
Player Level 999

Halcyon Dawning, the very first Ultimate Virtual Reality Console game, was finally released and Oliver Wilson, a newbie in the game, is losing hope of leveling up due to the massive amount of expert players in the game. What will happen if an honest mistake suddenly makes him the strongest player in the entire user base?

Wajie · ファンタジー
48 Chs

17 - A Small Scuffle

After five hours of travelling, Mildos decided to rest on a small town named Allon that's surprisingly populated by a mixture of Elves and Humans.

"I never thought I'd see the day where Elves are willing to live with us." I said to Lydia as we both look out the window.

Asmodai is sleeping peacefully on my lap, still hugging his small bag of candies. My left hand is placed on top of his head, trying to stop it from slipping from my thigh whenever the carriage shakes or goes through a bump on the road.

"No one did. That's why it's was a shock to everyone when the Queen of Erellone, Lavayn, announced that she would be opening her entire country to tourists, adventurers and even those who want to permanently live in it almost a hundred years ago." She said and my brows shot up in interest.

Back in Halcyon Dawning, NPC Elves wouldn't even have the time to look at humans or any other race simply because they believe that they have a higher social class than anyone due to their intellect, wisdom, beauty and pure bloodline. They wouldn't even give out quests to players unless they're partied with an Elf.

This Queen Lavayn is a very interesting individual. I wonder what made her come to that decision?

I'm sure she made a lot of enemies within her own people for opening up their borders to anyone and everyone. It won't be a surprise if she someday gets replaced by someone who has the majority of the support of the xenophobic High Elves.

Our carriage stopped in front of a small Inn and I immediately opened the door. Lydia came out first as I settled Asmodai in my arms and grabbed the paper bags of food before I stepped out behind her.

"We'll stay here until tomorrow." Mildos said as he walked towards us.

We rented four bedrooms, including the coach. It's a good thing that they have a room with two beds because I'm sure that Asmodai and I won't fit in a single one, considering how much he stirs in his sleep.

I put the child down on one of the beds before I stretched out my body. I can feel my rear and my hips being sore from sitting down for too long.

When Asmodai finally woke up a few minutes later, he wanted to go out of the Inn and explore the town. I agreed as I still wasn't tired enough to go to sleep or even sit down.

We changed into a set of new clothes before going out. Asmodai was excited because he said he looks cool on the new shirt, jeans and sneakers that I bought for him back in Laraudia.

As soon as we got out of the Inn, we saw Lydia and Mildos walking away towards somewhere while talking. We went to the opposite direction, not wanting to disturb their time together.

After asking around for a bit, we finally arrived at the Market. It's pretty impressive since the way they designed the stalls and even the streets seem to be very mystical.

Thinking about that now, I realized that everything in this town seemed to be a combination of Human and Elven architecture. Even the atmosphere of the surroundings feels like you're in some nature wonderland.

We explored the stores, tried out their food and Asmodai even played around with the children running around the Market as I browsed this small stall filled with books.

"Are you looking for anything special to read?" The owner, an old female Elf, asked as she smiled gently at me.

"Not really, just something to pass the time." I answered and returning the smile.

"Well, if you want, you can learn Elvish in your free time." She suggested, pointing to one book on the shelf.

I picked up the pretty thick book and was immediately interested due to the very detailed steps on how to read, write and speak the Elven language.

"I'll take this. How much?" I said and looked at the lady.

"You can take it." She said and my brows shot up in surprise.

"Are you sure? I have more than enough money to pay for it." I said and she shook her head.

"All of these books are free, child. So you can take it." She said and I nodded slowly in acknowledgement.

"Thank you very much." I said, bowing in respect before leaving.

I found Asmodai playing near a small fountain nearby and he immediately said goodbye to the other children when he saw me.

"You had fun?" I asked as he came running at me.

"Yup!" He said with a small bounce to his feet, grinning widely.

While we were walking back to the Inn, we heard a small commotion inside one of the establishments. I looked at the sign and saw that it was a Tavern so there are probably a lot of drunks inside.

But my attention is immediately caught when we walked pass through one of the huge windows and I saw Lydia and Mildos seemingly having a heated conversation with a group of muscled human men.

Although the tables are filled with empty beer bottles, glasses and plates, the Taven doesn't have any customers except for them. I also don't see a bartender or a waiter anywhere.

"Blair? What is it?" Asmodai asked beside me as he held my hand.

"It seems like our friends may get into trouble anytime soon." I said, sighing.

He held out his arms and I picked him up. We both peered through the window and he giggled as he looked inside.

"That man looks ridiculous." He said, pointing at the huge bald guy with tattoos all over his head.

I looked closely at the symbols and I realized that they weren't just simple tattoos.

They looked like demonic symbols.

I looked at the other men and saw that they have the same tattoos in different parts of their body. One dude has both of his arms filled with the same symbols and one of them even have a few engraved on his face.

"I think we might have to save them." I said to Asmodai and he looked at me.

"Am I allowed inside? This place seems to be for adults." He asked.

He could transform, but his new clothes would be ruined since they're not a natural part of him unlike his previous ones where he just copies the clothes of other children that he sees.

I looked around and saw a group of children playing nearby.

"Do you want to play with them for a little bit? I just need to get them out of here." I said, nodding towards the other kids.

"Mmph!" He hummed as he nodded.

I let him down and he ran towards the other kids before I entered the Tavern.

I went straight to the bar where Mildos and Lydia are sitting and their attention turned to me.

"Oh, it's good that you're here. Please tell these men that we don't want to cause any problems." Lydia crossed her arms in irritation.

"'Ya got a Centaur with 'ya, Missy! Everyone knows that Centaurs are nothin' but trouble!" One of the men declared loudly and I frowned.

Centaurs are aggressive and highly recommended to not be trifled with, but they don't just stir up crap when it's unnecessary.

"You seem to be the one causing trouble in this situation, not my friend over here. Do you have a habit of bullying people you don't know? Or do you just really love acting like immature children in the playground?" I sarcastically asked, staring daggers at the men.

Mildos looked at me, but stood silent. If he makes any move or say anything, it can be used against him by these people.

"Are you pickin' a fight, tourist? 'Cuz if you are, I'm willing to break you like a twig." The bald one approached me and I could feel my temper rise.

"I'm not the one harassing innocent strangers, am I? I could already see your brain being as smooth as your shining bald head." I said through gritted teeth, trying to stay calm.

I can trashtalk them all day if only I don't have a temper that's almost as short as Mildos'.

I foresaw a punch coming my way and I dodged it on reflex. I headbutted him and he dropped on the ground with a loud thud, eyes rolling at the back of his head as he went fully unconscious.

My forehead doesn't even hurt yet I could see the blood trickling down the man's broken nose.

I don't know how I did that.

A spell popped into my mind as soon as I see the rage in the other men's eyes.

{ Fear }

I whispered to myself and I felt a familiar chill down my spine.

They were about to attack me all at once but then they all cowered, looking at me with wide eyes and breathing shakily.

"Leave." I growled at them, my voice sounding so different even to my own ears.

They picked up the man on the ground and they ran away, leaving the three of us inside the empty Pub.

"What was that?" Lydia asked behind me and I looked at her, shrugging.

"Their bark is worse than their bite. They can't do anything if they're not in large numbers." I grumbled in irritation.

"You have my thanks for speaking up for me." Mildos spoke for the first time, bowing his head slightly towards me.

"Hey, I'm stuck with the both of you so we might as well have each other's back." I said and he chuckled.

I called to Asmodai when we got out and he ran towards us after waving goodbye to his playmates. I picked him up and we all ventured back to the Inn together.

As we walked away, I felt a tingle on my nape. It was a strange feeling of someone watching me.

I turned and saw no one, but my guard is raised and my senses are alert.

Whatever the people of this town is hiding, we're not going to get involved with it.