
Player Level 999

Halcyon Dawning, the very first Ultimate Virtual Reality Console game, was finally released and Oliver Wilson, a newbie in the game, is losing hope of leveling up due to the massive amount of expert players in the game. What will happen if an honest mistake suddenly makes him the strongest player in the entire user base?

Wajie · ファンタジー
48 Chs


"Ultimate Virtual Reality Console?" I whispered as I read the trending article on my phone.

[ The new age of technology is here and the Ultimate Virtual Reality Console is just the first step. Before, we can only experience Virtual Reality through the lens of a VR Headset but times have changed. We are now able to add the features of touch, taste and smell by connecting the new UVRC Headset to the user's nervous system. ]

I slightly nodded to myself, immediately interested.

[ This is the ultimate experience of in living another world - another reality. The UVRC is sure to bring you the satisfaction of having another identity, another body or even another soul that you have personally created for yourself. ]

Wait, does it have a voice changer too? If it does, that would complete the package of character personalization. But I guess that would be asking for too much.

[ Neon Tech, the developers of UVRC, has partnered with Eventide, a very famous game development company, to release a video game solely for UVRC. As of now, we are only given a name - Halcyon Dawning. ]

My eyebrows shot up when I saw Eventide's name. It made me excited for UVRC and the upcoming release of this new video game.

Eventide's never developed a bad game before. I can attest to that as I've bought every single game released by that company and they just keep getting better and better with each new release.

I can already tell that Halcyon Dawning would immediately sold out worldwide.

[ The gaming community has already expressed their excitement over the new console as thousands of gamers all over the world are already applying to become beta testers. The CEO of Eventide, Louis Eventide, has released a statement over his social media that they would start accepting testers by next year. ]

If only I could also be a beta tester just so I could experience this UVRC earlier than most people, that would be great. But I guess playing the game with less bugs and less problems is better.

Now, I just hope that I could save enough money to buy this kind of advanced console. The price would surely make anyone cry for their wallets or bank accounts but since I live alone and have no one to fend for, I could do whatever I want with my money.

I just know deep within me that this will be worth it.

I'm back to Webnovel haha

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