
Pick a gorgeous CEO for a wife

In a dark night, a generation of military god Qin Yu picked up a drunken beauty president, since then, Qin Yu's life has completely changed. What? The CEO of Stunning Beauty proposed? That's a little fast, isn't it? All right, I'll do it. What? Little girl looking for a hookup? You know what? You're too young, but you could use some training. What? Iceberg beauty cop not obedient? Easy! You have to spank her! Fight until you serve!

Taoistpatriarch · 都市
30 Chs

Chapter 00027:Hands

Su Ziyan said, while giving Qin Yu demonstrated.

Her movements are incomparably graceful and full of infinite beauty.

Qin Yu heart secretly praise, beauty is beauty, even cut steak can be so beautiful.

Qin Yu want to become steak, even if his wife cut is also willing.

"Was it so easy to cut a steak?"

Qin Yu pretended to have learned the look, fumbling to pick up a knife and fork, pretending to show.

Snuck, Qin Yu will steak from the plate to get out.

"How stupid you are! Can't you learn something so simple?"

See Qin Yu clumsy look, Su Ziyan is depressed dead.

"Ahem... I'll try again."

Qin Yu pretended to be in a hurry and used a fork to put the cow back on the plate.

Qin Yu took a deep breath and picked up the knife and fork again.

Su Ziyan rolled her eyes, others are so elegant when they take a knife and fork, why does this stinking rogue look like a bandit when he takes a knife and fork?

What's more ridiculous is that the correct position of holding a knife and fork is holding it, but Qin Yu is holding it backwards, looking like a stupid duck.

Sure enough, sizzle, steak was Qin Yu again from the plate out.

Su Ziyan was almost mad and said angrily, "Qin Yu, how well do your eyes work? Do you see how I hold a knife and fork? How can you cut a steak if you have the wrong knife and fork?"

Qin Yu heart smile, face but pretend to be a very innocent appearance.

"Wife, I just found myself so stupid, or you teach me hand by hand, you teach me the correct way to hold a knife and fork first."

"All right! Don't move. I'll teach you little by little."

Su Ziyan picked up a knife in one hand, a hand hold Qin Yu's big hand.

Qin Yu heart is to cool dead, good wife take his hand ah!

Be Su Ziyan hand held, Qin Yu where also play out of the trick?

He held the knife in the most standard position, and the fork did the same.

With the right knife and fork in the right position, it was much easier to cut the steak, and Qin Yu quickly cut the steak into a small square.

Su Ziyan nodded with satisfaction: "Smarter than I thought, I will teach you how to drink red wine."

"Wife, first not busy studying drinking ah, cut steak and then how to do?"

"Are you a pig? I will eat it after cutting it!"

"How can I eat without chopsticks?"


Su Ziyan almost choked.

"You must remember that! You must not look for chopsticks at the party later! There are no chopsticks in Western food!"

"Are foreigners all perverts? How can I eat without chopsticks?"

"Fork! Watch and eat!"

Su Ziyan angry fork fork a steak, stuffed into his mouth.

"Wife, this thing is so sharp, what if you Pierce your mouth?" Qin Yu pretended to be afraid.

"It won't stick in your mouth, I've already tried it once, you can eat it boldly."

"I'm afraid. I can't eat it. I'll really puncture my mouth." Qin Yu kept shaking his head.

"Do you believe me?" Su Ziyan directly looked at Qin Yu.

"Believe it! Qin Yu nodded without hesitation.

"Open your mouth! I'll feed you a piece and you'll understand!"

"All right."

Qin Yu opened his mouth, Su Ziyan fork up a steak, stuffed into his mouth.

Qin Yu is almost cool to death, this treatment, like the ancient landowners!

Qin Yu felt that his wife was almost adorable.

"Not afraid now?"

"I'm still afraid, and I want more." Qin Yu shamelessly opened his mouth.

"If you want to stop, you can fork yourself." Su Ziyan sour knock Qin Yu's head a.

"Hey hey..."

Know he was Su Ziyan see through, Qin Yu no longer pretentiousness, their fork a steak.

This time, Qin Yu's action standard is abnormal, naturally emitting a strong aura.

Su Ziyan nodded, the stinky rogue really sometimes quite annoying, but his learning ability is good, she just actually felt a little aristocratic breath in Qin Yu's body.


This idea scared Su Ziyan a big jump, just this stinking gangster? How is that possible!

"The knife and fork are getting a bit better. Now you can drink."

"What's wrong with drinking? Just catch and drink."

Qin Yu grabbed the glass, looked up, and drank the scarlet liquor in the glass.

Su Ziyan corners of the mouth keep twitching, where is drinking red wine?

This is clearly a drink!

Su Ziyan feel very funny, she just actually in the Qin Yu body felt a unique breath of nobility.

"That's not how you drink wine. You have to drink wine!"

"The first thing to do is to check the purity and fineness of the wine. Place the glass on top of the white cloth, tilt it slightly and shake it to check for impurities."

"If there are no impurities, then look at the color of the wine, dark red with a slight brown yellow is old wine, and purple is new wine."

"So there are so many things about drinking red wine? Wife, you have to teach me, I do not know how to hold the cup, and I do not know how to tilt the cup."

Qin Yu deliberately will hand a few words bite very heavy.

"Well, here's how..."

Su Ziyan once again fooled, with little hands to correct Qin Yu posture.

Finally, help Qin Yu adjust a standard wine-holding posture.

"Oh, it's really dark red, with a hint of brownish yellow on the outside, it's good wine!"

"The next is to smell the wine, smelling the wine is very simple, is to put the mouth of the cup next to the nose, take a deep breath, smell the stronger the aroma, the better the wine." And then you taste the wine, you take a sip, you hold the wine in your mouth, you push the wine around your mouth with the tip of your tongue, and you try to get all the taste cells in your mouth to feel the wine."

Qin Yu's eyes lit up, thought of a wonderful attention, the boy hey hey smile: "wife... What..."

"Call a spade a spade."

"What you just said is very general, how do you use the tip of your tongue to push the liquor around your mouth?" Why don't you hold your hand, no, you teach me the tongue?"

Tongue to tongue?

Su Ziyan's eyes widened!

She could not for the life of her understand how this filthy rascal could be so shameless.

"Forget it, there is no need to do this part of the wine tasting so perfect, anyway, the wine in the mouth, others can not see." As long as you can see and smell wine well."

"How can this work? I Qin Yu work, or do not do, to do it must be perfect. Wife, you must be a little more dedicated, your mind can not be too dirty, you are giving me training, not tongue kissing."