
PK Period

In the Year 2061, Humanity discovered the Full Dive system that lets the user immerse in the VR world with all his five senses available. A year after, a game was developed and became a global hit especially among MMORPG players.

sinisterSmile07 · ゲーム
36 Chs

A service? No no no...

The sun rays touch my sleeping face that enters my room through the window I left wide open last night. I slowly open my eyes and after that, I felt this emptiness as if someone left my heart hollowed.

I turn my gaze to the calendar hanging on the wall next to the door of my room and remembered what happened that day. It been three days since then, but it felt like it just happened a few seconds ago.

When I was getting up, my phone suddenly rings along with a popping notification on its screen telling stating the name of the caller.

I picked it up in a hurry and answered the call.

"Yes, what is it, Emily?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know it's today. As of the moment, I'm already changing."

"Okay, see you there then."

After that, the call ended.

I open my closet and then began searching for the black suit that I last wore during Alice's memorial and pull it out from the closet. I then placed it on top of my still-wrinkled bed.