
Pick a gorgeous CEO for a wife

In a dark night, a generation of military god Qin Yu picked up a drunken beauty president, since then, Qin Yu's life has completely changed. What? The CEO of Stunning Beauty proposed? That's a little fast, isn't it? All right, I'll do it. What? Little girl looking for a hookup? You know what? You're too young, but you could use some training. What? Iceberg beauty cop not obedient? Easy! You have to spank her! Fight until you serve!

Taoistpatriarch · 都市
30 Chs

Chapter 00030:No regrets

"Ziyan, for the last time, are you sure you want to continue acting with this Qin?"

Su Ziyan whether temperament or appearance figure are in line with Gu Chen aesthetic, originally Gu Chen intended not to torture her again.

But now, Gu Chen changed his mind, he wants to put Su Ziyan torture completely!

"I'm not acting. He's really my husband."

This Su Ziyan did not lie, her relationship with Qin Yu is protected by Chinese law.

"Ziyan, you will regret this."

With that, Gu Chen took out his checkbook from his arms.

Brush, brush, and fill in the number 60 million.

HSH, the check was torn down, Gu Chen a cheque dumped to Qin Yu.

"Here's sixty million, Mr. Qin. Please remember your promise."

With a bang, Su Ziyan's head explodes again!

She really did not think that Gu Chen would really take out 60 million yuan for him!

Su Ziyan know, take out the 60 million has let Gu Chen into a rage, waiting for her must be endless torture!

Qin Yu happy took the check, seriously look, Qin Yu convinced that this check is real and effective.

But Qin Yu deliberately pretend not to understand the check, the check in front of Su Ziyan shook.

"Wife, is this check real? Can I really withdraw $60 million?"

"Qin Yu! Get this scrap of paper away from me! Get out of here!"

Qin Yu move to make Su Ziyan completely desperate, she feels he is a joke, how can she put hope on such a smelly rogue?

"Huh? Scrap paper, huh? Gu Shao, you are too dishonest, you actually gave me waste paper, this waste paper I do not want, I want to transfer money. This is my account!"

Qin Yu knows that checks can be voided, and only cash and transfers are real money.

"Cut, bumpkin, here's a Swiss cashier's check! How can it be waste paper? So Jae-yeon is stupid enough to hire a contestant like you? I'm drunk too!"

Quxiaoting disdain swept Su Ziyan at a glance.

"Today I finally understand what a pig teammate is."

Gu Chen a small cold laugh.

"Mr. Qin, as all my friends can testify, this is a Swiss cashier's check. You can go to the bank and withdraw it now."

Gu Chen smiled at Qin Yu.

"Gu Shao, you also said that they are all your friends and will certainly help you speak, I only believe my wife, you don't want to fool us rural people." No, my family moved from the countryside five or six years ago, we are no longer rural people, you don't want to fool us city people."

"Ziyan, do you think this check is real?"

Gu Chen not angry at all, looking at Su Ziyan with a smile.

Su Ziyan at a glance to see this check is true, but she dont want to Qin Yu just go, Su Ziyan cold face dont speak.

"My wife doesn't say anything, which means the check is fake. Gu Shao, you are too insincere."

Click, click, Qin Yu will hand the check tear into pieces.

Everyone's twitching. Oh, my God, this idiot tore up a $60 million check!

Su Ziyan heart is also sneer more than, if Qin Yu this stinking rogue know he tore 60 million checks, will love dearly vomit blood ah?

"Yes! Transfer money, transfer money! What's your account?"

Gu Chen squinted his eyes, he has sentenced Qin Yu to death, this evening is Qin Yu memorial day.

"My account is 6212... 2195, the head of the household is Qin Yu, Qin Shi Huang, the universe of Yu, Qin Shi Huang unified China, I want to unify the whole universe."

Qin Yu very happy back out of the bank account, and his life motto also back out.

Qin Yu words to get a roll of the eyes, Gu Chen tried to resist the impulse to beat people, Qin Yu account down, took out a mobile phone to call a number, the phone quickly connected.

"Mr. Gu, what's your order?"

"Give 6212 at once... 2195 This account transfers $60 million."


The action there is very fast, just hang up the phone less than half a minute, Qin Yu's mobile phone rang.

Qin Yu took out his mobile phone and saw that his mobile phone received a message.

"Your bank card ending in 2195 has received a transfer of 60 million Chinese yuan, please check it."

"Whoaa! One two three four five six seven, seven zeros! It really is seven zeros! I'm a multimillionaire!" Qin Yu shouted excitedly.

Gu Chen disdain skimming mouth, sure enough is not seen money bumpkins, Gu Chen to Qin Yu smile.

"Mr. Qin, isn't it time to keep your promise?"

"Yes, yes, Gu Shao is so interesting, I will definitely keep my promise!" I'm leaving!"

Gu Chen sneer, he can in just two years will Gu Group's output value multiplied several times, how can there be no gray background?

I am afraid that some people have the life to take money, but not the life to spend it!

Several of Gu Chen's children also gave a sneer, and it was obvious that they understood the meaning behind Gu Chen's smile.

Su Ziyan's heart sank to the valley, finished, Gu Chen really gave sixty million!

This is really over.

Su Ziyan seems to have become a walking corpse, staring at the top of her feet.

Just when Su Ziyan had fallen into despair, a warm big hand suddenly grasped her small hand.

Looking up, it was Qin Yu.

Su Ziyan subconscious want to break free, she hated Qin Yu this cynical bastard!

But how strong is Qin Yu?

How can Su Ziyan escape his grasp?

Just when Su Ziyan wants to open her mouth to scold, Qin Yu that voice in her ear rings: "wife, bless us to send, we can go?"

Aha? What the hell? Su Ziyan was stunned, silly looking at Qin Yu can not say a word.

"Qin, let go of Ziyan! You're a little over the top! The minute you get paid, you want to back out? Do you think I'm a ball of cotton? You can squeeze it any way you want?"

See Qin Yu holding Su Ziyan's small hands, Gu Chen hate cant cut off Qin Yu's big hands!

"Back out? I didn't go back on it! Just now Gu Shao said, I get the money as soon as I leave! I'm leaving, but I'm taking my wife with me."

Qin Yu grinned, showing his big white teeth.

"Fuck you! You want to die!"

Gu Chenfa small temper of the most violent Han Jian grabbed a bottle, when the head hit Qin Yu's head!

The sudden change made the women present exclaim, only Su Ziyan very calm.

Su Ziyan remember very clearly, Qin Yu's skill is very good, can save himself in front of the big truck.

Qin Yu pretended to be afraid and lurched aside to hide.

In the process of avoiding, Qin Yu's foot "accidentally" kicked Han Jian's leg.

Han Jian's body stumbled and suddenly lost its balance!

Originally hit to Qin Yu bottle hit his own head!

The follow-up update rhythm will be more than ten articles per week, thank you readers

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