
The Stadium Maniac (Football)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please go read the auxiliary chapter where I will explain the important things about this novel and its more detailed translation ----------------------------------- Reincarnated into the body of AC Milan's Digao, he trained with the top team, played in the World Cup, and was surrounded by gorgeous women. He even witnessed how he created a new miracle on the pitch! See how the footballer becomes a master in an instant!

Alexxz · Celebrities
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794 Chs

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

In the last round of Serie A, AC Milan had a fairly decent finale at San Siro, beating Udinese 3:1, and finally fell behind Juventus by three points, finishing runner-up.

For this result, after the last game, Degan was about to accept it. When he returned to the locker room, those shouts were still echoing in his ears. He didn't know if it was a hallucination.

Already accustomed to the smell of sweat, he raised his head to accept the wet hugs of his teammates. He was happy to enjoy the victory, just as he enjoyed football, but victory is not everything in football.

Fortunately, victory is not a luxury for AC Milan. In the last three rounds of the league, AC Milan won three consecutive victories. Although they missed the championship, Degan finally worked hard. He is not responsible for this result.

Sitting in the corner of the dressing room, he pulled off the headband. Digan's hair was already shawl, and he put on the headband under Avril Lavigne's suggestion. At this time, the phone rang, and Digan was on the towel Rubbing his hands, after every game recently, his mobile phone will be as loud as it is today.

After pressing the answer button, Digan was not surprised to hear Kaka's voice from the other end of the phone: "Rod! Your performance today is simply amazing!"

"Thank you for saying that." Degan laughed, "Ricciardo! There is one last game left!"

The Serie A league is over, and there is still the last game left, the Champions League decisive battle against Arsenal in Paris.

In these three games, Kaka did not appear on the court. Although the thigh muscle strain was not very serious, Ancelotti let Kaka rest out of insurance.

"Can you go home later? Take Avril!"

Digan didn't refuse: "Okay! As long as it's not Caroline who cooks today!"

Caroline's culinary skills, after Digan tried it once, he didn't have the courage to face it anymore. For the kitchen, every time Caroline visits means a disaster, of course her cakes are not bad good.

Showered, changed, called Avril Lavigne, and the two met in the parking lot outside the San Siro.

"Rod! Do I have to go?"

Avril Lavigne obviously didn't like the atmosphere of Wright's house, it was too formal, which made her a punk girl very adaptable.

Digan looked at Avril Lavigne: "Of course! If we are together all the time, you can't refuse!"

Avril Lavigne nodded helplessly: "Okay! But don't let Simone and I chat alone!"

After listening to Avril Lavigne's complaints, the car also drove to the door of Kaka's house. Since the last visit, the tension between Digan and his family has eased a lot.

After a pleasant dinner together, Degan and Kaka went to the attic together. Kaka will always be a PES football fan, and his favorite opponent will always be the rookie Degan.

Kaka stared at the screen and said casually, "Rod! Have you decided yet?"

Digan smiled lightly, and this smile was reflected in Kaka's eyes, which made him feel disappointed.

"Ricardo! You know, San Siro is not my home! My future doesn't belong here either!"

Although Kaka had already guessed Degan's decision, he couldn't help being annoyed when he heard Digan say this: "Rod! Don't say these words in such an indifferent tone."

"If possible, I hope I will never say these words to you." Digan was silent for a while, and then continued, "But~~~~~~~ But you have to listen to me, Ricardo~~ ~~~"

"I heard you said that you also hope that our two brothers can fight side by side together forever, right? I'm listening."

Digan smiled: "Ricardo! Now I feel more like a brother, Ricardo! I will miss every day at San Siro! I will miss it very much, after all, this is my brother Ricardo's Stage! Ricciardo! Enjoy playing here!"

Kaka also smiled: "Happy!? My happiness is to be able to play with my younger brother on the same field, Rod! If you leave, I will not be happy at all."

Digan said: "Don't say that, Ricardo! The fans here love you! Besides, you should know me, even if I get applause and cheers in Milan, I will leave sooner or later. It belongs to me, here, this city, the biggest stadium in Europe, their future belongs to you, Ricardo, you are different from me."

Kaka listened, and couldn't hide her depression: "Rod! You were supposed to be the king of San Siro, damn it! I can't think of why they have to drive you away."

"You are the king here, Ricardo! Our career is still going on, don't be too sad! Don't you think we are not brothers if we leave Milan? I want to find a stage that belongs to me. Have fun playing football!"

Degan lowered his head, pursed his lips, and had a calm face. He never thought about what would happen to him if he couldn't play football. He always only thought that he would kick it out and he would go further and further. Such thoughts supported him at all times and made him smile on the road.

It was dark, and Degan was sitting alone on a bench in the garden, staring at the soft light from the window of the villa, his vision was a little dazed.

Then the window opened, Kaka smiled and waved at him, and then a black shadow flew towards the door, Digan subconsciously leaned back and raised his feet, and the black shadow fell into the swimming pool precisely, with a crash , the garden is no longer quiet.

When the lights came on, Degan lay on the bench and stretched out his hands to cover him, until Kaka came over, sat beside him, and held his hand, which was a little cold, bigger than Kaka's, with rough pads.

Kaka pulled him up, and the two brothers walked to the swimming pool together. When they were young, their favorite place to go besides the football field was the swimming pool.

Kaka took off his shirt and jumped in. After somersaults in the water, he crawled out holding the ball. While walking, he rubbed the wet hair sticking to his face, and threw the football in his hand to Digan.

The water-soaked ball was a little slippery, but Deegan was as gorgeous as ever, and he still did a poor samba dance after firing the ball into the miniature goal that was erected on the grass.

When Kaka was playing tricks in Degan, she always smiled very happily, showing a bright smile.

They took turns dribbling, stealing, and shooting with their eyes closed. The chances of shooting on target were even higher than when they opened their eyes. They also often had physical collisions. Kaka, who folded his arms to watch the end, kicked him down. Another example is that when Kaka broke through quickly, Degan gave him a hug from behind.

Then they fell on the grass and laughed, and both of them were covered with the refreshing fragrance of the grass.

"Let's have a real contest!"

"no problem!"

Degan stood up and put on a defensive posture. The ball danced lightly on Kaka's thigh and suddenly left Degan's sight. Kaka suddenly started, and was about to pass the smirking guy across the way, but he was suddenly dumbfounded and froze on the spot.

When Digan passed him by, he pulled off his pants, and Kaka turned around in a daze, opening her mouth wide.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Digan was about to run away, and Kaka chased after him. The next second, he tripped over his pants and had a close contact with the earth like a reunion after a long absence.

Digan thumped the turf and laughed out of breath. He managed to recover, and saw Kaka sitting beside him, his trousers had already been pulled up and several knots were tied.

"Rod! You are still the same as when you were a child, you can only cheat!"

"I just don't want to make you lose so badly in front of Caroline, dear brother!"

Kaka raised her head and looked towards the French windows of the villa, but she didn't see Caroline. She reacted suddenly, but it was already too late, and she was pushed into the swimming pool by Digan.

After some squabbling, the two brothers lay exhausted on the grass, the tip of the grass scratched their sweaty skin, itching. The night is beautiful and quiet, and you can vaguely find the faint stars.

"When we meet again next season, we will be opponents!" Kaka was a little sad when he said this.

Digan smiled: "I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Stinky boy! Don't be complacent, when the time comes, I will defeat you!"

Last season, Degan led Atlanta to play against AC Milan twice. Atlanta won one and drew one. It can be said that Degan has won, and Kaka has always been worried about this matter.

Digan didn't refute, and sat up and patted Kaka's arm: "Ricardo! It's too early to think about those words now, and play the game a week later, just like you said, don't Leave no regrets!"

Kaka still has a chance to continue to prove himself in San Siro, but Digan only has this last game left.

Simone sat in the living room, watching her two sons playing outside, and couldn't help laughing: "It's been a long time since I saw Ricardo and Rhodes playing so happily!"

Since Kaka played in the professional league at San Siro, the two brothers usually don't spend much time together.

Caroline also smiled: "Me too. They used to be inseparable. I thought they could go back to the past in Milan City, but~~~~~~~"

Avril interrupted Caroline: "Caroline! I don't think there is anything to be sorry about. Rhodes has his own way to go, and he can't be by Ricardo's side forever!"

Avril Lavigne's words changed the atmosphere in the living room, but it was impossible to refute.

Maybe just like what Avril Lavigne said, Degan has his own way, even if there are two brothers, there is no way for one to be bound by the other forever. Everyone knows that Degan didn't want to go back to Milan, the reason why he endured it here A season, a large part of the reason is because of Kaka, now it's time to let Degan go his own way, even if they regret it, they can't continue to force it.