
Player Level 999

Halcyon Dawning, the very first Ultimate Virtual Reality Console game, was finally released and Oliver Wilson, a newbie in the game, is losing hope of leveling up due to the massive amount of expert players in the game. What will happen if an honest mistake suddenly makes him the strongest player in the entire user base?

Wajie · ファンタジー
48 Chs

8 - A Normal Dungeon?

It's been almost fifteen minutes and I still haven't found the girl.

This is also my first time going inside a high-level dungeon, so I've assumed that it's going to be much bigger and more dangerous.

But so far, I haven't encountered any monsters yet and that's enough for me to become suspicious.

Did the girl kill all the monsters? Is she capable of finishing this cave after all?

I don't even know what her level is but, from what I've seen from her friends' reactions, she must be around the same level as them.

But the quietness of the cave unnerved me. I may not be an expert player, but I could feel that something is wrong in this cave.

I stopped walking when I came across two separate pathways.

I closed my eyes and felt power slowly come out from both of my hands.

{ Cast: Detect Life }

I used a strong Necromancer spell to not waste any more time. There's a large possibility that she has reached the Boss at the end of the cave so I need to hurry.

I felt a presence on my left and I immediately ran towards it, not hesitating a bit longer.

After a few seconds of running, I see a bright light at the end of the tunnel that made me run faster.

"I'm here!" The voice of a girl called out to me from what seemed like beyond the light.

Is that a way outside? I can't tell.

I used the back of my left hand to half-shield my eyes from the blinding white beam. It seems like the closer I got, the brighter it gets.

What the hell is this? Is there a sun inside of this cave?

I ran head-first into the light, but I was too late to hear the muffled screams of a girl telling me not to do exactly what I just did.

I suddenly felt myself floating.

"What the-" I tried to open my eyes but the light is still too painful to be tolerated.

You know what? Screw this.

The anger that I forced to go away came back to me in huge waves.

I'm just gonna log out and give those scamming trio an earful when I return. I swear they're going to regret tricking me.

I tried to remove the UVRC but-

Wait. I can't feel the UVRC.

I put my hands on my face, the place where the UVRC is supposed to be, and made a lifting motion.

There's nothing.

I roamed my hands on my body, trying to rip off the bodysuit from myself.

There's nothing.

I could only feel my clothes - my character's clothes.

My rage is being slowly replaced by panic and anxiety.

I put my hands on my face, still trying to find where the hell the UVRC is.

Why can't I feel it? I'm wearing it so it's impossible for me to not feel it!

I rotated my floating body, desperately reaching out to the belts that are supposed to be connecting me to the moving platform.

But there's nothing.

I forced my eyes open and I yelled in extreme pain.

Crap, it feels like my eyes are burning.

I tried to open the Menu, but I can't. I can't even see the Menu button anywhere. It's supposed to be on the upper right side of my sight, but it's not there.

In fact, I can't see any of the game's buttons.

I closed my eyes again, groaning and whimpering in pain.

"Help!" I screamed, groaning when the words just echoed into my own ears.

"Help me!" I screamed again.

All of a sudden, my body started to convulse and vibrate violently against my will.

It feels like something is crawling up and down my skin. It's uncomfortable, painful, and unnatural.

It's like I'm being possessed.

Am I dying? Am I having a seizure?

I need to get out of this game.

Where's Olivia? Can she hear me scream in pain?

Where are the admins? Lastef? I'm in his territory so I'm sure that he knows that I'm here.

"Lastef! Help!" I screamed, or at least tried to. What came out of me sounded more like a weak groan rather than a desperate plea.

My vision is fading and my chest is starting to hurt from all the violent movements that my body is doing.

Am I really going to die here?

I could feel my eyes slowly rolling towards the back of my head as I asked myself that morbid question. I can't handle the immense pain anymore.

And then... everything just abruptly stopped.