
Player Level 999

Halcyon Dawning, the very first Ultimate Virtual Reality Console game, was finally released and Oliver Wilson, a newbie in the game, is losing hope of leveling up due to the massive amount of expert players in the game. What will happen if an honest mistake suddenly makes him the strongest player in the entire user base?

Wajie · ファンタジー
48 Chs

44 - Belphegor

[ That's good. Master would be delighted to hear that. ] Mammon replied to Leviathan's report. He was glad that the young doppelganger seem to be doing fine now.

[ I'm going to stay in King Darvan's shadow for the meantime. ] She says and Mammon agrees.

[ Let's all meet here in Raveryn in three days. ] Belphegor said and continued to quietly stalk the Vice Mayor of Raveryn through his shadow.

Zeke Hosfo is said to be Elizar's right-hand man and his advisor. Belphegor had been wondering if he's also being controlled by a Marionette just like Elizar, but he felt nothing abnormal in the Warlock's aura or even his magic.

He could be considered strong due to his advanced class and status but so far, Belphegor had only seen cowardice and incompetence from the man. How he became the Vice Mayor is indeed a big mystery. He even thinks that Blair is a much better leader than this half-Nymph.

"Sir, we are about to go to war and the people still have no idea of what is happening. They deserve to know." One of the higher officials informed him, seemingly irritated and tired.

"Quiet, you fool. We can't tell the citizens about this right now. There will be chaos and confusion." Zeke huffed loudly.

"Of course, that's a natural response to a situation like this. The leader of our city had been murdered and you, along with two huge countries, are planning to engage in a battle with a kingdom containing very dangerous creatures. We need to evacuate the citizens, sir. We are the first one to be affected if Edgehollow decides to retaliate outside of their kingdom." The official argued, sounding more and more desperate by the second.

Unfortunately, Zeke only walked away from him. Belphegor could practically feel the stupidity and idiocy leaking from every part of the man.

"I took this position because Elizar promised me of a good pay. Goddamn it, this is not how everything is supposed to happen!" Zeke grumbled to himself and Belphegor silently sighed.

He walked all the way towards his own office, just one floor below Elizar's. He got a box and immediately started to pack his own things in a hurry.

[ The Vice Mayor seems to be planning to run away. ] Belphegor said.

[ Watch him closely. Master doesn't want any harm to befall on Edgehollow as much as possible. ] Mammon's voice echoed in his mind.

[ I'll do what I can. ] Belphegor replied.

He slowly rose from Zeke's shadow and before the man could react, he decapitated him.

Belphegor devoured Zeke and left nothing behind, not even a single drop of blood or a strand of hair. A few seconds later, his bones cracked and his skin started to peel off from his body. Not long after, he's already completely imitating Zeke Hosfo.

That's how Demons usually have a human body. They've done it countless of times before to conceal their inhuman appearances. He would need to eat another human later to replace this body after he's done with this mission.

He changed his clothes and incinerated the ones he were wearing earlier. After he returned all of the things Zeke put into the box earlier, a knock disturbed him.

He cleared his throat and tested his voice before he opened the door. The official that Zeke was talking to earlier looked like he just ran all the way here.

"Sir, please consider what I said earlier. Think of the innocent lives that will be dragged along with this battle." The desperation in his eyes is clear.

"Gather the knights and tell them to start evacuating the people immediately." Belphegor declared and the official looked very surprised at his serious tone.

"U-Understood, sir." He bowed and ran away.

Belphegor closed the door and locked it, contemplating on his next actions.

[ I'm using the Vice Mayor's body. Any advice? ] He called out.

[ Is there a way to call off the war? ] Leviathan asked.

[ I don't think it's possible. Queen Lavayn is determined to fight Edgehollow. ] Mammon sighed.

[ Should I just slaughter all of them? ] Belphegor asked and Mammon hummed while thinking.

[ Yes, but do it in the battlefield. In fact, the three of us and the twins should do just that. ] Mammon replied.

[ Ooh, I like that plan. It's been so long since I've done a massacre. ] Leviathan giggled to herself.

[ Will Queen Lavayn and King Darvan be there? How about Lydia and Mildos? Should we also kill them? ] Belphegor asked again.

[ We should ask Master. ] Mammon said and the three of them agreed.

They contacted Blair, who seem to be busy at the moment, and relayed their entire plan along with everything that they've done so far. He obviously sounded relieved when he heard about what happened to Asmodai.

[ That's actually not a bad plan. As for the four, leave them alive. Altering their memories isn't that hard. ] Blair nonchalantly said.

[ Understood, Master. ] The three simultaneously replied.

[ Please, leave everything to us. ] Mammon added.

[ Of course. I have utmost trust in the three of you. ] Blair replied before cutting off their connection.