
Planet Destroyers inc.

"Is it possible that by doing evil we create good?" Samuel, an ordinary psychopathic murdering doctor, receives a surprising job offer, but he is satisfied with his current job, so decides to refuse it. It was his first and last mistake This decision turns his whole life upside down until he died And then he starts another one, this time in a different world.

KaJoT13 · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Bad Wolf(PD inc. 7)

The wolf circled around the skeleton formation attacking only one selected one at a time trying to destroy it with a single attack,, But unfortunately for him, his opponents seemed tougher than he thought so they had time to counterattack. A wolf was fast enough menage to quickly jumped away Before his opponents could hurt him. He was slightly scared and not even scratched, but each jump took him, more and more energy and caused him more and more pain.

And so it went on, attack, leap, attack, leap, leap, attack, leap until Wolf finally saw an opportunity, he saw that the group that had attacked him and hurt his leader's pride, beginning to weaken Their commander lost attention for a moment, which was signaled to him by the lack of glowing green fire in his eyes, Wolf having experienced similar situations before, decided to take advantage of it, so he wanted to jump through two layers of shields and attack their leader, not wanting to miss opportunity because the next such luck may not come again.

The wolf broke through the wall of shields with the same ease as before, using his claws and fangs, but this time he didn't want to stop there, so he pushed on. And when he had broken through all the guards of the 'bone wall' and reached the leader standing in the middle wanting to crush his skull something happen, Even his animal mind can't register anything, Wolf heard words that he didn't understand.


"I've got you, bastard," said a satisfied Samuel before the beast's fangs reached his face.

"ICE WALL" thinks the necromancer, creating two layers of thick ice wall between himself and the beast.

"Whaaaaa" Roared the wolf in pain for the first time during the fight. As he fell into the trap set for him, jumping directly into the middle of the formation, the monster smashed one wall of the quickly erected ice wall with his momentum, but unfortunately for him, Samuel decided to be cautious and immediately created two at once. and even at any time, he was ready to create even more if needed.

Unable to pierce the second layer of the ice wall at once, the wolf paused for a fraction of a second in one place, but this was a serious mistake because the skeletons were ready for action.

Two spearmen and two axemen attacked, each targeting a different sensitive point of the monster precisely inflicting four new open wounds while causing it immense pain ,which made him anger.

The wolf in his rage stopped paying attention to Samuel and the state of his body. In his fury, he attacked the nearest skeletons, turning his whole body with his back to the wall, slamming the protruding spears into his body against the ice wall, aggravating his wounds as well.

Ignoring the bleeding flesh and throbbing pain, he tore apart one shield-wielder after another, stopping only when no opponent was within his rage-limited sight.


When Wolf regained consciousness a moment later he instinctively jumped using all his remaining strength in his limbs in an attempt to create distance from his remaining opponents.

Unfortunately, the jump did not go as the thinking animal would have expected, because instead of a successful landing on four legs, his feat ended tragically.

His attempt to land on four legs, unaware of his body's condition and under the influence of adrenaline, was crowned with a half-flip and then repeated rolling on the ground of the injured animal, now also barely conscious after the last stunt.


Samuel slowly approached together with the other skeletons, the wounded monster that could no longer even rise from its knees.

The beast had many wounds, not to mention many arrows stuck in its back, and paws but the worst of the wounds was the one on its front paw, which did not even allow the beast to get up.

One of the "dead" spearmen had managed to practically pierce the animal's foreleg through and through, which, combined with the wolf's where feat of scattering the shards of a shattered metal spear into its own body, made it impossible for the huge beast to rise.

Keeping a safe distance, Samuel began to check the condition of his army after the battle to be ready for any eventuality.



15 Skeleton

8 Shieldsmen

7 Archer

0 Spearmen

0 Axemen



Mana : 535/1000


"It was close, too close for my liking." Samuel thought as he looked at the state of his army.

"But just in case, if the monster tries to attack me with the last of its strength before it dies."

"Create a Minor Undead x4"



19 Skeleton

10 Shieldsmen

7 Archer

2 Spearmen

0 Axemen



Mana : 325 /1000


The wolf, contrary to what Samuel expected of him, did not attack or try to flee in an effort to preserve his miserable


No, he just calmly watched with one eye as the 'young' Half-Lich slowly approached him with his army behind him.

"So you want to keep your pride until the end?" He asked the undead lying animal, knowing it would not answer him.

"I respect that, but personally I would have behaved differently.


'Respecting' his recent animal adversary, but mainly because he had already satisfied his sadistic urges on the earlier Goblin Boss in the dungeon today Samuel decided to act uncharacteristically for him and 'spare' the monster.

"ICE LANCE" thought Samuel as he cast a spell into the dead eye of the lying beast.

The icy spear went straight through its head ending its torment and only stopped on the tree behind him.


Although the beast fell dead Samuel knew it wasn't the end and like any true necromancer, he knew that the real fun only began after the victim died.


"And what to do with you here?" said Samuel to the dead beast, standing directly over its carcass.

Wondering where to start, the undead mage decided to trust his instincts, which told him to get even closer to the dead animal. And as he touched the dead monster's body with his bony hand, it began to emit the same heat as when he had touched its 'core' earlier in the dungeon.

With each second of touching, the animal's flesh noticeably diminished as if by magic, until only the skeleton itself remained, the sensation of warmth gone just as easily.

As the heat disappeared from his hand Samuel moved away from the remaining skeleton and began to think about what had just happened.


Mana : 685/1200


"Interesting, so now I know how to grow stronger, at least one problem solved."



Current Skills: Resurrection of a minor undead , Create a Minor Undead ,ICE MAGIC ,'Mana Link' , Minor Death Touch



Minor Death Touch

Allows the caster to absorb the target's vitality while increasing his own.

Cannot be used on living targets.


"It explains a lot, but as I am undead, instead of vitality it increases my mana, which is the basis of my existence,"

"Now there is only one thing left to do, even if I may regret it."

"Resurrection of a Minor Undead"

The pile of wolf bones slowly began to take its original shape, until the shape of the original beast was formed before Samuel's eyes. It was the same as it had been a few moments ago with a few minor exceptions, the skinless and muscleless bones began to mimic fur forming many sharp bony protuberances and outgrowths, and its tail ended with many blades more like a mace than the tail of a normal animal. And not forgetting its special feature of having one eye, now shining with a fiery red light, looking directly at Samuel. Together this made the beast look even more menacing.

"Fuck" thought Samuel as he looked straight at the monster, which was at least a head taller than him.

"It didn't seem that big," he said in a whisper once the beast was just a step away from him, waiting for his next move.


Mana : 185/1200


"I'm fucked!" - thought the slightly frightened necromancer.

"Hello...?" he said to the beast after a moment as they stared at each other.


Samul tried to control the monster with mana and his thought like any other undead before the undead beast tore him apart.

However, this time he got a response from the other side and as he tried to dominate the beast's will the beast growled at him opening its menacing jaws.

"Ok please calm down, I won't do anything else, I promise," said Samuel quickly interrupting what he was doing.


Not knowing what to do next, the undead came up with an interesting idea.

"What would you say I will fulfill your innermost desire and in return, you will serve me, what do you think?"

At this, the wolf expressed curiosity, or at least that is how Samuel sensed it through their connection behind the use of mana.

"I will kill the one who maimed you like this, what do you think about it?"


Seeing that the beast did not react Samuel decided to visualize what he wanted to do, thinking that the undead wolf did not understand him.

The necromancer showed him a view in which together they were defeating another alpha wolf very similar to an earlier version of himself, but clearly younger and stronger. And the next image showed a skeletal beast surrendering to Samuel.

"Hrrrrrrrrr.... " grunted the pleased undead monster.

"I take that as a yes," replied a satisfied Samuel.


"Now it remains to give you a name, because I don't think I'm going to call you, wolf all the time, right?"


Not knowing how to answer that, Samuel decided to take it as an agreement.

"How about...Randaloph?"


"Yes that's great, then maybe to seal the deal maybe you can let me ride you please?"

To this, the undead wolf responded by running off into the woods wanting to get used to his new body while ignoring Samuel's polite request.

"Maybe another time," he said to the fleeing Randaloph without taking his behavior personally.



19 Skeleton

10 Shieldsmen

7 Archer

2 Spearmen

0 Axemen

1 Alpha Wolf 'Randaloph' (ELITE)



"So there are elites, good to know," he said looking at his remaining army pleased with the new information about the system.

"And I like it, there will be more things to play with" thought Samuel smiling madly.