

The top war, Roy looked at the already dead Ace, yelled: the supreme holy light ah! Give me strength! Resurrect, my warrior! Oh yes, I forgot, there is a tough trick: Abracadabra! Roy accidentally crossed into the world of pirates...

128 Chs

I am just a small soldier

Roy walked here, there is nothing around, but you can see that there are still image phone bugs around here for surveillance.

If you return to the ship with this look, it is definitely going to be taken as the real cp0 to Malichia, must get out of here.

Because now Roy found a very awkward problem, the hearthstone bound to the original robbed warship, and now that ship destroyed, so now rub the hearthstone, will only hear the system prompt, "Please bind a location!"

It does not matter, then go out with ability, and Roy remembered that he still has a mission to kill the navy, just to finish it.

So Roy decided to take care of the surveillance around first.

Thinking of this, Roy immediately released the skill [Blind Light], also known as the art of flashing blind holy light, a strong light released from Roy's body.

A member of the naval surveillance class who was originally groping for fish looked at the countless surveillance screens in front of him, suddenly filled with golden glare, then nothing could be seen, "What's going on, is the image phone bug sick?"

The telephone bug big family is actually a creature, if there is life, even have been killed, so was blinded by the flash, of course, can not be broadcast.

"Go investigate immediately and see what's wrong!"

In other branches, this kind of thing simply do not need to care, but here is the Navy headquarters, if something really happened, but can not afford this responsibility.

On the other hand, Roy walked to the image of the blind phone bug below, soon there are two soldiers came over, when they saw Roy, quickly salute.

Roy waved at the two, signaling them to come closer.

The two looked at each other suspiciously and stood in front of each other, only to hear Roy say, "I have one thing that I want you to report to your naval superiors, and that is ... may the holy light bless you!"


Just two people are still concentrating on, ready to listen to each other want to say when, suddenly Roy a left and a right two palms have been placed on the shoulders of two people, in their time to react before the purification skills launched, two naval instantly turned into ashes.

And also in this instant, Roy from the cp0 lead brother look like, into another navy look like.


On the other hand, in the Navy Plaza dock location, has waited for more than four hours, but still no cp0 officer's figure, so that the agents staying in the government ship began to get anxious.

Although it is known that this is the big headquarters of the Navy and it is impossible for anything to happen!

Now the Navy is increasingly not listening to the instructions of the government, the two sides get along far less harmoniously than the outside world thinks.

The government's people do not want to make trouble in the navy's territory, and the navy see the government's ship is also able to hide, do not want to take the initiative to go up and get involved with them.

And on the other side of the square, Roy was walking in the likeness of one of the soldiers he had just purified, and saw a naval ship docked on the shore.

The sails were raised, proving that it should be ready to strike, and if it was parked and not in use, the sails were definitely furled.

"This warship, where is it going to sail to?" Roy stood in an inconspicuous position and asked to a passing third class soldier.

"It's a warship led by Lieutenant General Saius, heading to the Water Capital for investigation, don't you know what happened there some time ago?" The third class replied with a glance at the warship, which was not a secret.

The third class took a look at Roy and asked suspiciously, "Which general are you a soldier under? Shouldn't be following our Lieutenant General Saius, right?"

Under normal circumstances, a naval prize has thousands of subordinates, of course, not everyone is very familiar, but this kind of attack time, there are people actually ask this ship to where such questions, it is too easy to make people "this guy is not this unit," the idea.

"To be honest, I'd like to apply for a new leader, so I'm taking advantage of the shift change time to look around, what do you think of Lieutenant General Saius?" Roy chatted with the man without changing his face.

"So that's how it is, but this kind of thing can't be talked about, or there will be no good fruit to eat!" The third-class soldier had no more doubts now.

Indeed, the number of seamen who were dissatisfied with their superiors and wanted to jump ship could be described as "innumerable".

The most famous is the newly promoted Vice Admiral "Magma Fruit" ability, Lieutenant General Sakaski, his treatment of soldiers under his command, has been so severe that it can be described as "abuse".

Such harsh management methods led to many sea soldiers can not stand, joint jumped ship, and even once to the side of Warlord.

Warring States think, must change the nature of Sakaski, he will be temporarily handed over to Karp, feel Karp's iron fist of love, frustrating the boy's sharpness.

"Please come over here and talk to me!" Roy will pull the third class to a corner after all, discussing such topics as superiors, how can be carried out in public!

"Lieutenant General Saius is stern in his work ... however, as long as there are no special tasks, there is no problem getting off work on time every day and it doesn't take up our rest or vacation time." The third class replied and said.

"Yes! Thanks!"

"It's not easy to jump on something like this, you don't mess around, well, I'm off and ready to go ..."

The third class was just about to leave when Roy suddenly grabbed him by the shoulders and the "Purify" skill was activated, taking some of his memories and appearance for himself.


At this time, the attack horn came, a naval warrant officer stood on the bow of the warship and shouted, "Lieutenant General Saius is ready to attack, all officers, prepare to board the ship."

Roy smiled faintly and boarded the warship.


After six hours, the government side of the people really can not stand, found the naval headquarters building, asked to ask the situation, however, responsible for the reception of cp0 fire mountain, heard this matter, very puzzled.

People are not already left?

It is with the six hours of walking still can not go back?

If you speculate according to the normal steps, then this cp0 has disappeared for six hours.

After thinking about it, Fire Mountain realized the seriousness of the problem and immediately turned around and went upstairs, met with the empty marshal and reported this matter up.

"The people of cp0, they have already disappeared for six hours, how come they are only reporting it now?" Empty shocked angrily and slapped the table.

"Marshal, you also know that the relationship between the government and the Navy is tense, and they are afraid that they do not want to get too involved with us!" Burning Mountain almost chewed the cigar on his mouth.

cp0, and is still the chief officer level, unexpectedly missing in the naval headquarters, this will be how serious things, do not dare to imagine.

"Immediately turn on the secondary alarm, let all the general officers to search, notify the monitoring general, let them carefully search every monitoring location, as soon as there is any problem, immediately report it!" Air ordered with a big wave of his hand.