
planned marriage

NOTE:WSA 2022 ENTRY. Evie had always dreamt of becoming a hip hop musician, she left her parents to Newyork City to achieve her dreams. She is close to achieving that dream when her parents calls her to come home urgently. Upon her arrival, she is being told that she is to get married to a billionaire; Ezekiel who happens to be a cold, arrogant and rude man. He is even rumoured to be a gay Would she still achieve her dreams in a loveless marriage? How would she cope with her rude husband? Her husband was no ordinary mortal, he is rumoured to be the devil’s son, what if that is true? What mystery awaits her in this loveless marriage of hers? And how would she able to conquer all tribulations? Can she survive in his world? Authors: GlobalGift. Mirashines Follow me on Instagram@Giftednovels for more video clips and characters pictures Editor: KunleTaiwo COVER DISCLAIMER: cover is not mine

GlobalGift · ファンタジー
75 Chs

Chapter 51

All the way home, Evie's mind kept flashing back to what happened at her father's house.

She kept thinking about what the man said about eradicating someone, and the person happens to be a female.

It can't be a coincidence right?

She knew her father was a very greedy and wicked man but would he really kill his ex wife?

Evie refused to admit it, there was no way her father would do such a thing.

"Ma'am, we are home," Alexa's voice brought her back to reality.

"Thanks," Evie flashed a smile then alighted from the car and got into the main building.

No one was home when she arrived so she went straight to her room.

As she shut the door, she let herself fall down to the ground, face palming and crying.

After a while in the position, she got up and went to the bathroom.

The whole day went by with nothing really important.


Evie was in a black outfit with a black nose mask and glasses.

Beside her was Ezekiel who was also clad in a black outfit.

Everyone at the graveyard was in black attire.

Sonia had just been buried and everyone was paying their last respect to her.

It had been two whole weeks since her mother's death and now it was her mother's burial.

The entire place was filled with people from different states, countries and even continents.

Evie lowered her head down as silent tears flooded her beautiful face.

She felt Ezekiel's grip on her palm, slightly squeezing it and assuring her that everything would be alright.

Evie heaved as she dropped the flowers on her hand beside her mother's tomb and left with Ezekiel.

"Hi Evie," Lily rushed to hug her.

"I am so sorry for your loss, Evie," Lily added, still hugging her.

"Thanks Lily," Evie appreciated with a sad smile.

"I would have to take her back home, anyone who wants to see her should come to my house," Ezekiel said and before Evie could react, he dragged her along with him.

Just before Evie could get into the limousine waiting for her, someone called her full name.

"Evelynn Dora Owens," the voice spoke.

On a normal occasion, she would have ignored the person but since the person called her full name including her middle name, that meant the person knew her too well.

Turning around to see who it was, she saw a woman who seemed to be in her early seventies or at most late sixties standing not too far away from her.

Evie's brows creased as she tried to remember the woman but she came up with nothing. She had never seen this woman in her entire life.

"Who are you?" She asked.

The woman did not reply but majestically walked up to her.

Evie knew that this woman was definitely an influential person because of the aura she carries.

She could feel the worth of this woman before her only by the way she presents herself.

Looking by her side, Ezekiel had already left her, leaving her to face this unknown woman all by herself.

"Evelynn, you are much bigger in reality than in pictures," the woman said calmly.

"I wouldn't repeat myself again, who are you?" Evie asked, trying not to feel inferior at the moment.

And come to think about it, she is the wife of a multi billionaire, the world's famous automobile company CEO, the rumoured devil's son.

"Just like your mother, very fierce," the woman muttered under her breath but Evie heard her.

"I guess I have to take my leave now since you aren't ready to disclose your identity to me," Evie said.

"I am your grandmother," the woman announced, causing Evie to freeze on the spot.

She slowly turned to face the woman again and then let out a small chuckle.

"You! My grandmother, you must be mistaking," Evie said.

"No I am not. I am Laura Kings," Laura added and all the smiles on Evie's face disappeared.

"So what makes you think I would believe you? I have never met you nor have my mother spoken about you to me. All I know is that my mother was forced by her wicked mother to marry that man called Richard," Evie explained.

Laura heaved deeply as she shut her eyes, she then opened it again, gazing intensely at Evie.

"And speaking of my so-called father, he didn't even attend my mother's burial," Evie added with deep sarcasm.

"Your mother caused her death," Laura said. Surprisly, she was still calm.

"What do you want?" Evie asked, folding her arms at her chest.

"I just wanted to see you. I only see you in the pictures sent to me besides I came for my daughter's burial," Laura replied.

Evie heaved deeply as she let her hands fall by her side.

"Well, you have seen me now, I would take my leave now," Evie stated with deep sarcasm.

She wanted nothing to do with her so called grandmother, besides she was never there for her when she was growing up.

Evie got into the car and the driver drive off.

Laura smiled bitterly, Evie was no different from her mother.

Speaking of Sonia, she still had her as a problem especially when she would be working in the shadows for the Kings Empire.

Though she felt the urge to inform Richard that Sonia was still alive, she knew that Sonia would definitely have a backup plan incase her initial plan fails.

So it was better to not let Richard know for now until Sonia let her gaurd down.

Well, she just hopes that Sonia would not expose her, if not she would have no other option than to end her once and for all.

No one can take the Kings Empire from her! Not even Sonia or anyone!

She was Laura Kings and she would do what she was best known for.


A/N: Hello my lovely giftedreaders, I am so sorry for the late update.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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