
Playful Elusive

What will you do when your husband refuse to know you? This is what happen with Lena, when one night she encounters her husband Alarik, for the first time since their arranged marriage. As danger looms near her and a gunshot shatters the air, she unexpectedly becomes his protector, igniting a chain of events. Amidst secrets, betrayal, and attraction, while confronting her own past. Will she emerge unscathed, or will the shadows of his world consume her? Will she be able to tame her husband?

Reign_Meyers · 都市
20 Chs



 physical violence, mature content. 

I left the party in anger. I don't want to attend any more of this stupidity.

I am not going to lie; I am terrified right now. Following an impulsive smack of Alarik. I quickly jumped into my car and drove away, not into a lion's den but anywhere I didn't have to meet him.

My escape didn't last longer as I saw a black SUV speeding after me. We are racing down an empty road. Him chasing me, and I ran away. I don't even recognize the road I am on. I am madly driving, not caring for the speed. . My hands grip the steering wheel, my knuckles white with tension. The engine roars, pushing my car to its limits. When he gets closer to me, I raise my speed. Glancing in the rearview mirror, I see them—the dark silhouette of an SUV—gaining on me, relentless in its pursuit. Adrenaline surges through my veins, my heart pounding in my chest.

I should be afraid of getting into an accident and dying of blood loss, like my mom. I inherited her hemophilia. I push harder on the accelerator, the speedometer climbing higher and higher as I navigate the roads with precision, each turn a calculated risk.

The SUV draws closer, its headlights glaring in my mirror. He is trying to box me in, but I won't let him. I swerve and dodge, narrowly avoiding collisions. I can almost feel the driver's eyes on me, his determination matching my own. But as the SUV draws nearer, my mind is consumed by a chilling realization.

 I am more afraid of Alarik. He is haunting me. In my every thought, all these questions and no answer make me emotional and mad. I was questioning my sanity, replaying our kiss, and wanting his hands on me. My throat still feels the tingles of our previous contact. I do not like how much his close proximity affects me. I hate how he played a game of charade with me in our own marriage. I don't want him to have this control over me.


Lost in my thoughts, I fail to notice the sudden appearance of Alarik's car as it screeches to a halt directly in front of mine. My heart lurches into my throat as I slam on the brakes, tires squealing in protest against the unforgiving pavement.

For a fleeting moment, time seems to slow as my car skids to a halt just feet away from Alarik's bumper. The air is thick with tension as I sit there, breathless and trembling, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

But there's no time to dwell on what could have been. Before I can even catch my breath, Alarik is out of his car, fury etched into every line of his face. With a violent yank, he wrenches open my door and hauls me out into the cold night air, his grip like a vise around my arm. He snaked his arms around my waist, sticking me into him and lifting me up from the ground. I am kicking, protesting, and shouting, only making him tighten his hold.

Alarik's voice cuts through the darkness like a knife, his words dripping with venom. "You thought you could escape from me, huh?" He snarls, his eyes flashing with unchecked rage.

He slammed my face down into the back of his car. My arms are twisted behind me, and my legs widen as he stands in between them. Ugh! He was twisting my arms tightly, making it hurt. "Let go. Of me. Asshole," I demanded.


Knotting his fist into my hair, he arches my face up. My chest and stomach are lying flat on the surface. I can feel him between my legs. He is so close to my vagina. If not for his pants and my gown, he would have felt me.

And I am him. His thing. He is bulging in his pants. He is turned on. At least I am not the only one affected. 

If he chooses to take me to the back of his car, Just imagining it makes me wetter by every second. I don't like how my body wants him.

"Do you have a death wish? Racing your car like this," Alarik's voice breaks through the tense silence, his tone laced with genuine concern. His breath tickles my neck, sending a shiver down my spine.

I frown, his unexpected worry catching me off guard. "Why do you care?" I retorted, my voice tinged with bitterness. "I am not your possession. You can't order me around and play with me like some toy."

He chuckles at my words. Leaving my hair, he traced his fingers to the length of my spine, slapping my right ass. I gasp.

"Only I have the right to play with you. le mie marachelle."

He repeated it twice, making me aching and sore. "Never raise your hand at me. Apologize to me." He commanded slapping my ass a total of ten times, five on each cheek. My breath was ragged. This movement makes me shiver through my body. Deliciously.

"No, never," I answer.

Each smack sends tingles dancing along my skin, electrifying every nerve. It's as if the very essence of anticipation intertwines with pleasure, creating a symphony of sensations that I cannot help but revel in, leaving me utterly captivated and yearning for more.

I could feel my throat open up and let out a moan. I never knew this type of thing would turn me on. I try to even my breaths, my hair sticking with sweat on my neck despite being a cold night.

Listening to the belt unbuckling made my breath hitched. "What are you doing? Alarik?" I questioned him as he started twisting the belt around my wrists. I tied my hands behind my back. I struggle to free them. "Let go!" I shouted.

"Someone help." Asking for help on an empty road in the in the middle of the night is not a smart move. Not as anyone would help me against Alarik as he squeezes my ass. His fingers were digging into me. I could feel his chest vibrating as he laughed at my desperation.

He pulled me onto my straight from his belt bondage on me. I was shaking and struggling as he pulled me in, colliding my ass into him. I flinched as my sore ass touched his bulge. He was harder than before. I gulp. I want to feel him in my hands. But if he is going to force and bind me, I am not giving in easily.

I cupped his hardness in my hands. He hissed. I tried to tighten my hold as he reached out and grabbed my chin, forcefully turning me to face him. He stares into my eyes, his nose flaring, and our breathing is rapid. I smirk as I stroke him behind me. My finger measures his girth. He gulps; our lips are a hair's distance away. My eyes flicker to his lips, waiting for him to claim my lips.

However, there was no kiss as Alarik shoved me into the dark confines of his car's trunk. My heart pounds in my chest, and the sound of my own screams echos in the enclosed space.

"Alarik!" I cry out, desperation lacing my voice as I pound futilely against the metal walls. But my pleas fall on deaf ears as he slams the trunk shut, sealing me in darkness.

The air grows stale as I struggle to catch my breath; I'm trapped at the mercy of a man whose intentions I can only guess at. He is kidnapping me.

I can only hope that somehow, someway, I'll find a way to survive the night. I realize that my desperate attempt to escape has only led me into a far more dangerous situation. As the car rumbles to life and begins to move.

My throat was parched from screaming, and there was saltiness on my lips from tears and sweat. I am struggling to balance myself as he is driving fast. My arms hurt from binding.

I wanted him to taste the bitter flavor of annoyance and frustration, to understand the sensation of plans going awry and of feeling unwanted and abandoned. He toyed with me, treating our marriage like a game, oblivious to the turmoil he caused within me.

But now, as I lay here, feeling the consequences of my actions, there is a weird joy mingled with discomfort. Perhaps this is my attempt to reclaim some kind of authority and reclaim myself in a dynamic that has long been skewed in his favor.

I try to breathe slowly in this dark trunk. My dress, makeup, and hair—everything is ruined now. I did not inform anyone. Somehow, I know Alarik would not kill me. However, I shall reveal the truth behind the game that he's playing.

As the weight of his anger bears down on me, I can't help but wonder what fate awaits me now that I've been caught. But one thing is certain: whatever happens next, my life will never be the same again.

Read ahead!!

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