
The Stadium Maniac (Football)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please go read the auxiliary chapter where I will explain the important things about this novel and its more detailed translation ----------------------------------- Reincarnated into the body of AC Milan's Digao, he trained with the top team, played in the World Cup, and was surrounded by gorgeous women. He even witnessed how he created a new miracle on the pitch! See how the footballer becomes a master in an instant!

Alexxz · Celebrities
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794 Chs

136 Destruction

136 Destruction

After a two-day break, the World Cup was rekindled. The first to appear was the five-star Brazil and the uncrowned king Netherlands. The two teams had played against each other three times in the World Cup. The Brazilian team had two wins and one loss. Attack, as long as they can overcome the difficulty of the Netherlands, they are likely to join forces with Argentina in the semi-finals to stage a matchup of the highest level of football in South America.

The development of the game also seemed to be very smooth. In the tenth minute, Kaka, the core of the Brazilian team, scored a goal to help the Brazilian team take the lead. This start made the Brazilian team rejoice. They seem to have seen To the bright prospects of promotion.

But at this time, someone from the Dutch team stood up and drove Brazil into the abyss by himself.

When it fell behind 0:1, it can be said that the Dutch team has reached the edge of the cliff. If the score continues, the Oranje will go home.

At the critical moment, the No. 10 of the Dutch team made a contribution. He was Sneijder. In the second half of the game, Sneijder's one pass and one shot allowed the Dutch team to complete the reversal, and finally eliminated the mighty Brazil team. Called the number one hero.

Before the game against Brazil, the Dutch team also had internal strife. The two protagonists were Sneijder and Van Persie. The core of the team is strongly dissatisfied, and he thinks that Sneijder should be replaced. This episode caused quite a stir, but that was all. On the field, the two aces of the Dutch team focused their attention on the game.

The first half of the Dutch team can be said to be in a mess. The Brazilian team took a 1:0 lead without any effort. In the second half, the Dutch team woke up like a dream.

In the 53rd minute, Sneijder took a set kick in the front court, and the weird arc floated into the Brazilian team's penalty area. As a result, the Brazilian defender scored an own goal. With this lucky goal, the Dutch team equalized the score.

However, this was only the beginning. In the subsequent games, the Dutch team gradually took control of the initiative. In the 68th minute, the Dutch team took a corner kick. Sneijder received a header relay from his teammate and completed the lore in the same way.

competition is over?

??, Sneijder happily waved his hands. The moment he left the field, Dutch coach Van Marwijk held him tightly in his arms. This is also the best compliment to the hero.

After eliminating the Brazilian team and entering the semi-finals, the Dutch team can be said to have a smooth road in this half of the region. However, the Dutch team must not be careless in the slightest. Someone needs to come forward at the critical moment. It has been proved through the previous games that Sneh De no doubt the most suitable person.

The five-star Brazil was out, and Pele's prediction before the game was shattered again. Before the game against the Netherlands, Pele said confidently: "Brazil will definitely win. The Brazil team is the most stable of all teams. In my opinion, other The future of the team is difficult to predict, only the Brazil team has no suspense in the final."

The result was just the opposite, or in other words, Bailey's "crow's mouth" hit the mark again.

This is not the first time that the "crow's mouth" has appeared in this World Cup. Pele had previously said: "I hope that the African team will perform well in this World Cup. between teams."

As a result, only one of the six African teams, Ghana, made it out of the group stage, and the so-called wish of "Brazil's African team meeting in the final" also came to naught after Brazil was eliminated.

Compared with the past, it seems that Pele's "crow's mouth" has been upgraded. In the past, Pele's homeland was still somewhat immune to his "prophecy". After all, in the 2002 World Cup, he successfully predicted that Brazil would beat Germany , but this time, Brazil can't hide from his "crow's mouth".

However, Brazil is not the only team that is shrouded in the shadow of "Pele's prediction". Before that, Pele once said: "Brazil and Argentina will meet in the final, but don't ignore Portugal and Spain."

Now that Brazil and Portugal are out, I don't know what will happen to Argentina and Spain after this round.

After winning Brazil, Dutch coach Van Marwijk said in an interview: "We have a sense of mission. Those who laugh at us can stop. You have seen the gorgeous Netherlands. In the past two years, we have been in Waiting for this day, in the first half, we did not play well, and I was also worried because the score was 0:1 behind. But in the second half, we played well. If we can seize the opportunity, we could have scored four. Five goals, it feels good to win against Brazil, but let's save the praise for the semi-finals."

Brazil is out!

Before the game, absolutely no one would have thought that in the first quarter-finals of the World Cup in South Africa, it showed an unusual trend. The Dutch completed the reversal when they fell behind 0:1. To fall behind in the World Cup, there is no chance.

After the birth of the quarter-finals, Brazil has become the number one favorite to win the championship with an undisputed super momentum. The odds of bookmakers list Brazil as the number one favorite, surpassing Belgium, Argentina and Spain, and much higher than the Netherlands.

However, the Dutch refused to surrender to Brazil. After falling behind 0:1 and the situation was at a disadvantage, the Oranje played a classic counterattack. Cesar's mistake became a watershed in the game, and then the set kick cost Brazil. .

In previous World Cups, the elimination of the Brazilian team will always be a sensational "big event". As a five-time champion, the Samba Army's elimination in the past 20 years is historic. In 1990, Maradona defeated Brazil. People are outside the top 8, the French defeated Brazil in the final in 1998, and Digan made the Brazilians sad four years ago. Today, the Samba World Cup suffers from the Netherlands.

This game also broke a law of the Brazilian team, that is, the coincidence of "winning the championship every other time" in the past 20 years. From 1990 to 2006, the Brazilians continued to "win the championship once and not win the next one", " In 2010, this law was sent to the history museum.

In this World Cup in South Africa, some unbelievable situations happened one after another. Infighting in France, the last place in the Italian group, and England suffered strange penalties. However, starting from Brazil's exit in the quarter-finals, the good show seems to have just begun. The pattern of South America overwhelming Europe began to be overwhelmed Breakthroughs, and the direction is becoming more and more confusing. At this point in the game, no one can predict what the ending of this drama will be.

Brazil stopped in the quarter-finals of the World Cup. If you want to find the biggest culprit for this game, coach Dunga may be responsible. After the score was equalized, he did not respond immediately. Kaka may also be responsible, but he The performance in this game is good enough, the only shortcoming is that they did not stand up when the team fell behind.

Who is the biggest sinner?

There is no doubt that it is Melo. Brazil's exit is also directly related to Melo's poor performance. Among Brazil's two conceded goals, the Juventus midfielder, who has been full of controversy this season, contributed an own goal , and another conceded goal by the Brazilian team, Sneijder, who is only 170cm tall, scored with a header under his marking.

But what is even more wrong for Melo is that when he was behind 1:2, he stepped on the leg of the fallen Robben when he could have avoided it, and directly "applied" to the red card. .

People who watched Melo play football for the first time may be surprised by his shocking stupidity, but Serie A fans who are familiar with Melo should not be surprised at all, because this rough-skilled and simple-minded Brazilian is known for fighting For fun, to become famous with impulsiveness, maybe he doesn't have the most basic qualities of a player at all.

Before practicing soccer, Melo was involved in kickboxing, a brutal fighting style that doesn't even have a no-hit zone like boxing.

One of Melo's famous quotes is: "If I hadn't played football, I would have fought someone else on stage today."

He also said that the players defended by him should be prepared. When he stretches out his foot, the opponent should not expect him to take his foot back. This time, his foot was extraordinary and he did not take it back, and there is no chance to take it back.

It can be said that Melo has a lot of bad records, and Juventus this season has also been harmed by him. In addition to the constant yellow cards, his rough skills made the media and fans in Turin intolerable, and he also had a relationship with coach Zaccheroni There have been face-to-face quarrels.

Perhaps Melo's poor performance disappointed Juventus. They originally hoped to sell him for a good price, but now it seems that Melo can only depreciate and then depreciate. In fact, the Italian reporters have not figured it out for a season. Shrewd Juventus, why did they buy such a disaster at a high price of 24.5 million.

After the game, the former Brazil star Ronaldo expressed his opinion directly on his Twitter. Ronaldo wrote: "Melo should not go back to Brazil for vacation!"

Since Twitter is just a micro-blog, Ronaldo did not explain too much. Maybe Ronaldo is worried about Melo, fearing that he will be treated as a sinner after returning to Brazil, or maybe Ronaldo is blaming Melo, but anyway, Brazil has been eliminated. There is no way to recover the 1:2 defeat.

In short, Brazil has already withdrawn from the championship competition ahead of schedule. The five-time champion Brazil's six-time dream was ruthlessly shattered by the Dutch. After the game, coach Dunga said that he may no longer be the coach of the Brazilian team.

"We are all very sad, we didn't expect this result, we played well in the first half, but in the second half we couldn't maintain the same rhythm, we couldn't concentrate all the time, World Cup games are 90 minutes, The details determine the final result and unfortunately we lost in the World Cup."

In the 2006 World Cup in Germany, the luxurious Samba Army stopped in the quarter-finals. After four years of preparation, the Brazilian team was full of confidence. Under the leadership of Dunga, the new Samba Army won the America's Cup, but The Brazilian team, aiming to win the championship, once again stopped in the quarterfinals.

"We prepared for four years, we gave a lot and we are very sad to lose," Brazil coach Dunga said in his post-match news conference.

After losing the quarter-finals, Dunga said that he will not continue to stay in the Brazilian coach. When asked about his future, Dunga said: "We know that from coaching Brazil From the start, I was prepared to only play for four years, we were sad, it was all tough, no one prepared for failure."

Dunga succeeded Pereira as Brazil coach after the 2006 World Cup in Germany, which was also after the World Cup in Germany. Dunga was a very strong midfielder in the player era and helped Brazil win the 1994 World Cup.

Dunga's coaching of the Brazilian team surprised everyone because he had no coaching experience before. His first decision after taking office was to remove veterans such as Cafu, Ronaldo and Carlos from the national team. He then also lost patience with Ronaldinho and left him out of the 23-man squad for the World Cup in South Africa.

Dunga led his team to win the Copa America in 2007, and successfully qualified as the top player in South America in the World Cup qualifiers, but many fans did not like his team's defensive counterattack style.

However, in fact, Dunga has done well enough, a young coach with no coaching experience, leading a brand new team, appeared on the stage of the World Cup, and dedicated several wonderful games to the fans , it can be said that Dunga's performance is completely passable.

"I have a clear conscience and it's not like I didn't want to win but unfortunately we lost in the end so what can I say? My players have done a great job and I can't blame them, we all did. what to do."

After Dunga's resignation, the position of coach of the Brazilian national team is waiting. According to the previous statement of the Brazilian Football Association, they will announce the appointment of a new coach at the end of this month.

Prior to this, speculation about the candidate for the coach of the Brazilian national team has not stopped, including coach Scolari, who led the Brazilian team to win the 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup.

And Scolari himself seems to be very interested in this position: "It is an honor. After going abroad for many years and returning to Brazil, people can still remember me and want me to be the head coach of Brazil. It is only natural that I will no longer coach the national team, and there is a real possibility that I will lead my country to the World Cup in 2014, and after eight years without the national team, I will return when the World Cup is hosted in my home country."

In the 2002 World Cup, as the head coach of the Brazilian national team, Scolari led the Brazilian team to win the championship with a record of seven victories. And in the 2006 World Cup, led the Portuguese team into the semi-finals. He has maintained a coaching record of 12 consecutive victories in the World Cup.

Returning to this game, the Netherlands and Brazil are recognized as advocates of artistic football, but this confrontation between the two teams has nothing to do with art, style, gorgeousness, and smoothness. Like a vegetable field.

The Netherlands and Brazil committed 20 fouls in this game, which is the most since the knockout round except for Japan and Paraguay's 120-minute savage performance.

Leaving aside the fact that the Netherlands eliminated Brazil 2:1, these 40 fouls meant that the game was artificially interrupted 40 times. A football game that could have shown a gorgeous and smooth situation has been divided into fragments. For the two teams of the Netherlands and Brazil, it is prestigious, and it is extremely disappointing for the fans who support them.

Due to frequent fouls in this game, two important defensive players of the Dutch team, right back Deville and midfielder De Jong, will be suspended in the semifinals.

Facing their most important semi-final in 32 years, the Netherlands, who have not reached a final since the 1978 World Cup, paid the price for their rough behavior in the absence of key players.

Brutal fouls are often a tactic that a weak team has to use when facing a strong team, and the powerful who are always on the offensive should be the target of the violation, not the perpetrator.

Brazil is the representative of "Samba football", while the Netherlands is the advocate of "Total Attack and Total Defense". Definitely don't know what to do.

Fans definitely don't like teams like Brazil and the Netherlands, which originally pursued art, suddenly playing rough and utilitarian football. They gave such teams an indecent title: "obscene" football.

Dutch coach Van Marwijk firmly stated: "Total attack and total defense has long been outdated."

Total Football has always been the representative of Dutch football, but Lao Fan seems to be bored now. With a competitor like the Netherlands, it is difficult for Brazil to "stand alone".

Football matches are played in confrontation all the time, and emotions will be contagious through physical collisions and continuous fouls. Maybe the Brazilian team really wanted to play the game beautifully, but the Dutch team still played the same style, so that the Brazilian team returned to the old way, so shovels, elbows, and constant whistles replaced clever passes, strong shots, and quicksilver. general offense.

There is nothing wrong with striving for victory, but when the two teams frequently use fouls in order to win and give up the offensive style they have persisted for many years, the charm of football will also go away. After all, football is not only about victory.

A disappointing game with an unexpected ending, Kaka and his Brazil team had no choice but to bid farewell to South Africa. Kaka left in a hurry and didn't even call Digan. The agreement now seems to have to wait until the next time, goodbye in Brazil.

When Degan was interviewed and asked about his feelings about Brazil being eliminated, he just said helplessly: "It seems that I have to find another way to compete with Ricardo on the court!"

No one understood Degan's words. When people understood, a major event that shocked the entire football world had already been settled.