
Player hides the past

There is a secret to my strength

ellio_ · ファンタジー
13 Chs

patience is at its limit (1)

Just like a rock turned into a teacup.

The shape of the teacup changes.

It's like a shield made of rock.

I changed the shape of the teacup and set it up as a wall.

Arrows can't pierce the rock wall.


It is said that they cannot reach me even if they fire dozens or hundreds of shots.

I checked the amount of horsepower consumed.

'Isn't the efficiency unusually good?'

Is it because it is no longer a [skill] but [magic]?

It was certainly different from what the alchemist said on Nettube.

-Voila! Did the shape change? Although only changing the form consumes relatively little mana. That's only true when it's small, like a teacup. The bigger it gets, the more... … .

Mana consumption increases exponentially... … .

'Surely, that's what I said.'

Even if my magical power wasn't good enough, I was fine even after setting up a barrier that would have been 3 meters long.

Even if [Natural Enemy Relationship] was active, it was surprisingly effective.

Well, maybe one of the two.

Is the efficiency of 『Magic』 overwhelmingly better than [Skill]?

'Did the alchemist sell a drug called Nettube?'

Why, it's a type that is often found in games.

To avoid nerfs or pointing fingers at characters.

Players who act like weaklings.

'You have to train a demon hunter to see that this is a real weakling.'

Of course, no matter what happened.

At this moment, my work has not changed.

I left the defense to the barrier and prepared for a counterattack.

Equip a bow and arrow.

I put an arrow on my bowstring.

'Crude arrows.'

Low-level arrows used by gnoll archers.

Naturally, its attack power has dropped considerably.

'But what if I changed the form?'

Because it had enough horsepower.

I quickly changed the shape of the arrowhead.

Let's see, just looking at it makes me sick.

Like a drill or a hook… … .

[modified arrow]

[Rating: Normal]

[Restrictions: None]

[Effect: When attacking, there is a high probability of abnormal status 'bleeding']

[Description: The deformed arrowhead maximized the killing power.]

… … what is this?

More than expected.

In addition to attack power, it also had the effect of causing abnormal conditions with a high probability. Indeed, it is worthwhile to scribble with a pen all night long. Efforts don't betray either.


Apart from such a happy heart.

I calmly drew the bowstring.

Yes, I only changed one arrowhead.

Apart from making a fuss to Grandfel, it must have been an act not worth mentioning.


Indeed, even a gold medalist in archery is calm enough to cry.

Is it because of that?

The arrow I shot hit the bandit hiding in the bushes.

[Natural relationship].

[modified arrows].

Even [Shooting Mastery], which is better than not being there.

result of the combination of these three factors.



['Bleeding' occurs to bandits stained with blood.]

bleeding occurred.


While taking refuge in the pouring arrow rain again.

[Your level has risen.]… … .

The bandit fell into 'bleeding' and died.

Again, four levels rose.

I opened the status window and checked the stats.

[Level: 80]

[ability level]

Strength: 25 / Agility: 30 / Horsepower: 18 / Luck: 2

[Retained points: 13]

Arcana's system in which the experience required to level up increases rapidly whenever the level rises.

Seriously, even the No. 1 in the rankings barely passed level 400.

It was Arcana that had been in service for over 10 years.

'Definitely fast.'

when considering the system.

My growth rate was unbelievable.

But it's still too early to rejoice.

Before blaming Grandfel's personality.

'This level is basic.'

If you heard a toast from now on.

When the class quest was over, there seemed to be no way left to celebrate.

I invested my holding points without any hesitation.

'Strength and agility can grow through repeated class quests.'

That's why I'm going all-in on magic that will be useful in battle right now.

[Horsepower: 31]

Let's check the horsepower that has risen sharply.

Naturally, the targets are bandits stained with blood.

I transformed the arrow once again.

'This time, let's connect it to 'ignition'.'

Although it consumed much more mana than simple form-transforming magic. He must have invested in mana, so it would be necessary to test that power once in a while.

'If the efficiency drops, I'll stop using it next time.'

… … Besides, I'm not in a position to cover things up, am I?

It's my heartbeat. Anyway, this was obviously a crisis situation.

In other words, they were besieged by monsters with well over 200 levels!

Of course, there were other players around.

I didn't expect them to care about my life.

To take my life, to take care of myself.

In order not to sink into this heavy pride.

It was said that all struggles had to be fought.


Soon, a flame rose from the tip of the arrowhead.

So-called handmade 'Fire Arrow'.

I thought as I watched the flaming arrows spread out.

… … Well, it seems that the speed is much faster than the original one?


"Is that really crazy?!"

It was Leonie who screamed like that.

Soon the horsetail faded.

"… … Yes, huh?!"

Now, hold on.

What is that?!

The teacup has turned into a huge stone wall!

Even after that, Leonie was a ranker.

Knowledge and experience of Arcana was enough.

Yes, I guessed what kind of skill it was.

It didn't rise from the ground, it was because the teacup had changed.

It must be an alchemy-type skill.

But there was another reason I couldn't understand.

'Why is the alchemist in the rift? Is that alone?'

Alchemist was not a combat class.

Like a blacksmith or a craftsman.

Because alchemists were classified as a production class.

But, that's not enough... … .

How far does that stone wall rise?

"Crazy, boss. What is that?"

It seemed to be 3 meters tall.

The arrows were blocked by the stone wall and broke powerlessly.

Leonie was taken aback.

"… … It wasn't normal either."

It was an alchemy that was reputed to have extremely poor magic efficiency.

Speaking of making a stone wall the size of that with alchemy... … .

What is the absolute amount of horsepower?

But the surprises did not stop there.

Because all of a sudden the man took out his bow.

Leonie looked at the situation through the eyes of a ranker.

'Still, it seems that the mana has been exhausted.'

I summoned a stone wall that big.

Common sense would have to do that.

I guess I'll buy time with the bow until my mana is restored.

But I wondered if it had any meaning.

If an alchemist shoots arrows well, that makes sense... … .


"… … Hey, that doesn't make sense?! Leader?!"

just one foot.

One of the bandits stumbled and then collapsed.

At that point, attention was focused on the mysterious man rather than the bandits who surrounded them.

One of the guild members who couldn't hold back his curiosity activated 'Hawkeye' and stuttered.

"… … Wait a minute, what is this time again?"

"why? what is it again?"

"Is that like a fire arrow? what is he scared."


Not even an archer.

Sorcerer this time?

In an instant, the Arcana knowledge flowed into Leonie's head.

'I really don't know?'

However, no matter how much I looked back, I had never heard of or seen such a class.

Of course, a player could use alchemy, bows, and offensive magic.

But look.

The trajectory of that expanding fire arrow.

Its speed was incomparable to most wizards.

The wizards of the Berserker Guild whispered among themselves.

"Can you shoot like that?"

"… … no. Will that work?"

"But wasn't that person holding the staff?"

Even in all of his actions, there was no hesitation.

Beyond being confident, she even looked elegant.

Another angle-

The man's attire played a part in that.

Leonie was finally beginning to understand the man's suit.

'It wasn't just crazy, it was an expression of confidence?'

It is enough to wear a suit and shoes.

Because there is no such thing as a monster's blood splashing on oneself.

What, is it like that?

"As expected, it didn't go smoothly from the beginning."

I thought it was warming up, but I thought a hermit master would appear from the beginning.

The berserker's instincts began to wriggle.

Leonie raised her twin swords.


"I have no intention of just watching this side!"

"Come on, let's go!"

"Buff please."

Tada dat-!

OK, it's a competition.

Leonie and the guild members rushed towards the bandits.

The man, Ho-yeol, saw the bandit falling and thought.

'If I knew I would help, would I have given out even a tea bag?'


out of the cracks.

Countless shooting drones floated in the nearby sky.

stations from all over the world.


Even guilds.

Although their affiliations were different.

Everyone was watching the rift for the same reason.

"Indeed, to which guild will the title of the first clearing of the new rift go?"

A common sight every time there is an update.

It was natural.

Because the guild and the players had many interests intertwined.

According to their activity, stock prices in the stock market, and furthermore, the order between countries fluctuated.

"Especially, it can be said that the attack on the Asscura Fortress was very meaningful. Isn't that Count Ascura, the highest level monster after the Devils update?"

"Yes, it is. It's a level 430 demon-type monster. Currently, it is evaluated as an impregnable monster... … . We hope our players will do their best."

"Fortunately, news of victory is being heard from everywhere. Let's look at the reported data screen together."

Data screen to be transmitted.

Indeed, it was a good start.

the outskirts of the estate.

As the appropriate level was in the mid-200s, it was not a big problem for famous guilds or high-level players.

Of course, from time to time there were videos showing the viciousness of the demons.

"Oh, there were some players who fell into status ailments."

"Oh, that's fine. Isn't it a situation where a strong healer supports you in the rear? With that level of status ailment, you should be able to recover cleanly. Now, let's see."

"As expected, world number 1! Shining."

PD watching the monitor.

Hyun Yong-seok sniffed.

After all, the Russian wind is fierce.

I curled up as much as I could under the padding I was wearing.

"Sniff. But, the demons are definitely tricky. Isn't that Shining one twisted right from the start?"

"Ah, Director. I recovered right away~ That's a no count."

"Well, that's not wrong, but... … . Have you ever been like this?"

Today Arcana.

The program directed by Hyun Yong-seok has an average rating of 11 percent.

Even though it was not a terrestrial broadcast, it had an audience rating of over 10%.

Because there is no other program that provides as extensive information on cracks and players as Today Arcana, at least in Korea.

The ratings were a measure of the public's interest in cracks and players.

'… … I don't think there was any?'

It is Hyeon Yong-seok who directed such Today Arcana from episode 1 until now.

However, looking back at the last episode, there was never anything like this.

What kind of guild is Shining?

It was the world's strongest guild, both in name and reality, with as many as four top-10 rankers.

That Shining only suffered damage from a level 250 rift, which was only an appropriate level.

"Certainly, the quantity is not unusual."

Monsters surrounding the Shining Guild.

If you're not paying attention even for a moment, you're likely to be attacked.

Hyun Yong-seok came to a conclusion.

"Demons. It must be that there is something that cannot be expressed with levels."

In that sense, the current development was more expected.

Round and round—

Hyun Yong-seok gestured to the cast.

It was a signal to raise the tension a little more.

"indeed. I can't help but pay attention to the guild that clears the rift for the first time as well as the difficulty. It's like putting your stamp on the world for sure."

It was the moment Caster said so.

The assistant director who was monitoring the filming drone shouted.

"uh?! Senior, it's up! First clear!"

"Where is the crack located? Quickly get the reporters off!"

"see. Where are you? If it's around here... … . First of all, it's not Gaon."

"I'm sorry, but I can't help it."

Koreans can't help it.

Deep down, I hoped that Gaon would win the first clear.

It didn't seem like it.

The assistant director scratched his head.

"Miss Ha. Mother Russia. What kind of tree is so dense?"

"Did you zoom in as much as possible?"

"yes. I wanted it, but I can't see it because it's covered by a tree. Where are you?"

At that time, a radio came from the reporting team that was running to the location of the drone.

-Senior, are these really the first clears?

"Right. Am I kidding about this situation? where are you?"

-… … It's Leonie. How long is Berserker?

"… … What, what? A Berserker?"

-Wait, who is that guy in front of Leonie? Are you Korean? Wait a minute, old man! Are other reporters coming soon? First of all, let's start with the interview!

… … Are you Korean?

Were there Koreans in the European Union guild Berserker?

The time when Hyun Yong-seok was searching for memories.

Soon the radio crackled again.

Hyun Yong-seok asked urgently.

"what? Are you Korean? What's your relationship? Is it the Berserker Guild?"

-… … yes, senior It seems to be Korean.


An embarrassing voice continued from the walkie-talkie.

- 'Get out of the way.' Having said that, I would like to properly interview... … !


"… … So you missed the interview?"

- Oh no! Senior, it's not that, 'Get out of the way.', 'This is the limit of patience.' I'm just saying A force that cannot be resisted... … !

"Ah, there is force in his words. My horse has no force?"

-… … .

"Let's go after him and pick him up, interview. got it?

cold radio.


Equally cold is the Siberian high pressure.

Hyun Yong-seok wrapped his padding even more.

Also, Russia is cold.