
Chapter 29


The Medicine Hall elder's words started a discussion among the students.

"'Awarded half a point', what does that mean?"

Because of how tight-lipped Green Luan Academy staff and students were, not much was known about its operations.

Expecting the confusion, a senior teaching assistant offered an explanation.

"For doing noteworthy things, points can be awarded. The amount is determined by the level and difficulty of contribution. These points can be exchanged for material rewards like medicines, cultivation techniques, armor and weapons."

Hearing this, many students glanced at Xu Zhenyan and Gao Yanan chatting, an amiable smile on the former's face.

Inwardly, they tried rationalizing away their sense of inferiority.

'Talent isn't everything. Surely, my efforts will allow me to catch up!'

Those were their thoughts.

However, the Xu clan's young master already earned half-a-point before they even knew such a thing existed!

"Hey, is it true the Zhou family is descended from Northern Frozen Sea's giants?"

Seemingly unaware of the looks coming his way, Xu Zhenyan whispered a question near Gao Yanan's ear.

Feeling their appearance was a little too intimate, the girl was about to put some distance between them. Yet, seeing Xu Zhenyan's natural, unambiguous expression, she only sighed before relenting.

"You even know that?"

She didn't quite manage to keep the exasperation out of her voice. Her whole life, Gao Yanan lived quietly, keeping the family's secrets as ordered.

However, this guy who suddenly showed up seemed to see right through her. The feeling wasn't exactly pleasant.

"It's somewhat of an open secret that some families carry special bloodlines, the royal family's being the most famous."

Xu Zhenyan smiled comfortingly, as if he knew what she was thinking.

"What about you, then? Does the Xu family have a special bloodline?"

Thinking about his outstanding performance, Gao Yanan couldn't help asking such a question.

Though she didn't grow up in the main household, something that bothered her immensely, her education was thorough. However, her knowledge of the Xu family was surface-level, only knowing they had a military history.

Xu Zhenyan shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't believe so, no…"

His voice trailed off toward the end, realizing that he didn't know much about his own clan.

The conversation reaching a dead-end, there was a moment of silence.

"…well, I'm just that talented, I guess."

In an effort to dispel the awkwardness, Xu Zhenyan stuck his nose in the air mock-pretentiously, flicking his sleeves.

It seemed to work because Gao Yanan's lips pressed into a thin smile.

"Yes, your score was really amazing. And even having an unknown aptitude…"

She trailed off, leveling a scrutinizing gaze at him.

Xu Zhenyan heard the unasked question, but turned his head aside.

"Yes, it's really strange isn't it? They didn't test me, so I don't even know my own aptitude, haha…"

He wasn't Lin Xi, ready to spit out all his secrets just because a pretty girl asked him. However, Gao Yanan was always a smart one, so it wasn't strange if she smelled something fishy.

Still, there wasn't anything he could do about that.


Later that day, after walking for hours, the students were tired.

"We'll stop here for today."

The male teaching assistant, someone in their late teens or early twenties, spoke up. It was only now that they'd reached a clearing suitable for tents.

Looks of relief appeared on the youths' faces, most of them being unused to such exercise. The environment wasn't hospitable at all, being rocky and covered in thick vegetation.

"The air is getting cold. Come forward and accept your cloaks."

The middle-aged female elder, having remained silent until now, suddenly spoke.

Another assistant came forward, taking a bundle off their back and opening it. Inside, dark and luxurious pieces of clothing were revealed.

The nearest students went forward hesitantly, receiving the items one-by-one. It was a testament to the academy's discernment and the quality of applicants that the process was orderly from start to finish.

"Wow, it's incredible!"

A male student, likely from a humble background, exclaimed disbelievingly. Such a material, soft, warm and glossy, was something he'd never seen before.

"The cloaks are made from northern sea-otter fur. It isn't an exaggeration to say that, even if you wanted to buy one in the outside world, you wouldn't be able to."

The female elder looked at them with an indulgent smile.

A golden spoon female student nodded her head, running her fingers through the soft fur.

"My father runs a business in Central Province. If he sold something like this, I believe it wouldn't be less than fifty gold talents."

A collection of silent gasps sounded when the students heard the price. Surely, it couldn't be so exaggerated? That was more money than most wealthy families earned in a year.

"You have a good eye, little miss. However, that price would only cover the material and labor costs."

The male teaching assistant informed her patiently. Before the students could exclaim again, the man continued.

"Come, everyone. The Self Defense Department will continue their journey, but the rest of us will make camp. It's time to learn how to set up tents yourselves."

This prompted the youths to unsling their own packages, issued yesterday by the academy. Each finding a place for themselves, they proceeded under instruction from the dozen-or-so seniors.

Xu Zhenyan make his separate from the group, near an outcropping of trees. At the halfway point of their journey, Gao Yanan left, apparently wanting to forge relationships with her fellow female students.

If it was anyone else, he would've suspected her reasoning. A boy and a girl talking as intimately as them could only provoke rumors.

However, Gao Yanan was a straight-forward type who didn't much care for the opinions of others.

Setting up his tent, Xu Zhenyan's senses extended to the surroundings. It wasn't on purpose. Rather, his heightened awareness was like gas inside a flask, naturally filling every nook and cranny.

"…go speak to him? I don't think they're like that anyway."

Predictably, people were gossiping about him and Gao Yanan. In particular, it was a pair of girls, appearing a year-or-two older than he.

Xu Zhenyan didn't pay much attention to this. In fact, it wasn't an exaggeration to say he was the center of attention the whole day.

"Listen up, everyone. Most of you haven't eaten anything since this afternoon. That's really too bad because, as you see, we didn't bring anything either. You'll have to go hungry tonight, but don't worry—we'll teach you how to forage for food tomorrow."

Suddenly, the middle-aged female elder delivered such a depressing statement.

Even the more observant students, having guessed this already, nonetheless felt a sense of gloom. It was worth nothing that the bumpkins among them rarely went without food—at this time, the Yunqin empire was still prosperous and safe, the poor being able to enjoy two meals per day.

Many people unconsciously gazed at Xu Zhenyan, remembering him carrying provisions. However, due to feelings of inferiority and unworthiness, there was an inherit resistance to asking for food.

It was a tall boy that separated from the crowd, walking over to Xu Zhenyan under the gazes of many. Many people knew him—a golden spoon named Bai Zihou.

"I am Bai Zihou. It's an honor to meet you, young master Xu. Would you share some of your food with me? I'm willing to provide compensation."

After providing an introduction, he got straight to the point, something Xu Zhenyan appreciated.

'Bai Zihou… that name sounds a little familiar, but like that of a side-character.'

Thinking for a moment, he eventually shook his head.

"Unfortunately, I shared most of my rations earlier today with miss Gao. She had a bigger appetite than I expected, so there isn't much left."

His tone wasn't particularly loud, but the words spread throughout the camp like a gunshot. In the first place, everyone was already listening. On top of that, he actually said something so strange about the ice-queen-like existence, Gao Yanan!

The person in question, being involved in a quiet conversation with a group of girls, raised her head sharply.

"What nonsense are you speaking now?"

Her sharp voice cut through the awkward silence like a hot knife through butter.

Xu Zhenyan immediately became cowed, his neck shrinking inwards while a hand went to his mouth.

"Ah, please ignore what I just said everyone. It wasn't really true."

His tone was embarrassed and meek.

However, the sudden apology, as well as Xu Zhenyan's appearance like a henpecked husband, only caused the students' suspicions to deepen.

Apparently, Gao Yanan also thought something was strange, sending Xu Zhenyan a dangerous, narrow-eyed glare.

"…that's unfortunate, young master Xu."

Bai Zihou, not knowing what else to say, dropped such a line. Truth be told, he could deal without dinner. Rather than that, he was just looking for an excuse to speak with Xu Zhenyan.

The Xu clan's young master, seeing this fellow didn't get lost despite being caught in embarrassment, rolled his eyes inwardly.

'This trip is going to last even longer if I have to drag around a coattail passenger like him.'


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