
Pig Supporter

Titus wakes up to find himself among a group a adult size pig face humanoid facing him, that soon forces him into a painful experience. Realizing that this was not his mind playing tricks on him, he soon realize that he was also a pigman and began trying out his best to survive in a tribal horde of other pigmen. Unfortunately Titus was bestowed a body that was smaller and weaker than even the below average pigmen in the tribe, leading the other warrior to consider putting his weak flesh to nourish others more better warriors. Luckily the Tribe Shaman found that Titus was more in attune to the arcane arts of magic, decides to take him in as his servant boy. Follow Titus on his journey to discover his new life as a pigman considered as both monster and primitive race. Titus will have to learn how to fit in his new reality of primitive monsters around him, or become the next meal. What Titus' actions bring as he is forced into deadly situations, and whether or not he'll come to regret it.

LazeePanda · ファンタジー
3 Chs

2-Sweat like a Pig

A hard kick jolted Titus awake, while also sending surge of pains to his stomach.

"Up. Weakling. Else. We. Eat. You." Slobs of grunts and loud noises passes into Titus's ear, still trying to get use to the new form of communication with his fellow pigman.

Titus was forced himself to get up as fast as he can, as he did not want to test the words of being made into the next meal. Titus used his hand to push himself up with sweat trickling down on his dirt covered pink skin.

"Hah! Here. Hoping. Have. Pig. Meat." The large pigman who looked to be the one in charge of the group grunted with dissatisfaction. "You. Losers. Eat. Grass. Then. Fight. Again. Winner. Eat. Meat! Fight. Be. Stronger." The large pigman pointed with one of his fat fingers towards the forest with plants and mushroom growing plenty around.

"Hahaha." The pigmen surrounding them began laughing at the two newborn losers, drawing entertainment from the poor treatment of fellow pigmen.

Titus eyes moisten from the pain and the upcoming predicament placed on him. He could tell that he would not have enough time to try concoct a solid plan to escape, as he is surrounded by hostile primitive monsters from all side. What's worst is that some of them were eyeing him with hungry look in their eyes. How was he able to tell that they were thinking about eating him? He noticed that some of the meat on the poorly made table tree stump had limbs of other pigman lying around, with the head of a half eaten pigman's head being the biggest clue.

'Shit, shit, shit,' Repeating the word many time, Titus forces his pain filled body towards the plant to eat. He fell down on his knee abruptly as he was too tire to care, he started grabbing whatever plants and mushroom to eat. He even thought that maybe dying would be better, so he wouldn't have to suffer through all this bull shit. Yet he knew that he was too cowardly to think of dying, as didn't know if he might be put in a worst situation if he died and born anew. A big 'if" that he was not willing to test.

The other naked pigman who lost was also shoving greeneries into his mouth, yet every now and then he would squeal in delight as he found bugs and worms to eat.

A burst of anger then started budding in his mind, as he kept devouring any plants he could grab on to. Anger that pointed towards his tormentors that forced him to fight. Anger from all of them laughing at him for being weak. Anger at the situation forcing him to follow to the whim of a ugly fat humanoid monster.

"Enough! Now. You. Losers. Come. Fight. Again." The large pigman ordered.

Yet both of them did not listen, as they still gorged ourselves with the veggie buffet in front of them. As hunger has taken a large hold of their mind.

Seeing the disobedience from both of the losers, the leading pigman was not anger. He merely grunted and two geared pigman stepped forward to grab one each of Titus and the other naked pigman ears, dragging both of them to the pit with no care to the pain they were feeling. If anything, they were snickering with glee at the free entertainment. Bullying the weak seems to put them all on high as they relish watching both Titus and the naked pigman scrunch their face from pain.

Both geared pigmen tossed both Titus and the other pigman into the pit by their eyes, leaving deep shade of red mark on the both their ears.

"Fight. Earn. Meat. To. Eat!" The broken words of the pigman ringed on both Titus and his newborn pigman. Both eyeing each other with cautions, which barely lasted a few seconds. As the other pigman in the pit saw Titus as a prey in his eyes. Drools mixed with blood dripped down on his one eye face, as he approach Titus with malicious intent.

'Shit, shit, shit.' Titus' mind was failing about in a rollercoaster as he tried to find a way to beat his opponent. He knew that he was smaller, weaker, and still exhausted from earlier. He began listing out his opponents points to distract his pessimistic mind.

'Ok, he's exhausted just like me. One of eyes are blinded too from the constant bleeding coming from his right eye.' Titus look around his opponent body to see any obvious point he can use to advantage.

'One of finger his bent wrong from his left hand, that mean I hat to watch out for his right hand mostly.' Titus began quickly formulating a plan in his mind, as he knew taking the fight head on was suicidal.

"Heeeee!" Titus opponent gave out a high pitch battle cry then began rushing forward to crush him with his larger body. Seeing this, Titus began quickly moving to the blind side of the pigman. Titus knew that his small frame was a lot weaker from just a glance comparing both their arm muscles. Titus' arm could be consider thin compare to his opponent's bicep. Using his own common sense, he assume that all the fat on his opponent would also negate a lot of his already weak attack he could do. Titus was able to dodge the wide swings aiming to bash him, Titus then try to take some distance away from him.

It soon began to turn into a scene where a large naked pigman chase after the smaller naked hornless pigman. This made the surrounding pigman annoy from the boring blood match they were seeing. Usually the new blood pigman fights were more brutal and blood thirsty as they were newly created from mana creation or breeding birth with little intelligence other than fighting with their instinct. Seeing this match made them all scream out for a bloodbath, while stomping on the ground. This in turn made the ground in the pit begin to shake.

Titus losing his focus from all the loud noise and shaking on the ground, made an opening for his opponent to take advantage of. Unable to dodge Titus took a full arm smash from the side, sending him landing a few meters towards the edge of the pit.

"Winner. Eat. Loser. Meat!" The pigman in charge shouted out with glee and excitement for the gory seen that is about to come. This also cause all the other pigman to chant feverishly.


None of them even thought about Titus making a comeback, as they have seen plenty of time where smaller pigman would be ripped to pieces to be easier to feast on.

'F**K this hurts!' Titus on the other hand was trying to get himself back up, pushing both his hand on the blood mixed mud ground. Looking up he saw his opponent stalking slowly towards him, bathing in the savagery of winner glow going on in the pit. Anger started sparking in Titus mind. Anger at being placed in such a savage crazy place. Anger at being force to obey the whim of crazy lunatic pigs. Anger at himself for being weak.

Just when the the naked one eye pigman was bending over to reach for his prize meal, Titus quickly turned around to face him. Titus smash a large handful of mud blood into the pigs only eye blinding him.

*SQUEAL!* The pigman screamed in pain, he tried to use one hand to wipe off the mud while flailing his other hand to defend himself. With little time to lose Titus quickly got up and ran behind his opponent back. Titus then ran and jumped up, using one of his hand to cross over his neck and two legs to hold onto one eye pigman's back. With his free hand Titus began smashing with a close fist towards the one eye pigman's ear and skull repeatedly.


After the 6th hit that Titus delivered, the one eye pigman finally regain his sense. Titus then felt the one eye pigman begin to drop backward. Yet Titus was not able to fully get out of the way, as his body was not built for speed at all even if it is smaller.


Titus left side of the body got crush by the full weight of the one eye pigman, pushing out all the air inside him. Knowing that his situation will only worsen if he stay in his position, he tried to turn his body towards his right side to get up. Yet before he could even stand up fully, he felt a strong grasp pulling onto his ear up.

"AAAAHH!" Titus let out a high pitch scream from his pig ears being harshly pulled, while his enemy gave no care if he rip it off or not.

No, the only thing in the one eye pigman view is hatred and hunger to vent on the suppose weak prey. Suffering unexpected pain from a little piglet only cause the one eye pigman to go crazy, which he gladly showed by biting onto Titus' left shoulder.


The one eye pigman teared off a chunk of flesh from Titus, giving it a few bite in front of Titus' view on purpose. Waiting to see the weak piglet squirm in fear.

*I'M GOING TO KILL YOU. YOU F**KING B**TARD!* Pure anger filling every part of his mind, he tried feeling anything around him to smash the savage pig eating him. All of his body is either in pain or exhausted from the crazy situation he's forced into.


With anger raging in his mind, something stirred inside of mind. A feeling that he have no memory of. The feeling began gathering quickly to his stomach, causing Titus to feel a sudden stuffiness beginning to overwhelm. Titus still clouded with anger and the new sensation filling him up. He did the only thing he could. He screamed.