
Player Level 999

Halcyon Dawning, the very first Ultimate Virtual Reality Console game, was finally released and Oliver Wilson, a newbie in the game, is losing hope of leveling up due to the massive amount of expert players in the game. What will happen if an honest mistake suddenly makes him the strongest player in the entire user base?

Wajie · ファンタジー
48 Chs

4 - Choosing A Class

It's been three days since the last time I logged in and I'm still contemplating whether or not I should go back in the game.

Malo was right. The game developers released a statement about the incident a day after and they've updated the game. They also said that any large environmental destruction made in the future would result in a permanent ban with a few exceptions such as using skills that have large area of effects, fighting giant bosses or if it's part of a quest or event.

Thankfully, they didn't reveal my name but they expressed that they won't be taking away the progress that I've made with my level as a compensation for making them prevent any future similar occurrences.

Of course, the players' reactions were mixed. Some were saying that it's still cheating, some were saying that it's only fair for me to keep everything and there were some saying that they wished they were the ones who thought of it first.

I mean, I'm grateful that they didn't reveal who I am but I'm sure that the entirety of the player base knows who I am by now. It's not exactly hard to go to the Ranking Board and see the name of the first player in the game to have a three-digit number as a level.

I'm just glad that they have a strong privacy security system or else people would've known my real name by now.

I'm fine with living my real life in peace, thank you very much.

I sighed and sat back on my swivel chair. I took my eyes away from my computer screen and it automatically went to the UVRC headgear sitting just right beside my monitor.

Surprisingly, Ryan was absolutely ecstatic about what happened. Hell, he even want to start a fan club dedicated to me and it took me a few hours to convince him that it was a bad idea.

For the past two days, he's been messaging me nonstop about how I should stop being a dramatic overthinker and log in the game again.

Lastef's words rang into my ears as I continued to study the headgear.

'You're overpowered now. Even if you can't attack them, no one can kill you in-game even if the entire server ganged up on you.'

He does have a point though, but I don't want to look like I'm one of those arrogant assholes who pick on low-level players.

But then again, maybe it's fine to hear their opinions of me personally where I can defend myself and talk back instead of just watching them diss me in comment sections throughout different platforms.

I grabbed my headgear and immediately geared up while trying to stomp down my overthinking brain.

I stretched my body after wearing the body suit, hopped onto the platform, tested the directional floors of the platform and finally buckled myself onto it.

I took a deep breath before wearing the headgear, closing my eyes as I felt the unnatural yet familiar feeling of your body levitating in mid air and then dropping down slowly.

I opened my eyes again and I find myself sitting down on a sofa with a small table in front of me.

I then remembered that I logged out using one of the free private meeting rooms in the Administration Building.

After the meeting with the admins three days ago, I was too overwhelmed with everything so I just decided to immediately log out of the game to think about what happened.

I walked towards the door and locked it so people couldn't come in. I need to mentally and emotionally prepare myself first before I could show my face to other players.

I opened my menu and my eyebrows shot up when I saw that I still haven't accepted the tons of rewards that I received and haven't distributed the remaining skill points that I have.

I pressed the 'Accept All Rewards' button and my bag was immediately bombarded with millions of golds and diamonds. It also included thousands of enhancing materials, exclusive tickets to different high-level bosses, all sorts of potions, gacha tickets for pets and guardians and all sorts of stuff that you can either trade with other players or sell in the market.

There are also several Legendary Equipment, the highest grade and the most impossible to acquire, and I didn't think twice in equipping them.

I expanded my bag to its full extent and decided that I would go to the Market after this to sell all the unnecessary things. I'll also need to go to the Blacksmith so I could dismantle the excess equipment. Better yet, I'll just find Ryan so that I could give all my extra items to him.

After sorting my bag, I scrolled through my notifications and saw that I'm finally able to advance my class.

I checked the Class Directory to see what kind of class I could advance myself into.

Apparently, there's four stages of advancement and there's three other sub-classes that you'd unlock as you level up.

I checked the description of each class and what kind of skills they have to offer me. Personally, I'd like to keep my long-range skills and short cooldowns for maximum efficiency.

[ PRIEST: Priests are powerful healers and uses magic to fortify themselves and their allies. Although their attacks are weak, they use a wide variety of spells to support, resurrect and buff themselves and their comrades.

CLERIC: Clerics use the combination of divine and earthly magic in the battlefield, boosting their allies and tearing down their foes at the same time.

MYSTIC: Mystics are the embodiment of the gods, blessed with holy magic and divine knowledge. They deal a great amount of damage in a large scale using different elemental spells and drain their enemies' health to use it for themselves or transfer it to their allies. ]

Considering how I have the highest HP in the entirety of this game, I doubt that I would need healing that much. Plus, healers are usually for teams and I can't be in one. I certainly can't choose this class.

[ SCHOLAR: Scholars use grimoires and scrolls to conjure up a great deal of magical attacks. They have a great amount of knowledge in the combination and creation of different types of spells.

ALCHEMIST: Alchemists combine magic and science to create and invent powerful tools that can be used for all sorts of offensive and defensive tactics. They can make their own items, equipment and potions.

TRANSMUTER: Transmuters are the supreme controllers of transfiguration magic as they are capable of creating, recreating and inventing all sorts of items and equipment to their liking. They can channel their magic into any object and control them as they please. ]

Well, this is definitely an interesting class since Scholar is somehow no different from my current default class in using spell books and scrolls to cast spells.

Plus, I could make some awesome things when I'm bored. Who knows, maybe I'll just become a merchant or something. I'll consider this one.

[ ENCHANTER: Enchanters are crowd control experts who deal large scale spells to confuse, charm, stun, poison, freeze or slow down the enemies in a short amount of time.

SORCERER: Sorcerers are elemental wielders who can choose between the four basic elements: Fire, Air, Water and Earth. They are versatile in battle who can use powerful attacks and create very effective defenses.

WARLOCK: Warlocks are very aggressive elemental users who have no defensive spells or skills. In some cases, the severity of their attacks depend on their temper. ]

I really hope whoever becomes a Warlock in the future doesn't have temper tantrums. That would be so dangerous for everyone.

All in all, this class is also for consideration since it's a large advantage for me to be able to control all sorts of elements.

[ SUMMONER: Summoners are able to make life-long pacts with different species of animals and faes. Stronger summoners can even achieve summoning Demons and Angels to guide, help, and protect them in battle.

NECROMANCER: Necromancers are able to revive and control the dead and ancient Sentinels to do their bidding. Powerful Necromancers can also summon high-class demons and angels.

MARIONETTE: Marionettes can summon and control any being that they want, alive or not. They are capable of forcing others into extreme loyalty through blood pacts and are able to control minds within their limits. ]

Now this is definitely peaking my interest. Mostly because I won't even need to use other spells and just keep my mana from going out.

If I could turn my enemies into allies, that would bring me endless amounts of opportunities and advantages. Maybe I won't go too far into forcing them to form blood packs with me, but there's that option.

Reading further into the Summoner class, I find that Marionettes can summon some permanent accomplices such as pets or guardians with guaranteed utmost loyalty and faithfulness.

I don't think that violates my punishment as a solo player since they're considered as NPCs rather than real people. Plus, they came from my own powers, which considers them as a part of me.

I sat back on the sofa as I looked back at all the classes listed on the directory. It took me almost half an hour to finally decide on what I really want.

"Well, I hope I don't regret this." I said as I shrugged.