
pitch maniac (Football)

---MTL alert--- The football player Gaudí transmigrated into the AC Milan player Digan, trained with the top team, participated in the World Cup, accompanied by beautiful women, and watched how he created a new miracle on the stadium! Watch the football player become a master in a second!

Alexxz · セレブリティ
792 Chs

Chapter 160 The decisive battle is coming

Chapter 160 The decisive battle is coming

The World Cup, the highest hall of football!

The final, the enthronement ceremony of the king of the world!

For Belgium, a country that does not occupy much weight in the football map, being able to reach the World Cup finals is almost like a miracle from God.

Even when they entered the World Cup finals, the Belgian fans still felt a little unreal. When will it be their turn on this big stage?

Of course, the Belgian fans know who brought everything today. Without Degan, they would not be able to get out of the qualifiers, and without Degan's 13 goals, they would not be able to enter the arena.

But Digan was injured!

Although there have been news that Degan was discharged from the hospital and returned to the Belgian training camp in Stuttgart, but whether Degan can play, the head coach of the Belgian national team, Antiiennes, and the Football Association have not given a clear decision. reply.

If Degan can play, Belgium will be able to attack this highest honor. If Degan can't play, they can only focus on participating.

In the stands, some Belgian fans put up a huge portrait of Degan. It can be seen that the Belgian fans love Degan from the bottom of their hearts. Because of Degan's games, they are always winners. Gan can always bring a large number of goals that make them cheer.

They are all looking forward to Degan's ability to play and lead Belgium to victory, but they don't want Degan to persevere with injuries. They hope that he can recover from his injuries and fight for Belgium with a healthy body in the future.

This kind of contradictory psychology makes Belgian fans not know what to do!

Belgians are xenophobic, which is well-known in Europe, even Walloons and Flemish who belong to the same country can fight endlessly, not to mention outsiders like Degan, who wants to gain a foothold in Belgium, obviously more It is even more difficult.

But Digan, with his outstanding performance, almost conquered all the Belgians in his first match for Belgium.

people of the time.

Can Degan play?

Can the Belgian national team be black in the World Cup? ?

All Belgians do not have a certain number in mind.

In the stands, the fans of the two teams are ready to cheer for their national teams. In the locker room, the head coaches of the two teams are also hurrying to make final arrangements.

"Players! I think the game that is about to start is the first time in your life that you guys have been so close to the supreme honor in the football world!"

Lippi is a master who is very good at mediating players' psychology. Otherwise, he could not have easily put a group of Juventus players who were disheartened because they had not won a championship in eight years, and quickly ignited their fighting spirit and gathered together. By his side, he broke the Milan dynasty and achieved his glory.

No matter who the opponent is, Belgium with Degan or Belgium without Degan, he will neither let his players relax too much nor make his players nervous before the big battle.

Everything needs a degree, and this degree depends on how to grasp it. There is a saying that it is too late. Lippi obviously knows how to mediate the mood of the players.

"Italy won the World Cup in Spain in 1982, before any of you were born!"

There was a rare smile on Lippi's face, and he still looked very gentlemanly. Everyone looked at Gilardino, and Gilardino smiled and lowered his head. At that time, he was indeed not born yet, and His idol is Paul Rossi, Italy's biggest contributor to winning the World Cup in 1982.

Lippi paused, and when the players focused on him again, his tone suddenly changed: "From 1982 to 2006, a full 24 years, during this period, Italy had a good chance , but they all missed it. Italians have not touched that supreme honor for 24 years. It should happen, but it's all real, what we have to do now is to change this, the wait for the Italians for the world championship should not go on, young people! Now you have the chance to end it all and be the Italian become a hero worshiped by countless people!"

Hearing what Lippi said, everyone's eyes lit up and became a hero. Although the title of hero is worthless in today's society, for these young people, yes, young people, compared to Lippi, they They are all worthy of the title of young man, they all aspire to be heroes, and it will be a great honor to be a hero praised by countless people.

Lippi said while observing the expressions of the players. It is obvious that his speech was very successful and achieved his goal. The blood of the players has already been burned, so the next step is to keep their blood boiling. Meanwhile, calm down a little.

"Belgium is not an opponent that can be ignored. There must be a reason why they have come to this point. People are emphasizing the huge role of Degan. Yes, he is a very good player. He is what every coach needs. One, except Ancelotti of course!"

There was laughter again in the locker room, and the players from Milan laughed a little awkwardly. Since Degan directly released the remarks about leaving AC Milan, even Gattuso, a good friend, felt that when facing Degan, A little embarrassing.

Lippi went on to say: "I did not exaggerate his ability. He is the first player I have met after Maradona who can decide the trend of a game by his own strength. His ability is It is indescribable. When Belgium faced off against France, Brazil, and Portugal, almost everyone thought that Belgium should stop here, but every time they were victors, he made those prophets become heavens. Big joke, now that they have reached the final, why can't they go one step further, defeat us and become the new World Cup champions, they have such strength, indeed!"

The eyes of the Italian players cooled down slightly.

"But! That's what we are here for today, to end what they, the French, the Brazilians, the Portuguese failed to do, we will do it today, and we must succeed!"

"Belgium has not always been a weak team, but just emphasizing the role of Degan is a bit unfair to other Belgian players, and Degan may not be able to play today, so no matter how much we do for him, it will be useless. It can be said that there are two reasons why Belgium can go today, one of them is Digan, there are too many people talking about him, I don't want to repeat it today, and I pay more attention to Belgium's defense!"

"Take Goole and Kompany as the central axis, they are two very good players, very good! The others include Van Den Berry, Van Buyten, Deschart, and Van der Heiger, very good Without their defense, they would not be where they are today, no matter how many goals Degan scores, our main homework today is not how to defend Degan, who is not sure whether he can play, but how to Only in this way can we break through their chain defense, this is the key to the game, as long as we can score a goal first, then the next thing will be easy to handle, even if Digan played, because of injuries, he will definitely not be able to play 100% strength, as long as we can score, I believe our defense can make Degan do nothing!"

"Francisco, Luca, Mauro! Today your tasks do not include defense. What you need is to attack and keep putting pressure on their defense."

As Lippi said, Camoranesi suddenly raised his hand. Lippi nodded and gestured to Camoranesi. At Juventus, this is already a common practice. Players can participate in tactics in the discussion.

"Are we still going to play on both sides today?"

Lippi smiled, shook his head and said, "No! We're going to make a head-on breakthrough today."

For a frontal breakthrough, Totti suddenly felt that the burden on his body was heavy. A frontal breakthrough will test his ability.

"We want to attack the Belgians from the front. Kompany and Vandenbury, including Van Buyten, have excellent air defense capabilities, but they all have a common weakness, the sense of position. Their sense of position is not very good. , Francisco, all you have to do is look for their gaps, then pass the ball to Luka!"

The Italian players were a little puzzled. If they want to attack like this, it is obvious that Inzaghi and Gilardino are more suitable than Luca Toni.

Lippi didn't let his players wonder for too long, and quickly gave the answer: "Sports attack is just a means, and our set-piece tactics are the key!"

Now the players have no doubts. What is needed for set kicks is a high point like Tony to compete for the top, to cover, and to make the ball for teammates.

"Is there still a problem now? I don't want to emphasize the problem of defense anymore. I believe you can do a good job, Marco! If Digan plays, I will leave it to you!"

Materazzi smiled, seemingly shy, but anyone who knew him knew that Digan was being targeted by him.

Degan made his debut for two years. Due to injuries or suspensions, he only played against Materazzi twice. In the end, both times, Degan won. Especially last season, Degan played against Materazzi. On the head, he scored two goals. After the game, Materazzi was even questioned by Inter Milan fans.

At the same time, in the dressing room of the Belgian team, Antiiennis has been standing aside, and this time belongs to Digan.

"This time I don't want to say those old lines, 'They all think we are lost', everyone knows that, what I want to say is that we continue to slap those people in the face this time. Miracle, it's really a miracle, since it's already like this, why don't you keep going?"

Degan said it very easily, but his teammates are not as calm as him. They are all worried. Although they already know that Degan can play in today's game, but Degan's injury~~~~~~

"Don't look at me, I'm fine!" Digan obviously saw through his teammates' minds, "I'm the same as before, so don't treat me like a patient! Today I can still score goals, I can even bet with you !"

No one is willing to bet on goals with Degan, not to mention that Degan is only injured, even if he has only one leg left, he can still break through the gate of any team in the world.

"So, what you should consider now is not how far I will go, but you, how far you can go! I need everyone to put all their eggs in one basket. You heard me right, just put all their eggs in one basket. Now you can think like this, we We are one goal behind the Italians, so when we get on the pitch, the task is to score, to score the equalizer!"

"The Italians are stronger than us. I also admit this. They are three World Cup champions. Although this is a bit far away. The last time they won the championship, I was not born yet, but this does not prevent them from becoming World Cup champions." As for us, we have nothing, nothing in the history of Belgian football, so we have nothing to worry about losing, relax, go out on the field for the world to see, the Belgians are not just If we know how to play defensive football, we can still attack, and we can use offense to tear apart the reinforced concrete defense of the Italians!"

"Of course I don't want you to give up defense. The Italians don't have many offensive methods. In mobile warfare, their method is to counterattack quickly."

Digan is not belittling Italy. Although the current Italian team is very competitive, their offense is obviously weak, especially in sports warfare. There are not many ways, two sides, strong defense and weak attack. Totti's state is not good. , relying solely on Tony's high point, it is obviously difficult to break through the Belgian goal, but~~~~~~~

"We have to be careful with their set pieces, especially their high points!"

In Degan's previous life, in the final between France and Italy, the French team had a chance to take a corner kick by the Italians. Materazzi equalized the score and finally won with a penalty kick.

"Others, coach Antiiennis has said it many times, I don't want to repeat it, guys, we are not here to be a foil, since we have come to this point, we have no reason to back down! Get rid of the Italians, Let us go to Belgium with the trophy, let us make the history of Belgian football, kill the Italians, let us be the heroes of Belgium!"

Antiiennis looked at Degan and roared loudly. Although he had a smile on his face, he was not at ease in his heart. He knew Degan's situation best, but he had already placed everything in his hands about what would happen in the game. Now he is most concerned about Degan's injury.

Don't force yourself!