
Player 0, Sacaroth

"Where am I? Where's Ymir, Zaser?" Sacaroth, I, thought to myself. I had been in the dragon santcuary, Dragonroost, before I had been knocked unconscious, and I woke up here, in a pitch-black room, warm, cold, but I can see my body? "Dispel Illusion." I try to cast. (Failed.) Fuck. "Be not afraid! I'll quote, earthling, or are you?" I hear. I can't move my body. Fuck, A divine's divine. "Yes, Aiden, I'm aware. Yes, I know your real name, but you shouldn't worry. You are dialated by 1-500,000,000. To your world you were in. You'll be back before your kids even knew what happened."

SacarothIsWriting · ファンタジー
5 Chs

A New Nightmare

"Where am I? Where's Ymir, Zaser?" Sacaroth, I, thought to myself.

I had been in the dragon santcuary, Dragonroost, before I had been knocked unconscious, and I woke up here, in a pitch-black room, warm, cold, but I can see my body?

"Dispel Illusion." I try to cast.



"Be not afraid! I'll quote, earthling, or are you?" I hear. I can't move my body. Fuck, A divine's divine.

"Yes, Aiden, I'm aware. Yes, I know your real name, but you shouldn't worry. You are dialated by 1-500,000,000. To your world you were in. You'll be back before your kids even knew what happened." I hear it say. Neither male nor female, not a machine, not even a whisper.

Then, my "eyes", open. A hilltop. Tree behind me, oak, tall, luxurious bark, growing healthily. Grass, for miles, left to grow as tall as it could, like the heavens as a goal.

(Your abilities have been set to level one, and your knowledge skills are fine. I will be your, "Syster," here, little one. I can even make sure your children are safe. Shall I copy your mind over to your first body?) It asks.

May be necessary. This world... What awaits me? What is my goal? I need answers...

(I can give you either those, or the ability to speak a language that any that hear you will understand.) It prods, knowing that I'll pick the more useful one. Answers from all, or one.

"I'd like to speak to all. You know I'd need it, to survive." I answer.

(I shall let you know you need not kill, if you pick this, honored godscend. You, of all, should know why.) It says. Not needing conflict, diplomacy, and I'm guessing rewarded exp based off my choices. I slipped my voice out, I know that...

This being knows what I think, and probably will force choices unquestionable, and make me regret it.

"I'll kill to protect, sir? I'll see what I can do, regarding not needing to. I might slip accidentally, and you're aware that I've been around for milenia. Is there a goal?" I ask, trying to find out this interdimensional divine's intentions.

(Let's say, I threw 100 "Players" into a game, and I regret it. I need a, final boss, of some kind. Their all from your homeworld, dear child. Earth. You'll be Number 0, when they see, excuse me, you killing the current players and appearing on the score chart. They'll be sent to your world, and be re-briefed, and not allowed to harm unless they're protecting someone special.

They will, however be allowed to train in a subspace I'll provide for you, and your descendants, that'll work like this. Do you agree? One last note, if you die, you won't be heading back, oh dear no, you'll respawn on the spot, and your abilities will reset AGAIN, AS PUNISHMENT.)

It states, with the little window in front of me, and when I turn my head to look for a town, it moves automatically, and HIGHLIGHTS the last paragraph.

"So, let this little game of chess commence? I'll request one thing." I say, inspired.

(Tracker Skill, Acquired, Limited Until 5 Bounty Targets Eliminated.)

Thanks for the food, I mean business.