
Chapter 2

Years later, the Gabidans were in high school, in their class, seats separated from other students and chairs and tables different, when Aganon's phone rang. The caller informed him that there was a young boy bullying a new female student by the swimming pool. He informed the rest of the gang and they went to the pool. Truly, two boys in senior class was were bullying the young girl when Jayson grabbed one of them and kicked him into the pool. Jaydon did the same to the second guy and then Roland threw a kerchief at her and they all left.

Mrs. Grande owned the school which was one of the things that made the Gabidans have more power and made the school more popular for rich families. This gave the Gabidans the right to do what they wanted and they never took it for granted except from punishments or revenge or justice. They were highly respected in school, girls loved them while boys trembled at their feet. Anytime they walked into school, students made way for them and always cheered as the passed through the hallway.

The news of how they saved the student from two bullies spread throughout the school like wild fire. When school was over, the students ran to the hallway and left some space for the Gabidans to pass. When the Gabidans were done with their classes, all four of them marched out of their class and with their cell phones alone, passed the crowd and looked cool as they bounced out of school, wearing normal house clothes while every other person was in uniform, this was their normal routine. As they passed by, they saw a girl wearing a shirt that clearly wrote "I love you Gabidans".

Roland got upset, grabbed a marker and wrote "The Gabidans don't care". Everyone laughed at her and she ran out feeling ashamed. The Gabidans laughed at her and left the school with high esteem. When they got to their quarters, Jayson said to Roland "That wasn't really nice of you and you know that. The Gabidans are four best friends who stands by them and also correct them when they make mistakes. You have just gotten your correction". Jayson then turned to the television and sat on a couch, changing the channels until he noticed a live broadcast which drew his attention.

The journalist started "Here with us today is the only child of Mr. Holloway for the Holloway products and she is one in a million! who else do you all think would give a one day free for all product that everyone can have. Both poor and rich can have…." Jayson called out "Hey! Come on, the news is starting and the richest man in the country has his only daughter on set, the young Miss Holloway is on set! Jaydon, Roland and Aganon, come on!" They all jumped on the couch and sat side by side, waiting to get a glance of the richest kid in the country while the journalist continued "…and Miss Holloway, how do you think you can increase the rate of consumers and customers in no time?" the camera was pointed to Miss Holloway who was beaming with smiles while the glass cup of water Jayson was holding slipped from his hands and broke into pieces, getting his friend's attention. He seemed lost in thought, her face, it was mesmerizing, hypnotizing, and yet, so familiar. He had seen her somewhere before but was still confused and he was drowned in thought, her face was so familiar. Jaydon and the others asked what was wrong but he continued to stare at the TV set.

Jayson looked up at his brother, then his friends and finally, looked at the young lady and said "Let's just say that I'm…. she's real familiar and um…. Well, what's for lunch, I'm famished!" Aganon could sense that Jayson was not ready to talk so he said "Why don't we ask the chef". He looked over to the bar and said "Come on! Get us something we can eat or anyone needs some chill pills around here?". The rest of them busted into laughter as the attendant got them what they could eat. Jayson leaned towards Aganon and said "Thanks dude." Aganon replied "That's what bro's do". They laughed and the rest stared at them.

Jayson tried hard to forget about the young lady on the set but when he looked up after the reporter asked her a question, the shock and fear on her face reminded him of where he knew her, she was the young lady he had saved some years back on the street. He was so stunned to find out that his dream lady was Miss Holloway, Mr. Holloway's only child, the girl he saved! "This life is fucking amazing bro..." Jayson said aloud.

The gang stared at him in amazement and Jaydon finally said "Dude, to you, it's wonderful but to some other people, it's completely cruel. Or… is it because of the young lady you saw on set? Forget her bro, you can have any other girl but not her, her father has arrested all the males he thinks has something to do with his daughter. You are only gonna get yourself arrested and mum will be unable to help cos he has all the power he will need to send you behind bars for years. Don't get into trouble cos of a girl." They all seemed worried and he said "thanks bro." and turned back to the TV set wanting to turn it off but heard a melodious voice, "Well, that's an advantage of giving free products, if they like it, they can easily purchase it and even advertise to others who didn't have a chance on getting free products. Don't you think it's best to have the customers vouge for the products than have celebrities advertising for high amounts?", They smiled at her marketing strategy that could easily let them gain millions after a little charity. They finally switched off the TV set, drank and had fun after their reading time was over.