
Playboy CEO's Love agreement

Cameron's life was perfectly fine until he received a call from his father when he was enjoying his time in the nightclub. The news which he got from his father changed his entire life from a successful model to a CEO of Richard's company in the place of his elder brother Kevin. His brother was always serious in relationships but Cameron used to be a goofy type. Cameron, who came to know that his brother was betrayed by his girlfriend, Daisy started hating Love. He wanted to take revenge on the person who made his brother’s life hell. And started an inquiry about Daisy. Let's see what happens, when a playboy like Cameron is attracted to his secretary, Ava Miller? Will Cameron start believing in LOVE? Will she betray him like his brother's girlfriend and leave him with a broken heart or make him believe him in love? Will Cameron changes his mind after she falls for him? Will he change to playboy again? To know more, Read this chemistry-filled drama to know more about this story.

peacock_writer · 都市
305 Chs


Lancelot and Cameron became very close friends in a short time as they both started their careers in modelling at the same time. But when Cameron came back to handle his brother's responsibilities, Lancelot became famous in his absence of Cameron. There was no competition for Lancelot in his profession. Even though Cameron was disappointed to lose his chances in his career, he felt happy for Lancelot.

Not only that, both of them had similar thoughts about relationships. They used to enjoy flirting and fucking relationship with the girls. Cameron doesn't mind even if his nightstands went with Lancelot many times. But when Lancelot mentioned Ava, he felt irritated. 

" Hey…Cam… What are you thinking….man! " Lancelot asked him. He gave a fake smile looking at his face.

" How good she is in bed! " Lancelot asked him with so much interest. Cameron fisted his palm under the table and said, " Just forget about her. She is not our type…"

" That means till now, you didn't have her! Huh! " he questioned him with surprise. Cameron glared at him and said, " Lance…she already has a boyfriend and she is serious in a relationship. So it's better if we end this topic here itself" 

" Oh my God! I never imagined that a hot billionaire like you will lose your charms in handling a woman after becoming a CEO" he stated mockingly.

Cameron's ego was hurt by his words and stood up from the chair with a serious face. " Don't forget with whom you are talking" he warned him.

Lancelot smiled at him and said, " I will prove that you lost your charming skills by making your assistant mine just in ten days" 

" Just a friendly challenge…" he added.

Cameron remained silent for a while then she thought of Ava. As per his observation, he could say she is not a slut like the other woman he used to sleep with.

" Okay. I will accept your challenge…" he agreed.

Lancelot felt happy thinking that he could get Ava first before Cameron. Usually, he used to sleep with the women after Cameron had them for one night. He always felt jealous of Cameron. But he could not express it as Cameron is from a wealthy family and also he was more popular than him. He doesn't want to lose a chance to have her especially when he came to know that Cameron didn't lay a single finger on her. He wanted to prove to him that he is more capable of charming women than him.

" well, you will see how I make fall for me…" Lancelot said confidently.

" Okay then…I attend the meeting, I have to go…" Cameron said, taking two steps towards him.

" Have a nice day, " he said and walked out of the cabin. Then Lancelot went to Ava's desk and stopped there. " Miss. Ava, once again thanks for the tasty cappuccino. I think you have magic in your hands " 

Ava smiled at him and said, " thanks…" 

" I want to reward you for making my morning so good…" Lancelot said. "It's okay, Mr Peterson. It's my duty. I must give respect to the visitor of my boss. I am here for that work only " she replied. Cameron who was hearing their conversation smirked at her words. 

" This girl knew, how to handle crazy men," he thought.

" Miss. Ava, I am new to this city. Can you accompany me on the shopping after your work! " he asked.

"Mr Peterson, I am sorry to deny to help in this. Because I need to take care of my sick Aunt after work " she denied smoothly.

" Oh… it's alright, Miss. Ava " he said. " Have a nice day, Miss. Ava…" he extended his hand to shake hand. She smiled and shook hands with him.

" Meet you soon…bye" Lancelot left the place. But Cameron was frustrated to see him touching Ava's hand. 

" What if he succeeds to make her fall for him! " the thought aroused in his mind.


At the end of the work, Ava came to his cabin to inform him that she finished all her work and wants to take leave.

" You can leave but just wait for one minute, I need to talk with you," he said. Ava looked at him confusingly but wanted to know what he wants to talk about with her.

" I think, my friend Lancelot will be not good news to you.

So better stay away from him ..." he said.

Ava looked at him shocked as if he grew two horns on his head suddenly.

" Excuse me, what do you mean? " she asked him, after realising what he told her.

Hi readers,

As per my editor's message to me, I am going to lock the chapters from the 47th chapter of this book. Hope your support will be there