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She was a poor girl who was bullied at school, but one more act of bulling almost cost her her life. But what happens when she gets reborn as a princess? She would have to adapt to this new life.

Red_Dragon_4595 · その他
46 Chs

Chapter 23 A Peck On The Lips

"I am telling you, once my father finds out about this he would come for you and your pathetic kingdom." Beth said glaring hard at Ryan.

The sun was almost out and they would soon be arriving at Denmore.

"How would your father know it was me princess?" He smirked. "And even if he does know, I am sure your father would not want to start an early war because he would be risking the life of his precious daughter."

She looked at him in shock. She knew he was right, but if her father did start a war, would Ryan really kill her?

For some reason she felt a slight pain in her heart thinking about it. Ryan looked at her and noticed the change of expression on her face.

He asked, "Are you okay?"

"I am fine. You don't need to pretend to care." She responded, her voice cracking slightly.

He could obviously tell that she was about to cry because of the way her voice sounded, but he needed to know why.

For some reason that even he didn't understand, he didn't like the way she wasn't telling him way she was suddenly feeling like this. He wanted her to tell him everything, he NEEDED her to... trust him.

Ryan led Beth towards a guest room once they arrived at the palace. He opened the door and she walked in without sparing him a glance.

"I know you are tired, so rest here." Said Ryan. "If you need anything just call for any of the maids and also, don't try to run away... please." He gave her a sudden peck on her lips and left the room.

She was shocked. It was not because of the kiss but because when he told her not to run away, he almost sounded desperate and that made her heart swell.

'Snap out of it Beth. He is an enemy.' She cautioned herself.

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