

Tianyuan star, the eastern plain of the mainland.

Black clouds covered the sky, countless thunder snakes danced wildly in the clouds, and raindrops the size of rice grains poured down, turning the sky and the earth into a billowing rain curtain.


A thick bolt of lightning pierced the sky, shattered the dense branches and leaves of the primeval forest, and hit the thick dead leaves on the ground. The high temperature immediately ignited the dead leaves and caused flames, and then set off a raging wildfire in the strong wind, which quickly spread in the primeval forest.

The downpour of rain, blocked by layers of dense leaves, has become much sparser when it falls on the ground, and it is not enough to extinguish the raging mountain fire.

The sky is full of thunder and rain, and the ground is howling with wind and fire!

Billowing gunpowder smoke filled the sky and the earth, and countless ancient trees that had grown for decades or hundreds of years collapsed in the fire and became new fuel for the wildfire.

Faced with such natural disasters, countless wild beasts ran and hid in terror, but to no avail, they were roasted raw in the raging fire and high temperature.

As for the few primitive ape-man groups living near the forest, they could only hide in stone caves and dare not go out to hunt at all.

The wildfire burned for four days and nights before it was slowly extinguished. A large forest was reduced to scorched earth, and countless wild animal corpses lay in the ruins.

At this time, the primitive apes who had been hiding in the cave for several days and were already hungry and cold dared to come out and pick up some well-cooked beast carcasses for food.

Among them was an ape-man walking cautiously on the scorched-earth ruins that were still slightly warm. Around him, clusters of residual flames swayed in the breeze, ready to be extinguished at any moment.

This primitive ape-man stood in front of a black bear corpse, surrounded by a group of dead wood branches burning with flames. The flames scorched half of the black bear's body black, but the fragrance emitted was pungent.

It's just that he, who was already full, ignored the black bear's body and stared straight at the flame.

He felt the temperature from the flames, and he was extremely afraid, but also extremely eager.

In a daze, he seemed to see a human face in the flames.

That is the face of a god!

The ape-man suddenly heard an ethereal voice that sounded in his mind as if from outside, guiding him to overcome the fear in his heart and pick up the burning wood.

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Finally, under the guidance of the gods, the ape-man overcame the fear deep in his genes, endured the high temperature and grabbed the branches…

Since then, the humans on Tianyuan star have mastered the power of flames.

At this moment, a ray of civilization that is completely different from the ancestor star and belongs to the Tianyuan world is born!

Although this ray of civilization is insignificant, it is not worth mentioning at all.

But it is a good start, representing the fire of civilization in the Tianyuan world, and it is the embryonic form of a civilization.

In the future, it will give birth to a unique and brilliant Tianyuan star civilization!

The Chuangjie system collected this breath of civilization in the first place.

Waiting for more civilization to be collected in the future, the creation system will condense it into a seed of civilization.

Until it germinates and grows into a tree of civilization, condensing bright fruits of civilization!

At that time, Wen Dao will naturally come to harvest this fruit!

Of course, this process will be very long.

On the other hand, the behavior of the primitive ape-man mastering flames, the birth of the prototype of the Tianyuan star civilization from scratch, greatly promoted the development of the Tianyuan world.

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It makes the various laws of heaven and earth in Tianyuan Realm more and more perfect and powerful, getting closer and closer to the world of median dust!

[Time continued to pass, and by the 750,000th year, the experimental subjects of the Chuangshi God could no longer see the appearance of apes, and they had completely evolved into primitive humans. ]

[The scale of the primitive human group is getting bigger and bigger. In order to obtain more living space and food, their scope of activities gradually spread from the experimental field of the Creator God to all parts of Tianyuan Star. Tianyuan Star has officially entered the tribal age. ]

From the perspective of God, the primitive human groups placed in different regions, except for a few groups that became extinct due to plague, natural disasters, ferocious beasts, etc., most of the others thrived very well.

The huge population accumulated over a long period of time prompted them to continue to divide and expand outwards, and the footprints of primitive humans began to spread all over the world.

Each group of primitive people formed different habitats according to the living environment of each place.

The primitive people in the plains learned to use stones to make simple agricultural tools, began to grow food mulberry, and embarked on primitive agriculture.

The primitive people in the mountains learned to domesticate wild animals, herd domestic animals, and started animal husbandry.

Primitive people near the seaside, lakes, and streams learned to weave fishing nets to catch fish.

During this period, primitive humans completely mastered the method of drilling wood to make fire, learned how to raise and use fire, and also learned to use trees and stones to actively build houses and villages.

It is also because of the appearance of these behaviors and inventions that are of great help to the development of civilization, that every once in a while, countless strands of civilization will be born on Tianyuan Star, which will continue to flow into the creation system!

The seeds of civilization in the Tian Yuan world are gathering at a steady speed.

In the process of the continuous evolution of the primitive humans on Tianyuan Star, other creatures did not stop their evolution.

The active energy of heaven and earth energy exists in the Tianyuan star, which can make the biological evolution faster and the gene sequence is extremely active.

After dozens of generations of reproduction, the genes inherited by two siblings produced by a creature may show great differences and evolve into different species.

However, because I heard that the investment in the origin is not much every year, and it is suppressed by the physical rules of the main universe, the concentration of heaven and earth vitality in the Tianyuan star has always been not high.

The content in the air is much thinner than that of rare gases, only about one ten-thousandth.

Normally, ordinary creatures can't feel it at all, and they can't actively absorb the vitality of heaven and earth.

Most of the time, they passively accept the baptism of heaven and earth vitality, and cannot actively preserve it in the body.

But everything is possible.

In the process of evolution, after all, there will still be some plants that grow in areas with relatively strong vitality of heaven and earth, and have been infiltrated by vitality of heaven and earth for many years.

In addition, the God of Creation has been secretly guiding in order to let the power of the extraordinary system appear in the Tianyuan Realm.

In this way, these plants can retain some of the vitality of the world during the process of breathing in and out of the air, and can evolve into high-energy plants, such as vermilion fruit and ganoderma lucidum.

After that, some lucky animals devoured these high-energy plants and successfully absorbed the vitality of heaven and earth contained in them.

The heaven and earth vitality condensed to a certain concentration will actively promote the further improvement of the gene sequence in their bodies, so that their strength, speed, neural response speed, etc. will be enhanced.

Even their intelligence has improved (still not as good as humans).

As a result, their life levels have changed, and some organs in their bodies have evolved into extraordinary organs, becoming the first batch of extraordinary creatures on the Tianyuan star.

But no matter how they transform, the strongest of these extraordinary creatures is several times stronger than saber-toothed tigers, tyrannosaurus rex and other large giant beasts.

After all, real dragons cannot be raised in shallow water.