
Pink Moon’s Retribution

The adopted but cherished, Alysa is chased by the undaunted passion of the Alpha, Jeremy. Alysa plays out her courage in handling her family twist and secrets. Jeremy remains the abusive and egotistical Alpha. He lays out risks and stakes to get Alysa as his own—including his loved ones. Alysa remains on hooks with her twisted fate after meeting Max. After losing her beloved Foster Mother, will she be able to save herself from Jeremy? How will the secrets come out as bonds and trusts are broken? No one could be trusted or loyal, mistakes are created by the minute. Who is the father of Alysa's Child? Will she survive the haunt with her unborn child?

Octoverse · ファンタジー
122 Chs

Chapter sixty one

"Would I really utter something I am not sure about?" I said.


I walked out and stood on the balcony. I started thinking about the fact that the witch I got the portion from never existed.


"How doesn't she exist? Why should that be happening and where did she come from?" I said to myself.


I had to think hard. I returned to the chambers hoping to find Alysa. I wanted to know how she was doing.


I was in a mess.

Jeremy's POV


"You look so good tonight. I didn't know the gown would fit so well. That's not bad," I said. I had to complement her, she deserved it. I don't know why I was being so harsh on my feelings back then, because as I was looking at her, it felt like everything was falling into place


"Thank you, anything good fits me perfectly," She said.

Alysa looked so happy for a long while, she looked like she had no problems.