
Chapter 10 The Beginning of Civilization and the Formation of Tribes


The starship only has the shuttle function.

And no monitoring function.

If Tong Baili saw Qin Yi plundering an unowned planet with dinosaurs.

Must be jaw dropping.

Not only that.

He will also treat Qin Yi as a guest of honor.

This world is because of the existence of the awakened ones.

There are all kinds of spirit beasts, warcraft, fairy beasts, soul beasts, and even magical creatures on magic planets.

But dinosaurs are creatures that have long since disappeared in the long river of history.

If this is taken out.

It is estimated that those prey will like it.

Including those advanced awakeners with special tastes, they have eaten a lot of beast meat, and probably have never eaten dinosaur meat.

of course.

Qin Yi himself thought about this too.

If you really take out the dinosaurs, you may get a lot of planet coins in exchange.

But this will also expose one's ability to evolve the planet.

Without complete self-protection or absolute strength guarantee, he still chose a more secure method.

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Go back to the cabin.

Exchange Time Accelerator.

Acceleration begins at a time scale of 1:1 million.

The sudden loss of more than a thousand small carnivorous dinosaurs.

This is a boon for the herbivores who originally lived on this planet.

They don't have many natural enemies.

The living space that had been oppressed to the extreme.

Suddenly it got bigger.

Now there is a time accelerator.

They multiplied rapidly in a short period of time.

As a result, the plants on the planet have decreased, and some small brachiosaurs with long necks that were already difficult to eat were quickly extinct.

Then, other smaller dinosaurs appeared.

Other birds were also born.

There is less food on land.

It also caused some dinosaurs to start making their way into the ocean.

Amphibians appear.

The diameter of the planet grows again.

Planetary Civilization: Jurassic Civilization

Planet Level: 1

Planet diameter: 130 kilometers

Planet species: 22163

Deduction route: time acceleration, natural selection

The Jurassic is slowly passing by.

Then came the Cretaceous period.

At this time, the temperature rose a little and the plants became more lush.

And some insects were born along with it.

Such as mosquitoes!

The species on the planet also increased again due to the birth of insects.

The diameter of the planet has grown again.

It's only been a few days.

Qin Yi passed krypton gold.

Just let the diameter of your planet increase to almost 150 kilometers.

Let the awakened ones know this.

That is really one by one must kneel down.

Even Tang Feiyan, the charming girl of the sky, is assisted by the best resources of the Tang Corporation.

Now it is only more than 30 kilometers from the beginning to more than 130 kilometers.

This is because the Tang Corporation spent a lot of planet coins.

I bought the original power with dragon energy from the market, and gave Tang Feiyan a boost to the energy of the planet.

Several ancestral dragons were born.

One can imagine.

This time accelerator of the system.

What a powerful plug-in that is.

When the evolution of the planet reached the late Cretaceous period.

The time accelerator also just ran out.

400,000 of the 500,000 planet coins donated by President Liu were spent.

Qin Yi still has more than 400,000 planet coins in his hand.

That's four more chances.

"Keep accelerating!"

Dinosaurs are very powerful.

But I want more species to appear on this planet.

Want to build a technological civilization.

We can only abandon this dinosaur era.

Because he can't always rely on dinosaurs to plunder resources.


The dinosaurs on the planet today are all small carnivorous dinosaurs.

The variety is also reduced.

So the Velociraptor can have the power to fight.

But Qin Yi couldn't guarantee it either.

next time.

Will it still be an ordinary warrior planet?

Once a stronger warrior appears.

Dinosaurs like Velociraptor can't win.

Just keep playing.

With humans.

The kingdom was established.

Accelerate one last time.

Can give them more knowledge to forge firearms.

With firearms, it is easier to deal with some warriors.

Early Cretaceous.

Plant communities dominated by gymnosperms still flourished, and the emergence of angiosperms was another important event in the history of plant evolution.

The Cretaceous had reliable early angiosperms.

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Angiosperm groups that continue to this day were formed, such as magnolia, willow, maple, poplar, birch, palm, etc., all over the surface.

Angiosperms provide a large amount of food for certain animals, such as insects, birds, and mammals, so that they can reproduce.

This is an era of replacement of Jurassic and Paleogene.

During this period, dinosaurs either evolved themselves and became another species.

Or towards self-extinction.

Just like a crocodile.

Its predecessor was also a dinosaur, but to adapt to changes in the planet's climate and geology.

Finally became a crocodile.

And from the Cretaceous to the Paleogene.

One of the most important evolutions.

It is the formation of coal, oil and natural gas.

After a long period of crustal movement, after the natural demise of the dinosaur age.

These organisms and vegetation born in the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods were buried deep underground, and because of the temperature, they began to react.

This is also the source of initial power for the planet.

Seeing that there are more and more species on the planet, it has almost included several major categories such as phylum, order, family, genus and species.

It is just short of the last step of evolution.

That is, the emergence of human beings.

Qin Yi bought the time accelerator again.

As time goes by.

the ancestors of mankind.



This can be regarded as the first ancestor of human beings.

He suddenly started walking upright.

Then evolve step by step.

More apes appear.

Forest ape, Australopithecus, Prairie ape, etc.

And these apes are evolving.

Slowly learned to use some tools.

They will form their own territories and become a gregarious species.

They will hunt together, have a sense of leadership, and use sticks and other tools.

Until the first ape to cut his own hand with a stone appeared.

Let the history of human development.

Into the Paleolithic age.

At this moment.

Half of the evolution time has also passed.

Because human beings are the basis for Qin Yi to build a technological civilization.

He had to be cautious.

Relying on supplies, I spent a day.

The diameter of the planet has come to 180 kilometers.

And on the planet.

The first real human being.


The Neogene is coming.

Qin Yi finished eating the nutritional supplements.

The time accelerator was exchanged again.

Humans began to come out of the lush forest.

They began to consciously expand their territory.

Find better and tastier food!

With the improvement of reproduction.

The human species began to become the most powerful species on this planet.

Even a mighty beast.

It can also be hunted by humans.

They use more and more tools.

More simple characters and languages ​​were born.

With the continuous expansion of the territory.

between territories.

Friction started.

In order to occupy more resources.

In order to have more territories.

For the Horde!

The leader led the men, women and children in the territory to attack another territory.

They have relatively advanced stone tools.

In addition, they have been fighting fierce beasts and have a lot of combat experience.


Eating the meat of wild animals all year round makes the body stronger.

The people in the other territory are not very tall because of food, and they don't have very good combat experience.

Soon to be conquered.

For the first time, it tasted the sweetness of encroaching on other territories.

The leader began to fight everywhere.

Created a powerful tribe.


This is the formation of tribes.


With the tribal consciousness emerges.

More than a dozen tribes on the planet are fighting each other.

In the end, a big river was used as the dividing line.

North of the river.

There is a tribe who built their territories on hills.

south of the river.

There is a tribe that established its territory on a small island in the middle of the lake.

Qin Yi gave these two tribes.


It is called Man in the North.

The south is called barren.

The civilizations of these two tribes are also different.

One relied on barbaric occupation and cruel means to conquer all tribes.

One established a southern tribe by killing a group and keeping a group, conquering and governing a place.