

The scorching sun toasted the desert. Gu Jun led the group several times around the transmission tower, they found in total 57 headless bodies and they were arranged in the spiral triangle pattern. For now, he told everyone to refrain from touching any of the corpses, they might be contagious. Then he ordered Malachite to pluck a few branches from the nearby trees. Malachite used the branch to poke at the shoulder of one of the male adults. He said instantly, "It feels like I'm touching a rock." 

Gu Jun tried the same with another branch, he instantly understood what Malachite meant. The body appeared to be a mummified corpse but he was unable to move it an inch no matter how hard he pushed. It was the same when others tried it. The action was repeated with the other corpses. Even with the corpse of children, all of them failed to move it even if they combined their strength together. These headless corpses seemed to have melded into the ground.