
Pick a gorgeous CEO for a wife

In a dark night, a generation of military god Qin Yu picked up a drunken beauty president, since then, Qin Yu's life has completely changed. What? The CEO of Stunning Beauty proposed? That's a little fast, isn't it? All right, I'll do it. What? Little girl looking for a hookup? You know what? You're too young, but you could use some training. What? Iceberg beauty cop not obedient? Easy! You have to spank her! Fight until you serve!

Taoistpatriarch · 都市
30 Chs

Chapter 0003: So be it

Su Ziyan's lips and teeth have an attractive fragrance, instantly ignited the small universe of Qin Yu.

Qin Yu is like a wild Wolf looking for food!

Su Ziyan force holding Qin Yu, her eyes emerge a hint of self-deprecating mood.

Whoever this man is, it's better than him!

So be it...

Su Ziyan closed her eyes.

Soon, Su Ziyan suddenly feel a little cool, the clothes on the body were Cheng yuan rude tear down!

Su Ziyan subconsciously opened her eyes and saw Cheng Yuan that powerful upper body!

There are several scars and traces of gunshot wounds on the chest of this body, Su Ziyan subconsciously raised her hands, gently stroked Qin Yu chest that because of the bullet and left scars.

Su Ziyan enchanted Qin Yu, Qin Yu is not?

Qin Yu never believed in the perfect proportion, but now, he really believed!

Su Ziyan's body proportion is excellent, the long legs, the small waist, it is just...

In Su Ziyan small hands were Qin Yu as a provocation, Qin Yu fierce head into the neck of milk fragrance, deep sucking Su Ziyan body fragrance.


A dreamy dreamy talk.


Early morning, blazing sun, Los Angeles in July is like a hot stove.

Even if the curtains were closed, the sun shone through, shining on Qin Yu's face.

Qin Yu slowly opened his eyes, in the consciousness has not returned, he felt his body lying on a seductive body.

Qin Yu rubbed his head, which was about to burst, and kept thinking.

Last night and Su Ziyan drank too much, and it was red wine and white wine mixed up to drink, to the end he almost broke the piece.

Fortunately, when he opened the room, Qin Yu was still sober, so he slowly recalled the later things.

At this time Su Ziyan the whole person is like a koala lying on Qin Yu's body, Qin Yu's big hand is around that without a thin fat waist.

The touch of the beginning is as soft and soft as the sky silk, and this amazing touch makes Qin Yu's heart hot.

"Don't make a mess..." Feel Qin Yu big hand in sliding, Su Ziyan discontent grumbled, some uncomfortable moved the body, for a more comfortable position.

Qin Yu no longer random touch, grab the side of the mobile phone.

Ms. Qin's phone model, like Ms. Su's, is a Huawei brand.

Of course, the difference is that Qin Yu's mobile phone is Huawei's basic machine, and it can be taken down with 500 yuan. And So's is the latest P series.

Su Ziyan bag has charger, after last night, Qin Yu stop by to charge his mobile phone.

A boot, Qin Yu was stunned!

More than 10 missed calls, dozens of text messages, these missed calls and text messages are all Liu Tian.

Qin Yu is very strange, little five son this is what?

Don't you know he's already got the girl?

Why bother him?

Luckily his phone died.

Qin Yu returned a phone call to Liu Tian, the result shows that the phone is not answered.

Qin Yu gently shook his head, small five last night must be playing high, this point has not gotten up?

Qin Yu some boring open message a look.

Just a look, Qin Yu felt his brain burst!

What the hell?

Not a night club?

It's a coffee shop in heaven?

This is a big misunderstanding!

I'll go!

Do you dare this Su Ziyan is not the beauty that the little five son introduced to himself?

I mean, how does a piece of shit like Five get to know such a beautiful woman?

This is a big mistake!

Fuck you!

If Su Ziyan wake up to tell yourself how to do?

Qin Yu felt his scalp in numbness, a complex face looking at his chest that beautiful face.

Leg it!

This is the first reaction of Qin Yu, he does not want to be confused to go to prison!

Think of it, Qin Yu opened the air conditioning quilt, and then he saw a body that could not move his eyes!

Qin Yu forgot to escape this code thing, silly looking at Su Ziyan seductive jiao body.

Su Ziyan's skin is very white, almost comparable to white jade, Yingying exudes a youthful atmosphere.

The only catch is that there are multiple red marks on the jade skin, a testament to last night's madness.

Qin Yu slightly some remorse, he is too not pity Xiangxiangyu. How could he leave a flaw in something so beautiful?

All of a sudden, Qin Yu's body shook!

He saw a bright plum blossom on the sheet!

Beauty is heartbreaking!

Qin Yu is like being split by Jiao Lei!

The woman who slept with her the first time she met, she's a prostitute?

At this moment, Qin Yu where also care to escape?

He can't run away!

If Su Ziyan is an indulgent woman, escape will also escape, but Su Ziyan actually so pure!

This plum blossom simply blinds Qin Yu's dog eyes!

Qin Yu will escape to the idea of Java, gently hug Su Ziyan, even if he is in prison!

Feel Qin Yu big hand suddenly increased the force, Su Ziyan face showing a stable smile, as if in Qin Yu arms are very safe.

In Qin Yu uneasy complex waiting, Su Ziyan that long eyelashes finally moved a little.

Su Ziyan like to hold a big bear when sleeping, Qin Yu body is much stronger than a big bear, Su Ziyan hold very tight, very safe.

Su Ziyan opened her eyes in a daze, and then she froze.

What is this place? Why so strange?

And then... It didn't feel right. The bear was furry, but the thing he was holding was a little slippery.

See clearly he is holding Qin Yu, Su Ziyan a terrified, she felt the man is very strange, but a little familiar.

Su Ziyan's face shows waves of confusion, suddenly, Su Ziyan feel his head hurts, Su Ziyan raised his hand to cover his forehead.

She can't hold her liquor, and she still feels a little drunk after drinking so much.

Slowly, the feeling of headache disappeared, Su Ziyan recalled last night's frenzy.

A think of his appearance last night, Su Ziyan shame hate can not find a seam into the ground!

Of course, the feeling of exasperation was fleeting.

"Is it comfortable?"

Feel the temperature of Qin Yu big hand, Su Ziyan small heart and liver tremble, but she was calm expression asked this sentence.

While asking, Su Ziyan looked up and saw clearly Qin Yu's cheek.

Huh? He's pretty handsome!

Not too bad to give it to him the first time.

"Er..." Qin Yu a terrified, silly looking at Su Ziyan can not say a word.

In the process of waiting, Qin Yu imagined a lot of Su Ziyan's reaction.

Found himself lost, Su Ziyan should cry, should scold. Qin Yu how also didnt think Su Ziyan will be so calm.

"What do you mean, eh? Is it uncomfortable to hold?"

Do not know why, see Qin Yu so lovely appearance, Su Ziyan mood is very beautiful.

"No... No, it's very comfortable." Qin Yu quickly shook his head.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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