
Pirate King in Orario

A mortal soul died and met R.O.B.. The R.O.B. granted the soul 5 wishes and used the Wheel of Reincarnation, which landed on Danmachi World and R.O.B. picked 9 years before canon starts or Bell arrived to Orario. Alex, a One Piece fanboy, he wished to have One Piece have; Knowledge, All Haki, All Martial Arts, All Swordsmanship & All Devil Fruits. He wished to have a strong special body that can use multiple devil fruits without their shortcomings. His last wish is to reincarnated with his wishes but without needing to be R.O.B.'s offer as it feels uncomfortable, restricting and not free. WHAT THE FU?!!!!! Meaning that Alex used his last wish to be reincarnated and be free from becoming R.O.B.'s MC Novel. The R.O.B. already knows the mortal's wishes but accepted them all but the mortal have to succeed the 4 years Hellish Dungeon Mania trial created by the R.O.B. What and When trial? Find out by reading this story. What will the mortal do in the world full of monsters, deities, different races? What he will do to prepare forthe trial? What would he face? The mortal kept his old name and added a new one, Alex D. Ravencroff / Ravencroff D. Alex Alex doesn't want to waste his new life and will do whatever he wants. Come and read this story. Alex watched the Danmachi anime only, thus he had limited canon knowledge. He's in for world of danger, chaos and surprises of how deadly, far and wide the lore/world of Danmachi really is. Nevertheless, the world, Orario, the dungeon, the familias, and even the gods will be awed, astonished and shocked because they will witness the freest man in the world, the Whom? Let's Find Out!! Hello Dear Readers, If you stumble upon this story and seems like it. I ask are to add this in you collection and maybe gift me some Powerstones. Cause why not? They're free and can easily be done within few seconds. Besides, having a Powerstones may help me continue create chapters lol. The Fan-fic's cover photo, and all photos used as materials were created and edited by me. The materials used were free to use but can be deleted upon valid and legal reasons. This is just a Fan-Fic for fun Danmachi Fan-Fic No System Fan-Fic Read this Fan-Fic when it is 25 chapters and above or you'll regret it. This Fan-Fic doesn't have extreme scientific, theorically, logical, magical, long information or explanation like the cultivation novels cliche or Xianxa novels cliche(no offense) This is not a Cultivation nor Xianxa Fanfic(no offense) Don't expect the MC to be Prideful, Arrogant nor Weak. No lemon scene but MC gets laid lol Goals before holes lol MC is a goal-setter Harem=Maybe? Familia=NO Wish Fulfillment ______________________________________________________ *Hello there noobie Author Here!!* WARNING: I'm new in writing novel so there will be many flaws but i will improve as much. Don't expect much. And i only posts whenever i want and for fun. DISCLAIMER: ONE PIECE AND DANMACHI IS NOT MINE, THEY BELONGS TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. I ONLY OWN FEW OCS THAT I CREATED, AND NOTHING ELSE. I DON'T OWN ANYTHING BESIDES MY OCS I USED IN THIS FANFIC. ALL THE SOURCE MATERIALS USED IN THIS FANFIC BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS.

Jane_Park_2563 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs






-(3rd POV)-





=LOCATION: Dungeon=

On the 20th floor one of the floors named Large Tree Labyrinth, a large dungeon floor with many plantations, small caves and traps.

Many actions are happening within one cave.

A group known as Evilus are attacking the guy named Alex that's calm and not exhausted while defeating Evilus members.


Alex easily kicked the attacking level 3 Evilus fighter that made her spine broke and killed her. She went flying, crashing to the cave's ceiling.

Thank goodness I read the Martial art book and have minks' DNA too. The minks are naturally skilled and powerful warriors from birth, even a newborn baby knows how to defend.

Alex thought as he instinctively dodged the piercing attack of opponent's spear which left the attacker into defenseless state.

Alex didn't waste the chance, grabbed the Evilus combatant's left shoulder and right arm's sleeves while he swiftly rotated his whole body in the opposite direction to where multiple opponents are. He squatted and lifted his opponent.

He did the One Arm Shoulder Throw.

He swiftly threw the opponent to other opponents causing 5 Evilus members to catch the thrown ally, falling to their backs a couple of distances away from their original place, which made them unconscious and useless for the rest of the fight.

"SUPPORTERS, FIRE ARROWS NOW!!" The boss ordered the 10 white robe supporters carrying different colored giant Hermes backpacks begun shooting flaming arrows.



"MAGES, FIRE!!" The boss ordered the mages after completing their chants.

Alex heard the boss shout along with mages shouting from many distances away.

He saw magic circles and flaming arrows towards him.

Before the arrows and different arrays magic spells could reach him.



Alex thought as he stomped the ground multiple times instantlythat successfully move away from his former location.


He directly avoided the magic spells explosions/bombardment and move away from where flaming arrows, magic bombardments projectiles.

All Evilus Mages bombarded different magic spells to Alex's former location along with flaming arrows that can defeat multiple adventurers' groups.

The mages and supporters didn't think the fellow members' safety and they kept firing their spells and arrows around that one specific area.

Most of the Evilus' melee fighters dodge but some level 1 evilus members failed to escape and died.


Alex used soru and continued the battle.

What's happening? still fine after that?!! He reduced half of my men already? They're low-level 4 & below! Is he a high level 4? I don't recognize him. Could he be someone from Rakios or from other foreign cities? Such a monster could be born outside Orario?! I have to kill him now or else the Evilus will have trouble in the future. I need to report this to Olivias-sama, Valetta-sama & my goddess after killing him.

The boss thought while waiting for the right time to join.

He's seriously examining Alex who completely survived the mages' attacks and their supporters flaming arrows.

While the Evilus members were busy, Eanol sneakily went behind Deva and Grithra and whispered to them.

"Hey! Leader and Grithra. That guy is defeating the Evilus group that overpowered and tortured us earlier. Look! the Evilus are busy handling that guy alone. Isn't this our chance to run from them?" Eanol said in hushed tones that only the three of them could hear.

Before Deva and Grithra could respond


The human boss appeared before them and punched Eanol's face that sent him lying on the ground a few meters.

Eanol is now lying to the ground feeling tremendous pain from the punch.

Deva and Grithra tried running towards the entrance but the boss' secretary appeared in front of them and suddenly pointed her swords to their necks.

Deva and Grithra recognized the Level 4's secretary's strength and doesn't escape anymore fearing their deaths.

Eanol tried raising his body.



but lied down again after feeling another tremendous pain from his chest. The pain is still present as the boss' foot is placed on top of Eanol's chest.

The boss looked at Eanol and the new recruits not minding Alex beating up his goons.

"Did you guys think I haven't heard your plan huh?! There's no place & trees to run & hide. I will kill all of you if anyone dares to escape again. GO KILL HIM OR DIE!!!" The boss shouted and removed his foot from Eanol's chest to examine Alex again.

Both Eanol and Deva took moments,

Left with no choice, Deva and Eanol run together to attack the enemy while Grithra chant her magic spell.

Deva and Eanol, both being level 4, sprint together with their original weapons to the fight. They ran faster than level 1 to 3 Evilus members

They've arrive on the battlefield within seconds. Eanol hid behind the boulders, hidden from Alex's sight and prepared his bow while Deva aimed her swords to Alex.

As Deva approaches Alex.



Alex used Soru again to move in front of her and directly grabbed her face and raised her body off the ground.

Without Deva even realising she's been captured.


He smashed her to the ground and killed her instantly. Blood stained his hands

Eanol and Grithra saw their former leader's instant death and have different reactions. Grithra flinches at the sight, closes her eyes and becomes sad

"LEADER!!! I'LL KILL YOU MONSTER!!!" Eanol rages and then fires multiple arrows to kill Alex.

Alex heard the Elf's scream, saw the arrows and spotted his hidden location that's far away from the melee fighters.



Alex used soru again to move in front of unnoticed Eanol.


Shigan!(Finger Gun)

Alex used his finger blade and shot through Eanol's chest plate which pierced Eanol's heart and died instantly.

Grithra becomes depressed because she's now the only one left alive as her former teammates died. Even when they've betrayed each other, she still believes in the bond they have from years exploring.

Alex pulled back his bloody finger blade away from Eanol's corpse and looked at his opponents.

"FOLLOW ME SECRETARY! GO ALL OUT! KILL HIM!" Irritated and having enough of him examining, standing and commanding, the boss attacks.

"LET'S KILL HIM BOSS!" the secretary quickly dashes faster than their goons combined as they're both level 4 evilus members

*Whoosh* *Whoosh*

Seconds later, The Evilus boss and secretary appeared at Alex


Evilus boss unsheathed his executioner's sword and swung the sword towards Alex's shoulder with his full strength.

Simultaneously, The Evilus secretary slashes her two swords towards Alex's thighs with her full strength.

He watched these swords approach his skin in slow motion, clearly showing they're speed are no match against his.

*KLANG!!!* *KLANG!!!* *KLANG!!!*

Alex let the swords clash with his skin that created Steel clashing sounds.


*Swords breaking sound effects*


The Boss' and the secretary's swords are broken into multiple pieces after clashing with Alex's exoskeleton skin.

Alex smiled at the durability of his exoskeleton and began his counter attack.

Before the boss and her secretary could even think.


Rankyaku!(Tempest Kick)

Alex kicked horizontally and created large winds.

He only used one move against both opponents and were pushed easily by the wind slicing gust.


A single crescent wind gust is created from Alex's kick and appears to their stomachs that push them back without their notice.

The wind gust sliced the boulders in half behind the boss and secretary.

The wind gust was strong enough to affect the Evilus members couple of meters away from the fight.

The Evilus members faced difficulty in resisting the wind and they did their best to keep standing and avoid being dragged by the strong wind.

The strong wind now disappeared,

The Evilus boss and secretary return back in original place while feeling the worst pains for both of their lives.

*spit* *spit* *shaking*

The boss and the secretary grab their stomach, their knees are shaking, spitting blood and while on their knees feeling the excruciating pain.

*cough* *cough* *cough*

Our adamantite cursed swords were destroyed! Impossible?! He must be wearing extra armor or It must be a skill! This guy is more dangerous! He needs to die!

Both the Evilus boss and his secretary thought while shaking and coughing up blood.

All Evilus goons can't believe the sight of both level 4s are in pain from one move. But they're still relieved that they've both managed to survive.

Seconds passed by both of them stood up and looked at Alex more vigilantly.

All Evilus Members stopped attacking.

Instead, they poured and drank their healing potions to recover readying for another fight.

I gained a quite understanding to my physical combat skills a little bit. Based from the fight, I can handle kill them with minimal effort. My exoskeleton and Oni's thick skin worked perfectly against their weapons, having no wounds nor scratches. Let's test the limits of my durability later on.

Alex thought as he just stood there and let his enemy recover.

As they're healing their wounds and injuries along with recovering their stamina and mana,

Alex silently counted the surviving members, 19 surviving Evilus members left(7 mages, 8 carriers, 1 boss, 3 fighters) after he remembered they were originally 53 people who arrived to the cave earlier.

Breaking the silence and not focusing on murder anymore, Alex ask the Evilus boss making sure if he really needed to kill them completely.

As he strongly believes in giving someone second chances because he was given a second life.

"Hey, is killing people really fun for you? Is it enough for you guys to not regret it?" He asked the Evilus members to know if they're still redeemable.

"heh...feeling tired already after minutes of battling? I guess you're using some skill to be stronger, more durable & faster in return your stamina drains a lot? I guess that's it! Now that you're tired? regretting fighting us already?" The boss mocks as he misunderstood that their cursed weapons worked and his opponent's abilities to him being exhausted already from fighting them alone.

The Evilus boss' misunderstandings were heard by the Evilus members that gave them misunderstandings too and false strength to be ready to fight Alex again.

"Do you wish to join us now?...To answer your question, killing isn't funny at all....IT'S HILARIOUSLY ENTERTAINING AH-HA-HA-HA-HA! I can't stop laughing from their crying faces or when they beg while we tortured them & broke their bones & spirits. ISN'T THAT RIGHT GOONS!!! AH-HA-HA-HA-HA" The boss shouted while laughing maniacally with crazy murderous eyes.

"YEAH!!!" All of the Evilus members shouted, being fully recovered, while laughing having blood lusted eyes and are now ready to fight again.

The boss signaled the members to stop laughing.

Next, He shouted to Alex .

"You know! We're recruiting for a strong member. You fit the bill! I welcome you but only after beating you senseless consider it as initiation. ISN'T THAT RIGHT GOONS!!" The boss shouted not minding the former members' deaths but wanting to add Alex to the Evilus.

"YEAH!!!" All Evilus members replied shouting and agreeing with their boss again.

When the evilus group was silent and now waiting for Alex's answer believing he will surrender to join which they couldn't wait to beat him up forgetting the fight earlier.

Alex saw them all laughing except Grithra and now realized they're beyond irredeemable.

He went silent while thinking.

These people are psychos and loss causes. Both of their eyes and their actions are clearly supporting their boss without the sign of disagreement nor being guilty, except for that woman from the dead young adventurer's former team. I can feel less guilty about all of these. It will still feel like shit though later.

Alex's mind finally made decision before glaring the boss.

"Hell no! Why would I join your group? You guys consist of f**ked in their heads mfs and you guys fit the bill. Your cults are threats to society. Your death will greatly benefit everyone by a mile." Alex clearly expressing his rejection and insults loudly.


Alex took a deep breath, which made him silent and closed his eyes.




He breathed out all of the inhaled air.

He repeated it multiple times.

The boss didn't take their enemy's rejection very well and insulted him.


"Believer of Justice? What a useless thing when Orario is in ruins & Chaos. You're just like those troublesome familia that strongly believe in justice, those bastards Astrea familia. That familia are a pain in the ass with Ganesha familia to boot too. Did you join those Familias?! You're useless to Evilus then! Killing you will be easy now that you're cursed & exhausted AH-HA-HA-HA!!" The boss insults Alex but only silence was present.

Which made the boss feeling humiliated and more furious than ever.

The rest of Evilus started laughing while Grithra didn't laugh and looked at Alex pitifully.

But she's now confused as Alex isn't mad nor reacted to the Evilus boss' insults.

She only saw Alex repeatedly inhaling and exhaling while his eyes are still closed.


Alex took a deep breath again




He breathed out all of the inhaled air accumulated in his lungs again.

This successfully calmed him, returned his composure and opened his eyes to glared his enemies again

suddenly, smokes emerges.


From his right arm, Scorching magma emerges that replaces his human arm while Alex isn't bothered nor feeling the heat.

The scorching magma continuously drips into the ground devouring pebbles, weapons, and corpses.

This move made the Evilus crowd stop laughing, felt the heat and stared at him while shocked.

Amazing! Magma-Magma Fruit fits right in this occasion but no time for fanboying. Focus!

Alex reminded himself and look his enemies now frightened faces.


The sounds of magmas are present.

"an illusion?" Evilus support couldn't believe the sight.

"Very HOT!" Another supporter felt the heat even when they were at a fair distance to Alex.

"Another no chant magic spell? IMPOSSIBLE!!!" The mages screamed while being confused.

"Fist made of fire?!" another goon confused too.

"No! it's Lava." The Evilus secretary corrected the mage question and became wary of Alex even more.

The Evilus boss is pissed because he can't believe that Alex has hidden 'magic'.


Seconds passed by and the cave's temperature increases.

'HOT!!! VERY HOT!!!' All robe Evilus felt the extreme heat.

They questioned themselves now who they're dealing with right now.

And surely enough after that something crept inside their hearts striking everyone, from their combatants, supporters, mages and their boss.

Joy? No!

Bloodlust? No!

Murderous Intent? No!

Curiosity? No!

Anxiety? No!

Uncertainty? No!












It's the fear of the Unknown

They all simultaneously experienced this fear enough to frighten a group of crazed maniacs from a dark faction cult specialised in killing people when they saw Alex's new form.

Every monsters they hunted until today pales comparison to this very monster in front of them.

"d-d-DEMON!!!" Evilus believer 1 shriek while paralyzed in fear.

"KILL IT!" Evilus secretary order while their leader is busy finding a way to enter Knossos that's outside the 'monster'.

Another Evilus goon discarded his fear and charges with his spear aiming it to Alex along with others.

The Mages began chanting for their spells while scared, they're determined to get rid the human magma monster.


Alex used soru and went in front of one Evilus mage instantly, which mage's clothes ignited and magic staff starts melting.


He aimed his magma arm, sprayed more magma and enveloped the Evilus mage.

"AHHH!! IT HURTS!!!" The mage last's words before fully covered in Manga within a second.


Alex successfully melted his enemy while maintaining eye contact.

nothing remained but magma.

Alex didn't end it there as he used soru again but this time he moved far behind of all Evilus members.

As they slowly turned their heads,

Alex touched the ground with his magma arm and poured enormous amounts of magma to the ground.


The magma spreads from Alex's area into different areas encircling the evilus group.

He raised the magma


and successfully erected an enormous lava wall encircling him and Evilus.


The Evilus members completely saw the lava walls surrounding them that completely blocking exit.

All Evilus witness this happening and can't stop shivering and realising their doom as they saw Alex looking to them.


The Evilus follow their orders and ignore their shivering, gathered and prepared while Alex just stood there... MENACINGLY.

As if waiting the magic spells and arrows to be deployed.


All Evilus members fired arrows and chanted destructive spells with all of their might, not wasting any mana.

Flaming arrows were destroyed by the heat before it reached Alex but the different spells bombarded Alex's location.

Still, Alex stood there looking directly to the magic spells heading to him and not flinching.



They saw Alex not moving and fully taking the destructive magic spells and flaming arrows.

Not done yet,

"DON'T STOP YET GOONS! FIRE YOUR MAGIC SWORDS TO THAT MONSTER NOW!!!" The boss hurriedly commanded as he along with other evilus believers draw different magic swords from their robes.

Now aimed at one threatening person


Firing it before the evilus boss could yell the signal.



Giant Flames, Loud Explosions, Steel-cutting Water, Seering Lightning, Slicing winds, Chilling Blizzards have been released all together creating a show of wonders for the purpose for decimating it to nothing



Their magic swords shattered for their usefulness and durability have ran out. Magic swords capable of producing magic spells at the cost of breaking after a single use.

It took a full minutes for the wonder show ends,

"DIE! YOU MONSTER!!!" The Evilus members, including the secretary and leader, screamed hoping they killed the monster as their mage and supporters used all of their mana and arrows.

As the dust settled from the bombardments, They hope for their nightmares to end.


But their hopes sunk again while their fears returned as an unbelievable sight appeared to Evilus.



"STAY AWAY!!!" An Evilus mage screamed, dropped to the ground, finally gave in to her fear as she saw the Alex walking while regenerating his magma body from being decimated into a small magma puddle.



There's too many enemies to fight simultaneously. To think I have to slay more monsters during the Trial? I could do it alone but that takes long time. Either I need to be faster at slaying monsters or I could gather a strong group that will aid me to slay the monsters.....Thankfully I have the certain Devil Fruit.

Alex found a new problem

They seemed really scared, I guess these guys still have some uses.

He found a solution followed by him refocused himself on the opponents to see their terrified faces.










LIFE!!!" Alex shouted while the Evilus.

No one answered as they're to fearfully to even move afraid of death.



After seconds passed by,



"No one answered?.....huh!....then I'll take them all!" Alex told the Evilus members with deeper voice than before and thus successful creating a more menacing threat.


a massive amount of pink stuff currently leaving in their bodies.

Using the Soul-Soul Fruit or Soru Soru no Mi he runs and grabs 5 souls gradually directly through their body with his left hands.

The process was quick yet it was horrifyingly slow for the Evilus as their lives flashes before their eyes.


Alex used soru and went in front of the Evilus fighter.


Alex yanked the soul out of the fighter's body containing his entire lifespan.

The victim died after turning pale and skinny, instantly dropping the axe.

Next, Alex soru again towards next target.

Alex is now grabbing Grithra head trying to snatched her soul but stopped because

*Flashes of lights appearing*

"NOOOOO!!!" A sudden shout that made Alex stop and closed his eyes from lights appearing.

Alex recognised this situation from fiction.

"NOO!!! don't kill her please, she saved me from a silverback gorilla on the 12th floor." An astral projection of young adventurer appears and talks to Alex trying to save her saviour.

Alex finally saw the astral projection of the young adventurer after lights died.

The dead adventurer's soul is here, as expected. Let's see if he can read my mind and see if he is trustworthy to let him stay. Let's start by not knowing his name. Can they see him too?

Alex felt proud after one of his conclusions came true and wanted to know more of the young ghost adventurer.

"Who are you kid? and why you're stopping me?" Alex asked and tested him.

"I'm the adventurer whose body you stole! and I am here to stop you." The ghost declared Alex, known as a dead young adventurer while pointing Grithra.

hmmm, so he's not aware I saw his memories, probably he can't read my mind? that's a relief if he can't but let's test it!

Alex still testing the yound adventurer.

"The f**k you're saying kid?! are you a ghost? Get the f**k out of my sight and stop interfering or you'll die from this lava kid." Alex aimed his magma arms to the ghost, testing his courage.

"I am not a child, I am an adult! NO! I wanna save her! Your magma is useless. You can't kill me, I am a ghost that only you could see!" The dead young adventurer's soul stated to Alex.

'He may be a level 1 adventurer with more experiences in killing monsters but he still has the mind of a kid.'

Alex thought and tries to tell the truth to the Ghost.

"Listen here you ghost adventurer mf! so what if she saved you? she didn't saved me. Right now she's trying to kill me. I will erase this lunatic group. If I let her go then she'll confess my powers to the Evilus or this guild of yours and they'll capture me or worst ban me from entering the dungeon. Also, Didn't you read the contents of the letters along with me?" Alex warned the young adventurer about the consequences of letting her saviour go.

Even if that happened, I can find solutions to that. But let's see how this kid will handle it.

Alex test the ghost.

"uhmmm....I did read it with you. I am sure if you told her about our situation she'll understand, she'll probably keep it secret for us. Please I wanna repay her for saving me so please don't kill her!" The ghost childishly suggests trying to convince Alex to spare her.

"Ughh. this is annoying. This is why a kid shouldn't make adults' actions. You need to hear what you're saying first kid! What probably? I need a 100% guarantee she will keep this as a secret not some probability. Ohh wait! let me tell her that I reincarnated to the body of the dead adventurer that she killed and there's the soul of the dead adventurer still inside and telling me to let you live. How's that hmmm?!!" Alex learned that the ghost knew the letters but still sarcastically told the ghost to ridicule the suggestion.

Before the ghost could reply.

"Oh wait! I'm 'probably' sure the seals won't kill me first before telling her. Even if I told her that and the seals didn't activate, I'm 'probably' sure and I could 'probably' trust her that she'll understand my situation and she'll keep this a secret and not treat me as a guy delusional mind already. How's that sound kid?" Alex with another sarcastic remark.

"When you put it like that. It might sound crazy." the ghost sadly answered.

"It might?! Listen Kid! I'll tell you again I don't owe her favors and I don't owe you favors too, so I won't save her since she is trying to kill me. Just go to heaven, paradise or whatever it's called, join gasper already." Alex tried his best to deter the kid, to focus on killing Evilus again.

"g-Gasper? PLEASE save her! in exchange I will leave your body and pass away peacefully." The young adventurer bowed and desperately requested to Alex really wanting to save his savior.

"How can I know I'll trust you? You know what! Raise your head and stand still kid." Alex commanded the ghost

The ghost stood completely still.

Alex created finger glass and bumped his head into the ghost.

and it worked

He's not lying.

Alex concluded and determined the Ghost was honest and truthful after using the Glare-Glare Fruit or Giro Giro no Mi's memory reading ability.

"You've got yourself a deal. Now go away kid!" Alex commanded and the ghost disappeared.

Alex snapped back to present and saw the frightened Evilus while holding Grithra in his left hand again.

To be continued







{Anti-Monsters Barrier Remaining Time; 11 Months : 30 Days : 21 Hours : 45 Minutes}

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