
Player Level 999

Halcyon Dawning, the very first Ultimate Virtual Reality Console game, was finally released and Oliver Wilson, a newbie in the game, is losing hope of leveling up due to the massive amount of expert players in the game. What will happen if an honest mistake suddenly makes him the strongest player in the entire user base?

Wajie · ファンタジー
48 Chs

30 - Home

Three days after returning home from Avallone, Asmodai and I find ourselves standing in front of a cozy-looking house near the dense forest on the other side of the city.

"Do you want to look inside?" I asked and Asmodai nodded, smiling in excitement.

I let him run inside the house and I could hear him giggle as I entered after him.

The first floor has a fairly large living room, a dining room enough for four people, a small kitchen and an empty basement below.

The second floor has four bedrooms, all of which have their own drawers, full-sized mirrors and closets. We also have two bathrooms, all complete with a medicine cabinet, a toilet, a sink, a showerhead and a bathtub.

The windows in the living room and the kitchen are big, allowing the brightness of the sun to give some natural light inside the house. The walls are painted in a soft linen color, giving out a homely and relaxing vibe within the house.

All of the furniture are a mixture of brown and white, not too hard to clean yet not too easy to stain. It's perfect if you have an energetic child who loves to eat everywhere.

I must say that I'm impressed with Mildos' taste since he's the one who personally recommended this house to me.

I've explored it last night and I really liked the entirety of the house. Now, all I want is to see if Asmodai would like it too.

"Are we going to live here?" Asmodai asked as he ran towards me from the second floor.

"Do you want to?" I smiled at him, kneeling down on the floor to meet him eye-to-eye.

"Yes! The house looks so cool!" He said, bouncing on his toes.

"Then, yeah. This is our house now." I said and he cheered, hugging my neck.

I couldn't help but notice the way Asmodai is now acting, speaking and thinking like a real child instead of just pretending to be one. I'm not complaining since I love spoiling him this way.

King Darvan was pleased when I told him that I was finally able to pick a house. At first, he was complaining when he saw that it wasn't a mansion but then he changed his mind when he realized how much Asmodai liked the house.

We didn't really need to move anything since all of the things that we have are just inside of my bag, plus the house is already fully furnished.

I could just send Wolfe to an errand to the Market if we would need any additional things around the house.

Speaking of Wolfe, the half-Giant currently lives at the barracks of Laraudia's knights along with Mildos since the Inn's beds are too small for him to fit into. It's not very far from here and he could drop by anytime he wants to.

In fact, he, Rain and Kari already visited us a few hours after we met with King Darvan. The two Summoners were saying their goodbyes since they'll be pursuing their own paths separately.

Lydia and Mildos also came by to congratulate us and to invite us tothe re-opening of Lydia's shop. Obviously, Asmodai and I were inclined to go.

When night finally came, Asmodai picked the last door on the second floor to be his room and I helped him assemble all his toys and his clothes.

Soon after, he was already asleep with all the energy that he spent today. Hell, even I feel slightly tired from all the visitors that we had today.

I took the opportunity to settle my own things on the next room, folding my clothes neatly and placing them inside of the closet.

I need to buy more clothes for the both of us, especially travelling clothes.

[ You have terrible taste in clothes. ] Amon suddenly spoke, slightly surprising me. His voice now sounds exactly like me.

"I thought you're gone. Can you please not use my voice?" I groaned as I place another shirt on top of the pile in the closet.

[ What, you prefer my normal voice? ] He laughed.

"If you meant that screeching noise, no." I answered.

[ Do you prefer that I use Asmodai's voice? ] He asked, slightly serious.

"No. Just shut up." I immediately retorted.

I don't need him sounding like Asmodai if he continues being an annoying prick.

When I was finished, I went down the basement with my bag and thought of a way to fill up the empty space nicely.

But first, I need to do something.

{ Recall }

Mammon, Beelzebub and Leviathan appeared in front of me, kneeling and bowing their heads.

"You called, dear?" Leviathan's the first one to lift up her head, grinning at me.

"I need you to bring someone named Wolfe Barrister here." I said and Beelzebub disappeared.

A few seconds later, the demon reappeared with Wolfe beside him looking terribly confused. He was barefoot while wearing only a pair of slacks and a white shirt.

"What the hell!?" Wolfe looked around and I shushed him.

"You'll wake up Asmodai, so shut up." I said and he did, but he was still looking suspiciously at the three demons.

"Who are they? Are they demons? Are they here to attack you?" He asked, taking a fighting stance.

{ Calm }

"They are my subordinates, Wolfe. These are Mammon, Beelzebub and Leviathan. The four of you will be meeting each other often, so get used to each other's faces." I said, introducing the three demons after I saw him visibly relax.

"Where are we? Why am I here?" He asked again.

"My basement. And I need you to help me with something." I said, crossing my arms.

I emptied my bag, leaving only the gold, diamonds and the potions inside. The equipments and other items almost flooded the basement floor.

"Holy cow, there's so much awesome weapons here." Beelzebub said as he picked up a Legendary dagger for an Assassin class.

"Arrange all of these neatly in this basement and I may think of giving you a reward." I said and the four of them looked excited, especially Wolfe after he saw the Legendary battle axe that even I have had difficulty in lifting up.

"Do you have any aesthetic preferences?" Mammon asked.

"Nothing in particular. I just want everything to look nice and clean." I said and they nodded.

I pulled out a total of five diamonds from my bag and tossed it towards the three demons.

"Take Wolfe and go buy the things you'd need to arrange all this up. I'll be sleeping in my room if you need me, so don't make too much noise down here." I said and they all nodded before I went back upstairs.

I'm confident enough that they'll do exactly as I say, or maybe even exceed my expectations.