?

Sorry, I'm checking the logs. Holy shit I've never seen a rage break so large that it crashed the gamers mind not once, not five times, but 15 times in a row. Wow, I wasn't paying attention what the fuck happened while I was gone?!

'Just… fucking show me my results.' I grumbled mentally.

Fine I'll just watch the recording.

Project Rage is level 50

Project fury is level 50

Project hatred is level 50

Project Undying hatred has been maxed out.

Project contempt is level 50

Project disgust is level 50

Project absolute disgust is level 3

Intimidation is level 50

Killing intent is level 13

Aura of Conceptually Empowering Fury is level 4(Ability locked until conceptual weight reached 50)

By training yourself to the limits you have reached the daily limit for physical stats +13 to all physical stats you may train yourself by additional 3 physical stats net time. New stat training per day limit is 16.

You have reached the limit. Stop training.

Seriously, stop.

Limit break achieved +10 to all physical stats

For training like a moron for a whole day +16 to all physical stats.

For training like an idiot for a whole day +16

For training like a retard for a whole day +15 to all physical stats

For training like a stupid for a whole day +13 to all physical stats

For training like a "B-Baka!" for a whole day 10 to all physical stats

Miu furinji Affection is at(Extremely attracted to you, likes you alot and will definitely blow you away after 2 more dates or similar bonding events that count to her as dates. if you pushed, she would totally do it at a love hotel right now, but that would ruin your relationship so really fucking don't.)

Quest started: You're overreacting but still kick his ass.

Quest started:Dating a nice girl.

Quest started: Punishment training.

Quest started: Think Fast, Eat fast.

Quest failed: Think Fast, Eat fast.

Quest complete: Dating a nice girl two, electric Snuggle-ooh

Give Miu a nice date 1/1

Give Miu and outstanding date 1/1

Give Miu an objectively improved date from the last one. 1/1

Give Miu a date a god would be proud of 0/1

Give Miu a date the admin would be proud of 0/haha.

optional: get laid 0/1

optional: don't rush her affection and make her more comfortable 1/1

Quest failed: Think Fast, Eat fast.

Quest failed: Think Fast, Eat fast.

Quest failed: Think Fast, Eat fast.

Quest failed: Think Fast, Eat fast.

Quest started: Retard Robbery.

Quest complete: You're overreacting but still kick his ass.

+9000 exp

+140000 yen added to inventory

Optional additional 140000 yen in the pockets of the moron

Quest complete: Dating a nice girl.

+10000 exp

Quest complete: Punishment training.

+100000 exp

Quest failed: Think Fast, Eat fast.

Quest complete: Retard Robbery.

Defeat Generic thugs 10/10

Defeat 'Thrower of the fight' 1/1

Defeat 'Kicker of the adamantine plate' 1/1

T0rTurE the living SH1T oUt of the M0therfUcKer! 1/1

+590000 exp

Expulsion of the heart demon?

I'm pretty sure that last objective and reward wasn't supposed to be there. Also, that exp is too much! What the hell?!

Zack Hammers

Title: The Gamer


Race -Human- Lvl 21/50

Class -blank- lvl 34/50

SSTR ((115)*2.6

END (123)*2.6

DEX (133)*2.6

VIT (115)*2.6

WIS (21)*2.6

INT (21)*2.6

Unused SP=75











The ambient noise of the classroom faded into a dull buzz as an oppressive weight seemed to descend over the entire town. I could feel it seeping into my very pores - a suffocating presence so thick and malevolent that it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

Emergency quest.

Survive and escape.


Optional: 0/2

A shock of visceral terror lanced through me, my muscles coiling tight as every instinct screamed at me to run, to flee from whatever eldritch force was blanketing Kuryu with its inescapable miasma. Even the teacher faltered mid-sentence, head whipping around with eyes widened in naked fear as that inexorable pressure reached its smothering crescendo.

I didn't need to think. My body moved on its own, fueled by a more primal Self-preservation than I'd ever tapped into before. Heedless of the pandemonium erupting around me, I pivoted towards Miu - only to freeze as the urge to use Observe on her overwhelmed me.

The data slammed into my mind with the force of a physical blow:

The Presence of Yuujirou Hanma

 Titles: (The Strongest Creature On Earth)(Unofficial King of Satsujinken)(Evil God of Martial Arts)(The Ogre)(The One Who Matches The 108 Styles)

Yuujirou Hanma is here for his rematch with Hayato Furinji. He will prove his superiority.

A choked noise escaped my constricted throat as the full, catastrophic implications hit me like a deluge of icy water. This was bad. Worse than bad - this was a death sentence if we didn't get as far away as humanly possible!

Miu's head whipped around, her expression one of dawning horror as that baleful ki signature seemingly clicked into place for her as well. We locked eyes for the barest fraction of a second, both of us operating on the same harrowing frequency in that moment.

Without a word, I lunged forward to seize her hand in a crushing grip, already pivoting to drag her towards the exit. But a heartbeat later, I realized she was too stunned to keep pace with my urgency.

Gritting my teeth, I didn't hesitate - I simply scooped Miu up into a princess carry and bolted for the exit at a dead sprint. She clutched at me instinctively, face burying into the crook of my neck as if hiding from the sheer overwhelming dread blanketing the atmosphere.

I burst out into the eerily abandoned streets, the cloying miasma growing heavier and more corporeal with every frantic step. Yuujirou Hanma's presence billowed out in an ever-expanding sphere, blotting out warmth and light in its wake until the entire town seemed entombed in its smothering pall.

There was no time to even formulate a plan. We had to put as much distance between us and ground zero as inhumanly possible before that world-ending ki detonated in full. Kuryu was about to become a goddamn crater, I realized with a sickening lurch - pouring on even more speed as I clutched Miu's trembling form to my chest.

Get us out of here, get us to safety... That singular imperative pounded through my mind in time with each hammering stride, fueling me with a manic burst of adrenaline-fueled desperation. If we failed here, if we didn't escape this looming apocalyptic phenomenon...

Then we were both as good as dead, snuffed out like insignificant embers before the unstoppable onslaught of a star going supernova. And the thought of Miu suffering such an unspeakable fate lent wings to my increasingly labored steps.

I wouldn't let that happen. Not to her, not to anyone I cared about ever again!

The horizon beckoned like a lifeline, even as Yuujirou's malignant ki bled across the sky in an all-consuming stain. Every rasping breath felt like shards of glass in my lungs, muscles screaming for respite.

But still, I ran - clutching Miu fiercer than life itself as the single school that was in Kuryu town faded into the distance-

All I could do was run.