
Playboy in otome Game world

There was a boy called Álvaro Morte. He was always crazy for girls. In his school life his nickname was ''the great seducer'' whenever he sees a girl he will definitely try to hit on her. You can call Him a Professional playboy. Everything was going well for until He Brought a Otome game called "la cité perdue de l'amour" The lost city of love (eg). After Playing that game He became obsessed with it , Like the game was saying to him 'Play more , don't leave ' The day's pass , one day while playing the game's last quest he Suddenly see's a light coming from the monitor and a see's a hand coming form it , he tried to move but His body Refused to move, The Hand reached to Him And Pulled him in to the monitor.... _______ "My Head -agh It hurts, wait WHERE i am????????"

SK_YUNJUN · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Ch 2 : Getting healed

"Alexia, hurry up and meet Ford. He'll take you to the Palace. and seize what was rightly yours-ugh."

A man in his forties was lying on the floor of the Colosseum, blood streaming from his belly. A girl with white hair stood by him, clutching his hand and crying.

"Noo- You can't leave me, father, I can't lose You; without You, I have no one in this world," the girl screamed as tears streamed down her cheeks.

The man softly touched the girl's cheek while wiping away her tears.

"Alexia, You are the final chance for this sorcerer's realm; without you, our people would be lost. Remember the suffering they have given us; demolish the Midgar kingdom; these are my final words to you, my beloved daughter; father loves you."

His body became cold, and he took his last breath.

"Father, I take an oath that I will destroy The kingdom of Midgar one day; that's a vow to you," the girl named Alexia stands up from her father's body and stares at her father's corpse.

She leaves, taking one final look at her father's lifeless body.


(Knock knock )

After leaving the woodland on horseback with the soldier, we arrived at Fiora, a little village near the enormous forest of Norgan that is governed by Baron Cedric Alfonzo.

Baron Cedric was the one who fired the arrow at me. I have no resentment for him since I would do the same if I were in his situation.

After arriving in town, we went to a few shops to get supplies and bandages to stop the blood oozing from my shoulder. After another 20-minute walk across town, we arrived at the church. While we were traveling, he informed me that Baron is a really kind man who will not hit anyone without reason and urged me not to worry about my life.

I wasn't concerned either because I had nothing in this world, no friends, no family.

Mom. I'm curious what she'll do if she doesn't see me in my room. Will she look for me? Of course, she will, but what if she can't find me? She didn't have anybody besides me; I was her entire world. No, I must leave this world; there must be a method for me to return to my native reality. Wait, wait, "The Kingdom of Midgar" and "The Great Forest of Norgan" are very familiar to me. Where did I hear those names again?

"Good day, soldier. Is there any unfinished business with the church?" We were in front of a church at the time, and a sister arrived after we knocked twice.

This is where I will See sister Stacey, where she will heal my wounds. If you question isn't it the injury, minor, yeah, It is, but apparently, the arrow was magic coated; if I don't use any sort of potion or magic to heal it, the injury will take a lousy shape and can take my life also. Where did I learn this? of course, from the soldier, and why am I calm after listening? Because it's common sense that after you get isekai'd, you will be thrown into a fantasy world, I was prepared for it.

"Please come inside , and take a seat in a row. Sister Stacy is busy With another patient, after she's done with it . She will come to see you," saying she leaves in the inner courtyard of the church. This church was massive, almost the as Catholic Church. But it made me wonder, in a small town with a tiny population, what was the need for such a big church? Wouldn't it be better if it was in a big city?

I smelled something lovely and turned to see where it was coming from. I moved my head to the left and noticed-angel, i mean a Nun. Approaching me carefully while wearing a white habit (Note: Habit refers to the nuns' clothes.) Her beauty mesmerized me. She has blue eyes, creamy white skin, and soft pink lips. She stands at around 5 feet 7 inches, has a mole across her left cheek that makes her already stunning face even more stunning, and her breast bounces as she walks.

"Good day. Where is the patient that has to be treated?" The nun inquired.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, sister Stacy. Come over here, youngster "I answered the soldier's summons, I walked gently toward him after hearing his word. "This is the child you need to cure. say Thanks to sister Stacy Kid," the soldier said as the nun turned to look at me.

"T-thanks," i said in a shaky voice to look pitiful and why am I doing this? That you will know in a few minutes.

Looking at me, her eyes got saddened. Crouching at my position she started to examine my body, noticing the wound on my left shoulder, she asked the soldier who brought me here.

''How did this kid get injured?"

''Oh that, um while we were hunting in the forest, we sensed someone was spying on us so master Cedric shot an arrow towards the spy. But after seeing that he was a kid, master Cedric ordered me to come to you for his treatment, and i hope you can keep this is a secret.''

She nodded, then grabbing my hand, she started walking in another direction. I looked behind the soldier To gauge his reaction to this, But it seems everything was Normal, he was wearing his usual expression.

while She was dragging me with her i asked a question "Where are you taking me, are you going to hurt me just like the mister in the forest" i said those word's in most pitiful voice.

She stopped in her tracks and turned around. placing her hand into my hair and ruffling it, she said gently, No, I'm not going to hurt you I'm taking you to my chamber, there i will heal your Wound and give you some potions ,so you don't have to be afraid."

After few a more minutes of walk we entered a room, That was sister Stacy's personal chamber.

"Do you want anything to drink ?"

"A glass of water will be Fine."

She then started pouring water into a glass and place it in front of me, and signed with her eyes for me to drink it. I instantly drank it, because I was kinda thirsty. After gulping down the water, I slowly stood from My spot and started undoing the button from the shirt I was wearing.

"W-what are you doing.?"

I looked in her direction and saw her face was bright red.

At that moment my eyes were drawn to a nearby mirror, what I saw left me shocked. In that mirror, saw me in a new way, My Face was handsome, but in this world, it has become more handsome, My hair Has been Turned silver color, my eyes were blue and I was adorable, i guess. I see, that's why they thought that I was a Noble. It all makes sense now why I'm being spared. I again Looked over the nun's direction 'I think I'm too hot for this nun to handle' I then stopped unbuttoning my shirt and Moved to a discrete location to change the cloth with the new one that i have received from the soldier.


"Sir, we have just got new information on the monster's whereabouts."

A soldier dashed into a tent where a discussion was taking place. The soldier's entry into this vital meeting was noticed by everybody. The individuals in the tent were irritated and turned their gazes to a guy in white armor to hear his verdict.

"Oh, Everyone, I'm stopping this meeting right now, when the situation with this monster is handled, we will talk about this topic again," the guy replied simply. , he exited the tent and three soldiers followed him from behind, two of them are his personal guard and the other, disguised in peasant attire, is the soldier who carried the news to the tent.

The guy in white armor enters the personal chamber, as does the informant, while the two guards remain at the door.

"So, what have you discovered about the monster?"

"Sir The creature seemed to have escaped to the country of the sorcerer. Our intelligence staff has confirmed this."


In wrath, the guy in white armor kicks the table. "Fuck, we spent so much time capturing it, and now it's all gone."

"Sir, but there is one thing I'm not sure about: the monster 'Dilob' was damaged before it left, thus that creature shouldn't be able to leave the kingdom on its own. I know that seems strange, but I believe someone helped that creature escape."

Hearing the soldier's comments, the white armored man's face hardened and he began to consider.

Before that, he told the soldier to wait outside till he called.

"Who could it possibly be? Is it the minister's? No They would never dare. So, who?"

He couldn't figure out who was behind this after much thought, so he called the soldier to deliver new orders.

"First, go to the royal city and alert Minister Christopher Nelson of 'Dilbo's' escape, and then go to the spy association and tell them that their head should be present in my castle at the end of this month."

The soldier nodded and walked away.

"I should check on the child, I discovered in the wilderness, and I should also bring some food with me."


"All Done, Do you now feel any pain?"

"No, there is no longer any pain; I simply feel exhausted."

"You only need to get some rest, no problem. The effects of magic wear down your body."

Sister Stacy took me into the church's waiting area after the treatment was over, where the soldier was waiting for me.

"What is your name by the way, kid, because you haven't yet given it to me?"

Oh, should I use a fictitious name or give her my genuine one? Well, let's use a phony one for now because they could find mine awkward.

''My name is Jonny sin- sorry, Daniel. My name is Daniel.''

Goddammit, I should not use a legend's name until I am not a legend like him. That may happen in the future, but for the time being, Daniel is okay.

"Okay, Daniel, take care of yourself, farewell. You are a really lovely boy, therefore you should come to the church if you have any problems in the future."

After saying our goodbyes, we left the church. I'm not sure why I'm feeling sad, but I guess my playboy senses have become fond of that woman in the church. Nevertheless, it doesn't matter for now. I believe this soldier is bringing me to another meeting with their leader. Well, I doubt they'd murder me. Right? Would they, or? I'm really afraid, but if things go really bad, I'll beg and beg him not to murder me. Because of my inflated ego, I find it repulsive to beg someone for their life, but you have to do whatever it takes to preserve your life, therefore I'm doing the same.

___ _____ ____ ____ ___ ____

[Next Time: Alvaro Meets with Baron Cedric Alfonzo. ]