
Planet Apocalypse: Revolution

In a world hurtling towards its inevitable demise, where the grip of the apocalypse tightened, mankind teetered on the precipice of extinction. Amidst the chaos and devastation, a select few found themselves touched by inexplicable forces, awakening within them extraordinary abilities that defied the crumbling laws of nature. Our protagonist, however, once devoured by a legion of ravenous zombies and thrust into bewildering oblivion, emerged from the depths of death with an ethereal interface encompassing his being, marking him as the solitary mutation amidst the crumbling remnants of humanity. With newfound visions of the future, he beheld the collective doom that awaited every soul, a glimpse into the terminal fate of our besieged world. And the present apocalypse is just a welcome party.. Everyone is yet to see the main calamities.

Gebe · 都市
26 Chs

[Apocalypse Island]

Entering the waiting room for the entrance exam, the trio of friends found themselves immersed in a paradoxical setting—the space designated as a "waiting room" now existed amidst the ruins of demolished buildings and pothole-ridden roads, a testament to the relentless grip of the ongoing apocalypse.

Above them, the ever-present scarlet hue of the sky lingered, while the sun hung suspended in an eclipsed form, casting an eerie gloom over their surroundings.

"Dude, have you noticed? We seem to be the only males here," Ronnie whispered, his voice laced with curiosity as he scanned the area, searching for any sign of the opposite gender.

Mickeys responded with a knowing chuckle. "I think you're just gender blind again. Did you forget to take your medication?"

Ronnie shook his head, dismissing the suggestion. "Come on, Mickey, in a world infested with aliens, zombies, and Kaijus, who in their right mind would even bother opening a hospital? Besides, I highly doubt money holds any value anymore. Alien spores and Kaiju horns seem to be the new currency."

Meanwhile, Cassie, torn between paying attention to the holographic image of the female instructor and the banter of her two companions, sighed in exasperation and produced a pair of glasses.

"Here you go, Scooby Doo," Cassie quipped, passing the glasses to Ronnie.

Confusion etched across Ronnie's face as he held the glasses. "What am I supposed to do with these?"

Before Cassie could respond, a random kid interjected, struggling to divide his attention between the holographic instructor and the duo's exchange, urging them to quiet down.

"Guys, mind keeping it down back there? The instructor is about to introduce the quest and system," the young student admonished, his frustration evident as he grappled with distractions from both the instructive hologram and the comically misguided commentary of the two friends.

As the teenagers gathered, their attention wholly captured by the humanoid AI, it unraveled the nature of the exam—a revelation that left Ronnie astonished. 

"We're so gonna fail again", said Ronnie with his mouth dropped "more like die", Micheal completed.

Unlike any other test they had encountered, this one veered drastically from the norm. Rather than seeking resources and demonstrating smartness and resilience, they would be transported to an island..well known as. "Apocalypse Island"

Where different types of monsters dwell.

The challenge lay in surviving within the given time limit, their mettle tested amidst the chaotic ruins surrounding them.

'This machine is nuts, who amongst us can even survive a minute there', thought Ronnie.

The AI further divulged details: the 100 participants would be divided into 50 groups, each vying for victory.

However, only the first 5 groups, a mere 20 individuals, would be proclaimed as the ultimate winners. 

A shiver ran through the students as they absorbed this information, murmurs of uncertainty permeating the room. 

Was this an exam, or had they unwittingly stumbled into a perilous death mission?

"Bro, I'm outta here. No way am I stepping foot on an apocalypse island," declared a random kid, effectively vanishing with a tap on his watch.

Echoing the sentiment, another student voiced agreement. "Yeah, count me out too."

"The AI has lost it!" erupted another, voices intertwining in a chorus of disbelief.

"F**k this, this ain't what I signed for" yelled another with the gesture of the middle finger.

In the blink of an eye, numerous students vanished from the room, reducing their number from a hundred to a mere twenty. 

It was a staggering turn of events that left Ronnie flabbergasted, his jaw nearly unhinged from astonishment. "I so did not see any of this coming", said Ronnie.

-[Name: Michael Scofield]

-[Race: Human | Abilities: None]

-[HP: 10 | Coins: 2000] [Strength: 10]

-[Speed: 20]-[Magic: none]-[Mana: unable to use]

-[Weapons locked: ???]

Then, right before Michael's eyes, an interface materialized—an ethereal presence that held unique information dedicated to each individual.

Michael recognized it as the assistant for those aspiring to become apocalypse hunters. The interface, to be controlled through touch rather than neuro-transmitters, contained vital details and abilities.

-[Error: Corrupting The hunter system]

-[Erasing The hunter system from existence: Completed]

-[Initiating Zombie cells in three Minutes]

But amidst the unfolding uncertainty, an error message disrupted the interface, signaling the corruption of the hunter system. 

In its wake, a red holographic screen emerged, exuding an imposing aura. The blue interface vanished, and in its place, the red one reigned.

Right in front of the perplexed Michael, a red holographic interface materialized, displaying information that sent shivers down his spine:

'What in the world? Screw fictional novels, this is actually real'

-[Name: Zombie Liege]

-[Race: Mutant]

-[Mana: Infinite Zombie Mana]

-[Level: Infinite]

-[Strength: Max level]

-[Magic: Dark Magic [Spells]]

-[Legions: starter's pack: Able to spawn Lv one zombies]-[Killer higher levels to have control and spawn]

-[Zombie Shop: Locked]

Michael couldn't believe his eyes as he scrutinized the interface, his identity transformed into that of the Zombie Liege—a formidable mutant entity. 

His powers were nothing short of extraordinary, with infinite potential and strength at his disposal. 

Dark magic courses through him, granting him access to an array of powerful spells. 

The interface hinted at his ability to summon legions of level-one zombies, though the full extent of their potential remained to be discovered. 

Yet, there was a mysterious aspect to the interface—an inaccessible zombie shop tease, filling him with curiosity and intrigue.

As Michael grappled with the revelations, he glanced toward Ronnie, whose interface also sported a distinct hue. 

The surroundings confirmed that everyone shared the same blue interface as Ronnie's.

-[Name: Ronnie Mickelson]

-[Race: Human | Abilities: Invisibility]

-[HP: 100 | Coins: 2000] [Strength: 90]

-[Speed: 20]-[Magic: none]-[Mana: 100]

-[Weapons locked: 168: Unlocked: 5]

A surge of unfamiliar sensations surged through Michael's body as if he had been struck by a mighty force.

-[Zombie Mutation Cell Completed]

Unbeknownst to him, within his internal structure, his cells underwent a radical metamorphosis. The red cells succumbed, making way for a more robust adversary—the black blood cell, coursing like lightning through his veins.

A crucial announcement disrupted their contemplation, heralding their imminent transfer to the apocalypse island in a matter of minutes.

-[All students will be transferred to Apocalypse Island in five minutes]

-[AI suggestions: I suggest you take this time to know your teammates]

With a smirk, Ronnie looked at Michael and declared, "Yo Mickey, I've got surplus amount of mana." His eyes darted towards where Michael's visible interface should have been, only to find it absent.

"Dude, did you turn yours off? Clever move. Let's shock them by revealing our hidden powers," Ronnie suggested, snapping his fingers and causing his system to disappear from view.

Michael's mind whirled with intrigue. Not only was his interface different, but it was also invisible to others. "Wow," he mused silently. 

"I must have taken much more from those zombies than they took from me."

Maintaining a cool and indifferent facade, Michael pondered, curious about the extent of his newfound abilities.

In a world where the apocalypse had shattered all norms, he had come to expect the unexpected, from the mysterious interfaces to waking up after being devoured by ravenous zombies.

As the final minutes ticked away, tension mounted within the group of hunters. Amidst the mounting anxiety, some voices rose in protest and uncertainty.

"Nope, I'm out."

"Yeah, count me out too."

"I never considered it before, but this feels more like suicide than an examination."

"What was I thinking, I'm still a virgin for god sake.. ain't gonna fuck my life without meeting a girl" yelled another.

Before the countdown reached its conclusion, another ten hunters succumbed to fear and dropped out of participation, leaving only ten behind.






In a fleeting moment, the transportation process was completed, and the remaining participants were whisked away to the fabled Apocalypse Island, their fates inextricably entwined with the challenges that lay ahead.

'Damn, god help me if I survive", thought Micheal.


Spoilers: The next chapter is written out of the love I have for these games: [Call of duty] [Free fire] and [Pugb].... so don't forget to review for the WPC.. I'm counting on you.

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Spoilers: The next chapter is written out of the love I have for these games: [Call of duty] [Free fire] and [Pugb]

Gebecreators' thoughts