
Planet Apocalypse: Revolution

In a world hurtling towards its inevitable demise, where the grip of the apocalypse tightened, mankind teetered on the precipice of extinction. Amidst the chaos and devastation, a select few found themselves touched by inexplicable forces, awakening within them extraordinary abilities that defied the crumbling laws of nature. Our protagonist, however, once devoured by a legion of ravenous zombies and thrust into bewildering oblivion, emerged from the depths of death with an ethereal interface encompassing his being, marking him as the solitary mutation amidst the crumbling remnants of humanity. With newfound visions of the future, he beheld the collective doom that awaited every soul, a glimpse into the terminal fate of our besieged world. And the present apocalypse is just a welcome party.. Everyone is yet to see the main calamities.

Gebe · 都市
26 Chs

[First Day of class; Made an Enemy]

"All these years, the fear instilled by my might—the demons, the elves, and the celestials—all have trembled beneath my fist," Bezant muttered to himself, approaching the glowing purple cave before him.

Observing the diligent ants, some lifting wood and others tending to their injured brethren, Bezant embraced his title as the Liege of ants and bees, a unique combination known as Bezant.

Reflecting on the encounter with the fearless human who dared to challenge him, Bezant grew intrigued, noting the absence of the typical fear he elicited.

Interrupting his thoughts, a colossal red ant floated into view, its wings allowing it to suspend in mid-air. Its glowing antenna signified communication with Bezant, the powerful Liege to whom it pledged loyalty.

"Liege Bezant, we were unable to take down the Chinese head base, and several lieges are now seizing control of Earthling territories," the ant relayed, bearing the burden of unfavorable news.

Although the annihilation of the human race mattered little to Bezant, he believed the entire species should suffer for the transgressions of the one who had killed his queen, now reincarnated as a human.

Unresolved questions lingered about the sudden influx of monsters, kaijus, aliens, and demons. Bezant himself had no answers, uncertain of the cause of this apocalyptic onslaught.

"And where is Arkus' disciple?"

Focused on his ultimate mission, Bezant inquired about Arkus' disciple, stopping to gaze at the sprawling skies of his unique world, where a black and purple atmosphere mirrored his segmented form.

"It appears that the human trainees have all gathered outside their little safe zone.. some of them are outside having classes"

As the communication continued, revealing that the human trainees had gathered outside their designated safe zone, Bezant's sneer hinted at a plan taking shape.

The knowledge that the young boy possessed the ability to spawn and respawn zombies intrigued Bezant, who had anticipated confronting the child once he had chosen another form.

"Hmph.. we'll certainly meet him again, to avenge my queen"

Bezant's determination to avenge his queen remained unshaken—a promise he intended to fulfill.


As predicted by Bezant's ant, a group of academy students ventured beyond the confines of the blue safe zone.

Gathered in a desolate forest, a combined class of level three and level four apocalypse protectors faced an unknown threat lurking amongst the shadows.

Clad in black navy vests, each adorned with a knife and mini gun, the students prepared to embrace their training.

In the back, Ronnie and Michael stood together, their late arrival a testament to their casual demeanor.

Unaffected by the intensity of the situation, Ronnie continued his barrage of questions, whispering audaciously to Michael amidst the student group.

"I wonder how the sergeant knew about your ability to spawn zombies. How long have you had these powers?"

Michael responded silently, trying to comprehend the situation. "I don't know, Ron. Perhaps the sergeant possesses some form of ability to perceive others' bodies, minds, or powers..."

Ronnie's next question, laced with his characteristic audacity, struck a different chord. "Holy shit! Does that mean the sergeant is a pervert? Do you think he saw Cassie hiding behind her clothes?"

Ronnie's comment caught Cassie's attention as she turned to him, her eyes conveying a clear warning.

"Uh... I'm just guessing, Ron. I don't know if—"

Before Michael could finish his thought, a male student joined the conversation, frustration evident in his yellow eyes and mixed black and yellow hair as he tried to assert an air of handsomeness.

"Will you two just shut up? I'm trying to listen to the teacher's instructions, you morons," the student snapped, growing increasingly impatient.

"Hey, don't call him a moron"

Surprising both the student and the observing classmates, Ronnie and Michael responded almost simultaneously, defending one another.

The student was taken aback by their synchronized words, causing him to question if they were twins. In a moment of unease and irritation, he turned away.

But then, without warning—


In a fraction of a second, a kid received a resounding slap to the back of his head, eliciting a sharp cry of pain.

Fuming with anger, the black-haired teenager sought to identify the culprit responsible for the blow.

"Which one of you bastards slapped me?", the black haired teenager was getting boiled up in anger.

Ronnie and Michael, however, paid no heed to his accusations, feigning ignorance and redirecting their attention to the teacher.

"Which one of you bastards slapped me?" the furious teenager seethed with rage, his blood boiling.

Unperturbed by the outburst, Ronnie replied coolly, "Dude, chill bro. I can't understand what the teacher is saying with you moaning out loud like a girl."

His words evoked laughter from those who caught a glimpse of the exchange, leaving the teenager feeling embarrassed and glowering at Ronnie, silently vowing revenge.


-[First Quest: Find a silver star monster to pass]

-[Silver star= 10 Points

-[Golden Star= 30 points

-[Crimson star= 100 points

-[Points required to pass= 150 points

-[Time left= 4 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds

As a notification appeared, the students were presented with their first quest, challenging them to find a silver star monster to accumulate points.

Ronnie's casual question concerning the task revealed his lack of attention from the very beginning.

Michael clarified that they had to not only find the monster but also defeat it to claim the star, prompting Ronnie to gulp as he realized the strength the 100-point monster possessed.


Subsequently, the test commenced, scattering individuals throughout the vast forest in hopes of encountering the designated monsters.

This method, employed by the academy, aimed to diminish the lurking calamities that plagued the city by deploying students into the apocalyptic exterior, battling them city by city.

From the shadows emerged a voice, addressing a pink-haired girl named Nelly. Innocent as her pink eyes and silky skin portrayed her to be, she exuded an air of nonchalance within her black vest, displaying a hint of badassery.

"I recall you owe me, Nelly," the voice whispered.

Nelly turned to face the figure, placing a finger against her pink lips in an act of playful curiosity.

"Don't tell me," Nelly replied, her voice tinged with a hint of boredom.

"It seems your superpower will come in handy after all."

Sighing in frustration, Nelly grew tired of the cryptic conversation. The figure was clearly beating around the bush, ironically hiding within the very same bush.

"Just give me their names already," Nelly demanded.

"Seduce them separately and lead them to the crimson star monster. Don't fail. I'll be waiting. But first, take care of that guy, Ronnie. He seems to be the one who slapped my head."

With grim determination, Nelly accepted the mission, anticipating a surprise attack to bring about Ronnie's demise.

As the enigmatic figure vanished like the wind, Nelly mused, "Kids never grow tired of seeking payback," releasing a frustrated sigh.

Thanks for the support you've given and thanks for hitting the start of volume two.. but how was volume one though?

Gebecreators' thoughts