
Player Level 999

Halcyon Dawning, the very first Ultimate Virtual Reality Console game, was finally released and Oliver Wilson, a newbie in the game, is losing hope of leveling up due to the massive amount of expert players in the game. What will happen if an honest mistake suddenly makes him the strongest player in the entire user base?

Wajie · ファンタジー
48 Chs

23 - A Big Shadow

"Mr. Wolfe's being creepy again." Asmodai giggled as he pointed at Wolfe who's just standing menacingly on one corner of the Cafeteria like some sort of looming shadow.

"Don't mind the giant idiot." I said, patting his head as he went back to eating his dinner.

People are avoiding Wolfe like he's some sort of predator that's ready to attack anytime. It's weird and awkward but I guess that's the consequence of using an 'Eternal Dominance' spell on a knight.

"Have you told him to go away?" Kari asked and I nodded as I sighed.

"He's too stubborn for his own good. He'll be tired of it soon enough." I said, shoving another piece of meat inside my mouth.

I really did test the spell's effectiveness and tried to push Wolfe away. I even told him to stop following me but it's obvious that it didn't work.

If I only used Absolute Loyalty, it means that he can still question my orders and think for himself. He doesn't need to be with me in order to know that he's loyal. He could also break the spell on his own if he has a strong mind or incredible willpower.

On the other hand, Eternal Dominance will render him bound to my command for as long as he lives. I could make him do whatever I want and he would do it without any second thoughts or hesitations. It's like I've turned him into a mindless puppet that can and will never say 'no' to anything that I say.

Since I combined the two spells, Wolfe is definitely having an internal crisis and, I may not look like it, but I'm genuinely concerned for his mental state.

Two highly advanced Marionette spells can make you go insane if used simultaneously and carelessly on one person. Not to mention the fact that I used two forms of mind controlling spells.

So I only didn't gain a loyal follower, but a literal giant stalker that who would no doubt follow me even in the depths of Hell.

"It's been three days, Blair. It's concerning." Mildos groaned beside me.

"Yeah, he doesn't look like the type of person who'd give up easily." Lydia said across me, face filled with a mixture of concern and confusion.

"If if didn't know him any better, I'd say that he's completely obsessed with you." Rain said and used both his hands to smother his face in frustration.

I took a glance at Wolfe again, noting the way he stood to attention when I looked at him like a soldier that's caught slacking off by a superior.

"I'm gonna invite him to our table." I announced and I earn a lot of 'huh's and 'what's.

"Please tell me that you're kidding." Rain said, eyes pleading.

{ Enthralling Words }

"Come on, look at him. If he does something, just leave it to me. Give the guy a chance." I said, gesturing towards Wolfe.

Rain crossed his arms and grumbled some incoherent things as Kari sighed in defeat. They didn't further voice their disapproval, so I took that as a yes.

"Please make sure that you're not going to regret this." Lydia said and I nodded as I stood up from my seat.

I approached Wolfe and he looked so stiff as he stood there like a statue.

"Look, just sit with us and stop being creepy. You're scaring everyone here." I said and he immediately followed me as I walked back.

I pulled a vacant chair and placed it on the other side of Asmodai. Wolfe looked at the other people sitting on the table before hesitantly sitting down.

"Hi, I'm Asmodai." The kid said as soon as Wolfe sat down.

At least one of us is not awkward about all this.

"I-uh... Wolfe." The big man replied, scratching the back of his head.

"What, is this your first time talking to a child?" Rain said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"A small child, yes. The children of Giants are bigger than you are." Wolfe replied with a slight glare.

"So you're a half-Giant. That explains why you're so strong and huge." Lydia nodded in understanding.

Little by little, the awkward atmosphere seem to lift off from there. An hour later, we're all talking like some long-time acquaintances.

I used some 'Charm' to tone down the attitude of Rain and Kari towards Wolfe and it seemed to have worked judging by the lack of glares and menacing looks between the three. Wolfe apologized for his behavior in the passed and the two accepted it after a few minutes of consideration.

"You've made another friend, it seems." Mildos commented as he nodded towards Wolfe.

"I'd say he's acting more like a follower, but I guess that's better than making him an enemy." I shrugged and he agreed.

"You have a talent of making friends with interesting people." Lydia chuckled.

I didn't hesitate to agree with her statement. After all, I'm surrounded by mostly slightly unwilling people who somehow got associated with me in one way or another.

After dinner, I thought that Wolfe would finally calm down with the stalking thing.

"What do you want now? This isn't even your building." I groaned as I turned towards Wolfe who's still following Asmodai and I even when we entered the Wizards' building.

"I've transferred to the room beside yours." He said without even stuttering or feeling ashamed.

I felt my jaw drop slightly in disbelief.

"Why? Just... Why?" I pinched the bridge of my nose as I could feel a migraine incoming.

If I cancel the spells, there's a huge possibility that he'll experience a severe existential crisis because I've altered his behavior towards everyone, especially me, drastically.

He might even kill himself.

"So I could keep you safe and be ready for whatever you command." He answered with a serious face, standing straight like he's talking to a superior officer.

I hear Asmodai yawn audibly beside me and I sighed before picking him up, his head immediately dropping onto my shoulder.

"Fine, fine. But seriously, you need to calm down with the stalking. You can just walk beside us or sit with us, you know." I said and he nodded stiffly.

He obeyed what I said and caught up to me. We walked quietly through the dark corridors of the building.

When I stopped in front of our room, he walked past by me and stood in front of the other door. I guess he was being serious about transferring to the room beside ours.

"Goodnight, Mr. Wolfe." Asmodai waved lazily towards him, yawning loudly once more.

"Goodnight." Wolfe said and bowed slightly.

We entered our rooms simultaneously and I sighed once I locked the door.

"He's nice." Asmodai whispered on my shoulder.

"Well, I'm glad you think so because he's stuck with us." I said and he giggled as I gently put him down on his bed.

"Will you fight him again?" Asmodai asked as I laid down on my own bed.

"Sure, why not?" I shrugged and he hummed.

After all, Wolfe can fight me without exhausting any mana and just by using his sheer strength and Legendary sword.

I wonder how long he would truly last in a battle against me?