
Chapter 3 Planet Evolution, Life appears

In addition to being converted into ordinary energy and special energy, the energy of the original energy can also accelerate time to increase the evolution of the planet civilization.

If it evolves completely according to the actual time flow rate, it will only have billions of years before life will occur. Yang Fan will wait until the death, and you can't see the day when life appears.

"Time accelerate -100 million times!"

With a order of Yang Fan, the time flow rate has increased at the speed of visible to the naked eye, reaching 100 million times.

With the acceleration time of this stingy time, the rotation speed of the planet is fast. The thin gas attached to the planet's appearance is like boiling, rolling roaring, and the rapid transformation of the rocks that remain unchanged for thousands of years, sometimes forming concave pits.Sometimes the hills are raised.

Fortunately, Yang Fan can suspend the time to accelerate at any time, otherwise he can't operate the planet at high speed at all.

The time flow rate of 100 million times is indeed terrifying, but the early stage of life will often take billions of years of precipitation.

The awakening stage will soon end. At most three hours, Yang Fan must evolve life as soon as possible, and the time flow rate of 100 million times is far from enough!

Fortunately, the planet is currently in a very primary and primitive stage, and there are not many origin energy that accelerates time consumption.

"Continue to accelerate, goals -tens of billions!"

As Yang Fan's instructions fell, the energy investment volume of the original source rose to 10 billion times.

The speed of the planet evolution has increased again, but even so, for a few minutes, it has formed the ocean in a very small area under the complex changes such as volcanic eruption, far from the point where the planet is covered by half of the planet.

"It's not enough, add me to 100 billion times … No, trillion times !!"

When Yang Fan said this, his heart was shaking.

The time flow rate of trillion times is no longer exaggerated.

The energy of the beginning source is consumed at a very fast speed, and it will disappear by one thousandth in about a minute, and as the stages of the planet evolution increase, this consumption speed will increase!

After the acceleration is completed, the evolution of the planet has soared by hundreds of times.

Under the effect of continuous and stable light, various complex chemical reactions on the planet occur frequently. Originally, there was only a small ocean with a small water depression that began to expand rapidly, and most of the land on the planet quickly drowned.

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The ocean is the cradle of life.

The blue star of the last life, the most primitive life, was born from the ocean!

As long as the primitive single -cell creatures can be cultivated in the ocean, in the future, these original lives will gradually evolve, forming a variety of species, and finally developing bright civilization!

However, the first step of life, Yang Fan failed. Ainomy acid and other substances appeared on the planet, but they could not see the birth of cells.

After all, this planet is different from the blue stars of the previous life. Although the structure and material composition are similar to the blue star, the volume and the environment are very different from the blue star.

Therefore, the conditions of life cannot be completely consistent with Blue Star.

After careful analysis, Yang Fan quickly seized the key point:

Although this planet has stable light energy, light energy cannot be perfectly transformed into basic energy such as wind energy, thermal energy, and electrical energy, which leads to the extremely harsh environment on the planet and is not suitable for life survival.

At this point of view, the blue star of the previous life is simply the son of heaven!

Yang Fan cannot perfectly simulate the conditions of the blue star. He can only do it by himself, adjust his energy, and create an environment that is suitable for life survival!

The energy of the original energy can not only transform the light energy, but also the basic energy such as thermal, wind energy, and electrical energy, which can be transformed.

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Yang Fan adjusts the ratio of various energy and distribution, try to simulate the environment suitable for the birth and survival of life, and create a comfortable hotbed for them.

At the beginning, it failed many times. After all, Yang Fan did not specialize in biological research. Even if he knew related knowledge and had no experience, he encountered walls everywhere.

Fortunately, Yang Fan's basic energy conversion efficiency reached 100 %. Compared with others, he had more trial and error opportunities.

Finally, after experiencing the 31st failures of the large and small, Yang Fan successfully created a suitable environment. The first single -cell creature floated on the primitive ocean!

Planet name: Blue Star

Planet level: zero level

Planet diameter: 0.33 kilometers

Planet species: 1

Star Civilization: None

Introduction: After a long evolution, he finally gave birth to the first life and became a life planet with a level.

It's just a simple, most primitive single -cell life, but the planet has completed the transformation from 0 to 1, and officially becomes a level life planet!

And as the number of species and the number of life increases, the diameter of the planet will increase.

As long as Yang Fan can continue to evolve and promote the quality and quantity of life, his planet will no longer be just the size of the basketball court at the beginning, but will slowly increase to 20 kilometers, 30 kilometers, even surpass Mu Bing and Sun Gen.genius!

But when it is not happy, there are still about two hours of awakening time. As soon as the time arrives, the energy of the original source will quickly dissipate.

It must be quickly evolved to the star civilization!

After suppressing the excitement in his heart, Yang Fan devoted himself to the evolution of the life of the planet, and continued to advance according to the template of the previous life of the blue star, and move forward little by little.

The planet was born 180 million years. Primitive bacteria and prokaryotic cells appeared. In the following 50 million years, bacteria that can perform photosynthesis can survive by light and discharge a large amount of oxygen.

The planet was born 29 million years, real nuclear cells appeared, aerobic creatures were born, and life entered a stage of high -speed evolution!

The planet was born 350 million years, and algae plants appeared. After 30 million years, fish creatures appeared and quickly evolved into hundreds of different species to form an ecological chain.

The planet was born in 41 million years, and Lu Sheng plants appeared and quickly occupied the ancient continent.

The planet was born in 44 million years, and amphibians appeared, primitive insects appeared, and then 20 million years, reptiles appeared.

The planet was born 530 million years, and dinosaur -like creatures appeared, but they were not like dinosaurs on the blue stars of previous lives, but they were more like lizards walking upright.

The planet is too small, and the oxygen content is not high. There is no condition for the birth of large creatures. Many creatures are similar to the blue stars of previous lives, but they are different.

The planet was born 580 million years, and mammals appeared and bird creatures appeared.

Dinosaur creatures are not extinct, but because of their small size, most of them are at the low -level food chain, and only a few are at the high -level food chain.

In the long process of evolution, part of the dinosaur organisms evolved into birds, and part of them were degraded into lizards. They were eaten with insects and plants, which was not threatened to survive and develop mammals.

The planet was born 600 million years, and mammals evolved rapidly, forming hundreds of different species of groups, and officially became the hegemon of the ancient continent. Dinosaur creatures withdrew from the historical stage, leaving only the evolved birds and crawling species.Essence

At this point, Yang Fan completed the original evolution of life. A complete ecosystem was formed on the planet, and hundreds of beasts were born, forming the stage of the beast civilization!