
Plane businessman

With the ability to cross two worlds, what do you want? Our main character's first thought when he learns that he can travel between two lives is to get money Resell the rich resources of a different world After, non-stop reselling, finally is to earn his first small goal But the other world is not so simple as imagined, because when he gradually understood, it turned out to be a western fantasy world of the other world When he learned that there were all kinds of creatures in the western fantasy world, he finally chose a new way to live, to conquer the whole world and become an emperor under ten thousand people, not by Beth, but by his heavily armored cavalry And Mark's heart for saving lives

Ewqaj_Wing · ファンタジー
48 Chs

34 Do you know how to play?

Back to the kitchen to deal with the thawed tiger meat. Today I was busy not buying any food, directly cutting the tiger meat into minced meat reserve....

Then I got a little ginger and garlic, stir-fried with minced tiger meat, and finally served it out.

Put the pot hard oil, heat again, clean raw rice, put in stir fry, stir fry several times and then add water, waiting for rice to mature, plus tiger minced meat and stir fry again, plus salt and MSG, a pot of raw rice fried rice is so out of the pot.

It smells like a good smell.

I even ate several big bowls, back with a bowl of a bowl, and took up the third floor.

Open the door of the pig, and see the pig can stand up.

The boar is not a broken bone, it can stand up and walk.

Seeing Chen Yu open the door, he came over and buttressed his shins.

Chen Yu looked left, right, and did not see the pig disorderly poo.

"Good ah, fortunately you did not poop, wait for me to take a basin for you, you have to poop and pee there"

The boar could not understand what he meant. It just cocked its head and looked at him like "What are you talking about?"

Whether he understood or not, Chen Yu emptied her hand of fried rice onto the plate on the floor.

Little wild pig to see eat and pixie Pixie came over, smell still steaming fried rice, smell more fragrant, little wild pig finally can't wait to start eating up.

There was food everywhere, especially around his neck, which was full of grains.

After pouring the fried rice into the plate, Chen Yu went out and came back with a washbasin in her hand. There was some mud in the washbasin. The washbasin was old and had been left over from when the landlord moved.

The mud was brought back from a small alley outside.

He put the dish in a corner and took the pig by the neck.

Watching the food go away, the boar growled.

See this thing is still in the call, Chen Yu with a vicious tone "you call a fart ah, then call me to stew you"

The boar, who was still squealing, suddenly stopped.

Watch the boar pointing down to the basin.

"This is what you're going to use for the rest of your life where you poop and pee, okay?"

However, the boar is still a pair of dull expressions, looking at him, especially his nose, and mouth have a rice stick in it.

Then Chen Yu had no hope for this thing, and did not know whether he could understand him.

"What the fuck am I doing talking to a pig about this?"

The boar had to be put back on the ground.

The little wild pig on the ground had some meng, just do not know what happened, but it still went to the pan of sand inside, left smelled the right smell.

And then he pees on it.

Then he stepped carefully down from above.

"Fuck me, do you understand me?" The little wild pig's operation surprised him a little.

However, the boar did not understand what he said. He just felt that the smell of the mud had something familiar, so he thought that he had a pee over there.

The pig came down and ran to the plate of fried rice there, and continued to arch the plate of rice.

"Good, good yo, very on the way to eat and go back to sleep, ah, by the way, to, forget to feed you medicine" said in the end, almost forgot to feed it.

He went out of the piggy's room and took out the bag of veterinary medicine and gave it to Piggy according to the instructions. He went back to Piggy's room with the medicine and mixed it into the dish.

See him so operation, pig is not sure so, but it still eats up, eating that is called a sweet.

Soon a plate of fried rice to eat a clean, even some rice out of the rice, he licked all the grains.

I lay back in a box full of food and drink.

Chen Yu took the spray on the pig's legs and left the room of the little wild pig.

The next thing is to do your own thing.

The breeding tank in the space was brought to the roof.

By the way, I also collected all the fish bubbles in the sun today. The fish bubbles have become dehydrated and dry after being exposed to the sun for several days.

Put it all in a garbage bag and set it aside.

There was a tank in the middle of the roof, and some water was poured over it.

This is what we're going to use to soak the black tiger fur.

First put the water tank there, then came to the 4th floor, on the 4th floor and placed two water tanks filled with water. The 4th floor front hall put two freezers in two water tanks. The space of the whole room has become narrow, but still can walk, placed in the position in the center, two freezers are on both sides.

Two more were placed on the third floor, in the same way, with the same arrangement.

The system was then used to traverse, first bringing back all the fish in the camp and placing them in the four breeding tanks inside the home.

Each tank contains six to eight fish.

A total of 31 fish from the camp have been brought in, along with oxygen pumps.

This time he was not a jerk, having learned his lesson the night before.

In a tank that big, you can hold more than eight fish, and there's a lot of room, and in a tank that big, you can hold 14 to 18 fish and still have room.

The last time he came back from another world, he took the fur to the roof.

Start following the steps on the Internet.

You can't do it in one night, because you have to soak the fur overnight to soften it, which takes several hours, and then you can start the second step.

We'll talk about that tomorrow. He's a little tired today.

To avoid uneven soaking, Chen took some useless bricks from the roof and pressed them on top of the fur, so that the whole fur was soaked in water.

After that, I went back downstairs, took a shower and swiped my phone.

Brushing, I lay down on the old sofa and fell asleep until the next morning.

After getting up in the morning, he warmed up last night's leftover fried rice, which was not what he ate. After heating it up, he put it in a bowl and took it upstairs.

When he opened the door, he saw the little wild pig who greeted him, lying in front of the door looking at him cleverly.

To be precise, he looked at the bowl of rice in his hand and poured the fried rice into the little wild boar's plate.

The medicine was mixed in with it.

After feeding it, he collected the fish into the space upstairs. Finally, he thought it was time to come to him for dinner. The leftovers were all fed to the wild boar.

He came back full of food and drink and drove his tricycle.